Israel Religious Action Center

The Israel Religious Action Center (Hebrew: המרכז לפלורליזם יהודי) also known as IRAC, was established in 1987 as the public and legal advocacy arm of the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism. It is located in Jerusalem, Israel. IRAC aims to defend equality, social justice, and religious pluralism within Israel, through the Israeli legal system, lobbying and publications. Author Elana Maryles Sztokman calls IRAC "the preeminent civil and human rights organization in Israel," advocating for a broadly inclusive democracy and promoting social justice. [1] Recent campaigns include an effort to ban gender segregation on Israeli public buses, a successful public campaign for the abolition of income guarantees to kollel students, and a lobbying campaign in defense of human rights organizations operating in Israel. Anat Hoffman, currently the executive director of IRAC, is also the director and a founding member of Neshot HaKotel, also known as "Women of the Wall" or WoW, an organization of women who pray at the Western Wall in an egalitarian manner. Rabbi Noa Sattath is director of IRAC. She has completed five years in that role.[2]

Areas of focus

Promote acceptance of religious pluralism in Israel, working to secure equal funding and status for Reform and Conservative movements.

Oppose discrimination against women and gender segregation (see sex segregation).

Oppose racism in Israel, particularly when incited by religious or government representatives.

Secure the rights of converts to Judaism.

Promote freedom of marriage and equal rights in divorce.[3]


External links


  1. Sztokman, Elana Maryles. The War on Women in Israel: A Story of Religious Radicalism and the Women Fighting for Freedom. Sourcebooks, 2014 p. 284
  2. Meet the lesbian rabbi about to lead a crusade against racism in Israel Haaretz, 24 Feb 2015
  3. "IRAC Mission"
  4. "Eisenberg, Dan 'Police investigate Jerusalem rabbis for racist incitement' (March 21, 2006) The Jerusalem Post"
  5. "A Victory Over Gender Exclusion in Israel"
  6. "Kobi Nahshoni:'NIS 104M class action suit against haredi radio'",7340,L-4274885,00.html
  7. "Nachshoni, Kobi 'Court rules against gender segregation at funerals' (Dec. 9, 2014) YNET",7340,L-4601450,00.html
  8. "RENEE GHERT-ZAND 'Will arrest of Lehava leader extinguish anti-assimilation activists’ fervor? Opponents of extreme right-wing group believe police action against Benzi Gopstein may have come too late' The Times of Israel (16 Dec 2014)"
  9. "Allison Kaplan Sommer 'An unlikely feminist victory in ultra-Orthodox Bnei Brak' (1 Jan 2015) Haaretz"
  10. IRAC Newsletter " Rights on Flights" 5 Jan 2015
  11. When a Plane Seat Next to a Woman Is Against Orthodox Faith The New York Times, 9 April 2015