
Overview of the modern port of Tigzirt from the roman ruins of Iomnium (located on the left side of the photo)

Iomnium was a roman colonia in Berber Africa. Actually it is called Tigzirt in coastal Algeria.


The Roman town was initially built between 145-47 BC and populated mainly by local berbers.[1] At first it consisted of barracks surrounded by a defensive wall to repel attacks. Once peace in Mauretania was restored by the emperor Augustus, the local population built relationships with the garrison barracks, allowing the passage of the military establishment into a civilian village run by judges appointed by the authorities of nearby Rusuccuru (actual Dellys). This period saw the birth of "rich houses" belonging to notable romans: this was done mainy under Trajan. Under Antoninus Pius Iomnium started to grow and get rich.[2] In the early third century, under Septimius Severus, Iomnium experienced a huge expansion to become what was called a full rights roman "civitas" (Latin for city) with the construction of a main temple, that was attributed to a notable citizen by the name of Julius Felix.[3]

Iomnium agglomeration experienced a long period of stability that allowed the expansion and development of its urban fabric: it was built the CARDO paved square [4] and the Temple of Genius. The city was administered by an elected board from its population: in the early fourth century -with the expansion of Christianity and the creation of a local Christian see [5]- was ordered the construction of a Christian church near the old roman pagan basilica.

The Vandals conquered temporarily the city, but the Byzantines in 533 AD expelled them and reinstated the roman way of life. In the sixth century Iomnium was improved and got the old Christian church enlarged to be a roman basilica. The arrival of the Arabs destroyed partially the city, but until the eighth century the city survived (with a small community of Romanised Berbers and some Christians).

Iomnium disappeared after the tenth century, until 1888 when the French colonists recreated a village there.


  1. Detailed map showing Iomnium near Icosium (Algiers)
  2. Image of roman ruins in Iomnium
  3. History of Iomnium/Tigzirt
  4. Photo of roman ruins
  5. Annuario Pontificio 2013: "Sedi titolari", pp. 819-1013


See also