Intervening variable

An intervening variable is a hypothetical internal state that is used to explain relationships between observed variables, such as independent and dependent variables, in empirical research.


The term “intervening variable” was first used by behavioral psychologist Edward C. Tolman in 1938.

Relation to operational definitions

An intervening variable facilitates a better understanding of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables when the variables appear to not have a definite connection. They are studied by means of operational definitions and have no existence apart. For example, an independent variable in a study on latent learning in rats is the number of practice trials received. Each rat receives an increasing number of trials, as one trial is given per day. The dependent variable is the number of wrong turns (errors) the rats make on a trial. As time, and number of practice trials, increases, the number of errors decreases. Theoretically, an internal state of “learning” intervened between the independent and dependent variables. It was this state that caused the errors to decrease, not the practice trials.

Other examples of intervening variables include: motivation, intelligence, intention, and expectation.

Intervening variables and circular reasoning

As explanations of behavior, intervening variables can lead to an error in logic called “circular reasoning.” To avoid circular reasoning, two or more operational definitions of the same internal state must be present, and they must be correlated.

See also


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