Józef Bury
Jozef Bury (b. 1961 in Mielec, Poland, lives and works in Paris) is a multidisciplinary artist who articulates researches about space-and-time problems, polysensory perception, subcognitive attitude and memory of experience. While working with such mediums as photograph, painting, performance and new media.
- "Cyberspace and the Local Illusion — Working notes, 1992–2005 ", in : Sobieszczanski, M., Lacroix, C., (dir.), From split-screen to multi-screen. The spatially distributed video-cinematic narration. Peter Lang, 2010
- Interfejs Interface, Katowice : BWA Contemporary Art Gallery 2008
- "Chronoscopie" in : Costantini, M. (dir.) Ecce Femina, Paris : Harmattan 2007
- "La photographie à l'épreuve", id : "De la vidéo aux arts performatifs", in : Frontisi C. (dir.), Histoire visuelle de l'art, Paris : Larousse 2005
- Art subcognitif, Katowice: BWA Contemporary Art Gallery 2004
- "Tropologie de l'espace – notes de travail 1992–1997" in : Sobieszczanski, M., Lacroix, C. (dir.) Spatialisation en art et sciences humaines, Paris : Peeters Publishers 2004
- "Sur la peinture" in : MANIF Seoul 2002, Seoul : Seoul Arts Center 2002
External links
- http://jozefbury.free.fr/index.html Official Web site
- http://www.artincontext.org/image/image_main.aspx?id=1417
- http://free.art.pl/international_art_meeting/bury.html
- http://www.artfacts.net/index.php/pageType/artistInfo/artist/143979/lang/4
- http://www.artnews.org/artist.php?i=1230
- http://seminaire.photo.ens.free.fr/archives/2003/bury/bury.html
- http://books.google.fr/books?id=4PUMCJpd4lUC&pg=PA23&dq=isbn:2738496091&ie=ISO-8859-1&output=html&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=0_0