International Rollball Federation

International Rollball Federation is an international sports body for the sport Rollball. This also had its own world cup for Rollball, the 2011 Rollball World Cup in Pune. India a member and host won the world cup and a non-member Denmark was runner ups. Many member nations did not took part and there were many non members.[1]


There are 19 member of the International Rollball Federation. Out of these 11 are from Asia, 4 from Europe and 2 each from Africa and Pan Americas. There are no members from Oceania so far to this federation.[2]

Africa (2)
America (2)
Asia (11)
Europe (4)


There are six countries which participated in the 2011 Rollball World Cup but are non-members of the International Rollball Federation. These include the defending champions Denmark

Africa (1)
Europe (5)
