Ishme-Dagan II

Išme-Dagān II, inscribed miš-me dda-gan and meaning “(the god) Dagan has heard,” was a rather obscure ruler of Assyria, sometime during the first half of the 16th century BC in the midst of a dark age (Edzard's "dunkles Zeitalter"), succeeding his father, Šamši-Adad II, and in turn succeeded by Šamši-Adad III from whose reign extant contemporary inscriptions resume. According to the Assyrian Kinglist, he reigned sixteen years.


He belonged to the so-called Adasi dynasty, founded by the last of seven usurpers who succeeded in the turmoil following the demise of Šamši-Adad I’s Amorite dynasty. He is only known from king lists.[1] The relationship with his successor is uncertain as the copies describe Šamši-Adad III’s father as Išme-Dagān, the brother of Šarma-Adad II (ŠEŠ-šú ša mšar-ma-dIM), who was in turn the son of mŠÚ-dNinua. This Išme-Dagān, however, has his filiation clearly given as son of Šamši-Adad II (DUMU dšam-ši-dIM). This led Yamada to suggest that Šamši-Adad III’s father was a different homonymous individual from a collateral line of descent from mŠÚ-dNinua.[2]


  1. D. O. Edzard (1999). "Išmê-Dagān II". Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, Volume 5. Walter de Gruyter. p. 196.
  2. Heather D. Baker (2008). "Šamši-Adad III". Reallexikon der Assyriologie: Prinz, Prinzessin - Samug, Bd. 11. Walter De Gruyter. p. 636.
Preceded by
Šamši-Adad II
King of Assyria
15791562 BC
Succeeded by
Šamši-Adad III