Irumagawa stable

Irumagawa stable (入間川部屋 Irumagawa-beya) is a stable of sumo wrestlers, part of the Dewanoumi ichimon or group of stables. It was set up in January 1992 by former sekiwake Tochitsukasa, who branched off from Kasugano stable. As of April 2013 it had seven wrestlers. Many have the suffix -tsukasa in their ring name, taken from the former name of their head coach.

Ring name conventions

Many wrestlers at this stable take ring names or shikona that end with the character 司 (read: tsukasa), in deference to their coach and the stable's owner, the former Tochitsukasa.


Notable active wrestlers

See also: sekitori


Notable former members


See also

External links

Coordinates: 35°52′57″N 139°36′41″E / 35.8826°N 139.6114°E