Irinej Dobrijević

Irinej Dobrijević (Serbian Cyrillic: Иринеј Добријевић, English: Irenaeus Dobrijević; United States, Cleveland 6 February 1955) is a Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Metropolitan of Australia and New Zealand. He was formerly the Bishop of Australia and New Zealand administrator and bishop of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand Diocesan.


He was raised and educated in his native Cleveland, where he finished 12th grade general education. He graduated from the two most prestigious theological colleges in the United States and the world - St. Vladimir and St. Tikhon. Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović was taught in one of them. He is a professor at the famous Loyola University in Chicago. At the invitation of Serbian Patriarch Pavle Irinej taught at the Theological Faculty in Belgrade.

He belongs to the monastic brotherhood of the monastery of St. Sava Libertyville. He had a prominent role as executive director of the Office for Foreign Affairs of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Washington. For several years he was also an editor of the magazine "Cross Orthodoxy", the official SPC publication in the U.S. and Canada. He was one of the distinguished participants to visit Yugoslavia religious leaders from the United States in 1998. He has participated in many conferences organized by the Serbian community in the diaspora. He was the initiator of the connection of the largest Serbian organizations in America.

Once it is Holy Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church elected a bishop, on 15 June 2006 . in the Cathedral Church in Belgrade načalstvovao him Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Amfilohije for bishops Australian-New Zealand, along with 16 other bishops. In October of the same year, characterized by Bishop Administrator Diocese of Australia and New Zealand Metropolitan New Gracanica.

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