International Vocal Competition ´s-Hertogenbosch

The International Vocal Competition's-Hertogenbosch (Dutch: Internationaal Vocalisten Concours's-Hertogenbosch, IVC) has been in existence since 1954. This biennial event is organised by the Stichting Muziekstad 's-Hertogenbosch. The IVC is a member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions; it is one of the most renowned music competitions in the world and is also the only classical vocal competition in the Netherlands. The IVC attaches great importance to the discovery, development and delivery of talent in the field of classical vocal music, in which not only opera but also oratorio and Lied play important parts. The IVC offers singers the chance to perform for casting directors, concert managements, impresarios, the media and a concert and theatregoing audience.

Alongside its competition the IVC also presents master classes, workshops, summer schools and concerts. Concerts are organised in collaboration with various organisations, including Operadagen Rotterdam, the Grachtenfestival, the Peter the Great Festival, November Music and the Stabat Mater Festival. The IVC also provides advice on repertoire, career possibilities, media management and auditioning.

The IVC has been instrumental in launching the careers of many internationally-renowned singers, including Elly Ameling, Robert Holl, Thomas Hampson, Petra Lang, Jard van Nes and Lenneke Ruiten, as well as Ileana Cotrubas, Viorica Cortez, Nelly Miricioiu, Jules Bastin, Wolfgang Schöne, Ruth Ziesak, Howard Haskin, Elzbieta Szmytka, Yvonne Minton, Measha Brueggergosman, Yevgeny Nesterenko and Vladimir Pankratov. Annett Andriesen, herself an opera singer and a prizewinner of the IVC in 1975, has headed the IVC since 2008.

The IVC is open to singers of all nationalities who have had conservatory training or have reached an equivalent level. However, there is an age cap of 31 for women and 34 for men. The competition has two categories: Opera and Oratorio/Lied. Competitors may only compete in one of the two categories.

49th International Vocal Competition 2012

The 49th International Vocal Competition 's-Hertogenbosch was held from 21 through 30 September 2012. Preliminary rounds were held from 17 through 19 September 2012.

Jury International Preliminary Rounds

International Jury

Candidates will be judged on musicality, understanding of style, choice of repertoire, quality of voice, presentation, intonation and potential.

Press Jury

A representation of the finest national daily newspapers and internationally acclaimed magazines will be present during the Semi Finals.

Young Persons' Jury

The Young Persons' Jury will consist of students from the Fontys Conservatorium in Tilburg and pupils from St. Jans College.


Further prizes in the form of engagements, laureates' concerts and Elly Ameling Liedcourse

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