International Parliament for Safety and Peace

The International (States) Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP or ISPSP; Italian: Parlamento Mondiale (degli Stati) per la Sicurezza e la Pace), sometimes written along with the designation New Society of Nations, is a private organization based in Palermo, Italy whose stated intention is the promotion of security and peace.[1][2] Its founder and president was Palermo-native Vittorio Maria Busa (1941-2013), self-styled as Viktor Ivan Busà, who also claimed the titles of metropolitan and archbishop of Białystok, president of the Republic of Danzig and the Democratic Republic of Belarus, and Grand Khan of Tartary and Mongolia.[1][3][4][5][6]

International relations and personal associations

The International Parliament for Safety and Peace claims recognition under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963).[7][8][9] It had an observer in attendance at the 13th meeting of the Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Abeba in 1992.[10] IPSP joined the United Nations Global Compact campaign in 2010 as a global non-governmental organization with 1400 employees, but was delisted the next year for a "failure to comply with Integrity Measures".[11]

IPSP claims association with many dignitaries in senator, deputy, and executive positions in its global, regional or local chapters. Columnist Steve Blow of The Dallas Morning News has referred to such positions as bodacious credentials.[12] Columnist Bernard Levin of The Times wrote in 1994 that one could join the Parliament for just $140.[13] IPSP reportedly awards titles of nobility[14] and hands out medals for artistic merit and the pursuit of peace. Examples for "senators for life" are president of the Gambia Yahya Jammeh,[15][16] African-American entrepreneur Charles Steele, Jr.,[17] and Kochin-Indian vocalist K. J. Yesudas.[18] President of Gabon Omar Bongo was a "senator for life"[19] and "Grand Chancellor" of the organization.[20] He won the IPSP peace trophy of 2006,[21] handed out in 2007.[19] The President of Equatorial Guinea since 1979, Obiang Nguema, received a "Gold Medal for the Liberties of Peoples" from the IPSP in 2003.[22] Nguema is also listed as the organization's vice-president.[22]

In 2010 IPSP drew international media attention after it secured Kentucky Colonel (2008) and Nebraska Admiral (2010) awards for Yahya Jammeh.[23][24][25][26][27][28][29] IPSP representatives also gave Jammeh two awards and a letter from Barack Obama[29][30][31] that were later described as inauthentic or non-existent.[27][28][32][33][34] Jammeh also received "Russian" and "German" honorary degrees from members of the IPSP.[29][30][35]

The organization issues its own diplomatic passports.[36] The Council of the European Union, the authorities of Portugal and the Isle of Man, and various news sources have described these as fantasy documents.[37][38][39][40][41]

Recognition of unaccredited institutions

Several unaccredited institutions of higher education operating inside and outside the United States state that they are accredited or recognized by the International Parliament for Safety and Peace. The IPSP is not recognized as an accreditor by the United States Department of Education (USDE) or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).[14] Without recognition of the "accreditation agency" by USDE and CHEA or an entity in the country where the accreditor is located, such accreditations are "bogus" to the academic community.[42] The IPSP websites state that in the future the IPSP will only recognize institutions that are "regularly registered and approved by the Ministry of Education in their State of origin".[43]

Among the institutions claiming accreditation or other recognition from IPSP are the Alternative Medicines Research Institute,[44] Akamai University,[45] European-American University,[7] Institute of Energy Wellness Studies,[46] "Newport University CED",[47][48] Rutherford University,[14][49][50][51] West Coast University,[8][52] Weston Reserve University,[53] and World Information Distributed University.[54] IPSP is also identified as having recognized and accredited the World Organization of Natural Medicine,[55] which awards the title Doctor of Natural Medicine (DNM).[9][56]

Rutherford University was identified as a degree mill by the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization[57] and moved its headquarters twice, after academic operations were forbidden in British Columbia[58] and Wyoming. It was closed after operations from Swaziland attracted international media attention. The late IPSP leader, Viktor Ivan Busà, was listed with a PhD degree as a special advisor to Rutherford University México.[59] He was also listed as the recipient of a 2007 PhD degree in Political Science from the International University of Fundamental Studies,[60] which also claims its accreditation from the IPSP.[61] The International University of Fundamental Studies was apparently associated with the diploma mill Saint Regis University.[62]

Peace Trophy

The following persons were identified[21] as recipients of an IPSP Peace Trophy:

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Bosbeke, André van (1987). Ridders van nu: over occulte genootschappen en ridderordes in de 20ste eeuw [Contemporary knights: on occult societies and chivalric orders in the 20th century] (in Dutch). Berchem, Belgium: EPO. pp. 328–338. ISBN 90-6445-754-9. Retrieved 2010-12-26. De 'Monsigneur' is een sleutelfiguur in dit merkwaardige wereldje. [...] Busa I als 'president van de Republiek Dantzig' zorgt er wel voor dat er over geschiedenis en toekomst wordt gewaakt. Ook leuk is Busa's curriculum vitae uit 1983: 'Zijne Gelukzaligheid Viktor Ivan Busa werd geboren te Palermo, Sicilië. [...] En inderdaad, de 'Mosigneur' is, zoals zijn curriculum het vermeldt, voorzitter van het 'Wereldparlement voor vrede en veiligheid', een wereldomvattende superorganisatie die ervoor zorgt dat onze aarde gespaard zal bijven van oorlogen en conflicten. [...] Misschien laten de dames en heren ministers zich binnenkort kronen door 'Son Altesse Royale Timour II, Grand Khan de toute la Tartarie et la Mongolie', alias 'Monseigneur Ivan Busa I'!
  2. "Sicilian City Life". Best of Sicily. Such eccentricity has spawned a plethora of Sicilian-based "international organisations." Prepared to save the world even as rampant unemployment and organised crime erode the fabric of society at home in Sicily, they bear such grandiose names as the "International Parliament for Safety and Peace" (Palermo) and the "World Federation of Scientists" (Erice).
  3. Eco, Umberto (1994). "How to Become a Knight of Malta". How to Travel With a Salmon & Other Essays. Harcourt. pp. 142–145. ISBN 978-0-15-100136-1. Vittorio Busa, Orthodox Archbishop Metropolitan of Bialystok, Patriarch of the Western and Eastern Diaspora, President of the Republic of Danzig (sic), President of the Democratic Republic Byelorussia, and Grand Khan of Tartary and Mongolia, Viktor Timur II;
  4. "L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux" [The intermediary researchers and curious]. L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux (in French) (Paris: ICC Publications) 31: 668. March 1981. ISSN 0994-4532. Retrieved 2009-04-18. Ce Mgr Boris 1" a également reçu d'un autre prélat italien (SE Mgr Viktor Ivan Busa, archevêque orthodoxe, qui, à divers titres décerne des diplômes du Parlement mondial pour la sûreté et la paix, qu'il dirige, de l'Eglise orthdoxe biélorusse, dont il est dignitaire, de la Republique de Danzig... et en tant que Grand Khan de Tartarie et de Mongolie (sic), lui-même lauréat de nombreuses distinctions de tous genres) les titres de prince d'Antioche et de prince de Thessalonique.
  5. Sainty, Guy Stair (1991). The self-styled Orders of Saint John (Part II) (PDF). p. 11. Retrieved 2009-04-16. 'Monsignor' Vittorio Busa, self-styled 'Orthodox Metropolitan and Archbishop of Bialystok, Orthodox Patriarch of the Occidental and Oriental Diaspora/ Metropolitan Grand Prior of the Pius Union of Christian Churches/ Religious Superior of the Ecumenical Ecclesiastical Community of Saints Andrew Apostle and of Caffa', formed a break-away group.
  6. Pennarola, Rita (2007-12-13). "Dietro il pacchetto – sicurezza, l'Italia dei rambo" [Behind the package – safety, the Italy of rambo]. La Voce delle Voci (in Italian). Retrieved 2010-10-20. Nella home page di Sport Promotion-Ibssa esisteva in quel periodo il richiamo ad un unico link, quello che riportava al Nuovo parlamento mondiale fondato da tal Monsignor Senator Viktor Busà, autoproclamatosi Arcivescovo ortodosso della Chiesa Russa Autocefala e più volte indagato da diverse procure della repubblica.
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Accreditation, Legal Status and Recognition of European-American University". European American University. Retrieved 2009-04-19. The University holds official accreditation via a Parliamentary Charter dated 29 July 2008 from the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace (ISPSP). The ISPSP is an intergovernmental association of nations founded in 1975 by Archbishop Makarios III, President of Cyprus, and Archbishop Viktor Busà, and chartered by the Presidents of the Republics of Cyprus, Mali and Senegal. It is internationally recognized under the Vienna Conventions of 1961 and 1963. Today the Parliament is bicameral and appoints both Senators and Deputies. The President of European-American University has served as a Deputy to the ISPSP since 2003. Accreditation by the ISPSP certifies that an educational institution is in conformity with the minimum standards established by the Educational Department of the ISPSP and the legal requirements of its jurisdiction.
  8. 8.0 8.1 "Accreditation & Membership". West Coast University. Retrieved 2009-04-19. West Coast University (WCU) Panama has been granted a Parliamentary Decree that bears full validity and recognition with all member governments and nations under international law statutes recognized by the Vienna Convention of 18 April 1961, (1963). WCU has been granted Parliamentary Charter conveying full authority to WCU to grant Certificates, Diplomas, Higher Diplomas, Associate Degrees, Bachelor Degrees, Master and Doctorate degrees as an Autonomous Institution, Internationally Accredited with the International Parliament for Safety and Peace.
  9. 9.0 9.1 "ND & DNM: What's the Difference?". Vitality Magazine (Toronto). March 2004. 'I must also inform you that WONMP is accredited [sic] and recognized by International Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP), under international law, recognized by the Vienna Convention of 1961 & 1963 ( Under international Law it is a crime to try to take away the civil liberty of the world people. DNM is a designation awarded to Doctors who meet the critera to receive it. There are two levels of registration for doctors/physicians of Natural Medicine as per standards established by the World Organization of Natural Medicine Practitioners.'
  10. Kwiatkowska, Barbara, ed. (1994-03-24). International Organizations and the Law of the Sea 1992: Documentary Yearbook. Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. pp. 231–232. ISBN 0-7923-2614-8. Retrieved 2009-04-15. The thirteenth meeting of the Preparatory Committee of the Whole (TEP-COW), was held at Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, from 13 April to 18 April 1992. [...] Observers from the following intergovernmental organizations were present: ..., International Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP), ...
  11. "Participant Information: International Parliament for Safety and Peace". Participants & Stakeholders. United Nations Global Compact. Retrieved 2011-10-13. Participant since 2010/02/01; Delisted on 2011/09/08; Reason for delisting Failure to comply with Integrity Measures; Country Italy; Employees 1400; Organization Type NGO Global
  12. Blow, Steve (2001-07-15). "This one's a hard pill to swallow" (fee required). The Dallas Morning News. p. 29A. Retrieved 2009-04-14. And Mr. Lofgren's promotional brochure has been updated to include some bodacious new credentials: 'INTERNATIONAL PARLIAMENT FOR SAFETY AND PEACE – Senator Member of High Chamber – Diplomatic Counselor – Knighted by Knights of Malta.' Woo-wee!
  13. Levin, Bernard (1994-12-13). "Honour with knobs on". The Times (UK). p. 20. You want to join the International Parliament for Safety and Peace? You can, and you have the word of the Lord Protector of Moldavia, whoever he may be, that the business is above board; surely you will agree that for that it is truly cheap viz., $140?
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Ezell, Allen; Bear, John (2005). "Appendix E: Accreditation". Degree Mills: The Billion-dollar Industry That Has Sold Over A Million Fake Diplomas. Prometheus Books. ISBN 978-1-59102-238-1. Here is a list of more than two hundred accrediting agencies that, as of late 2004, are not recognized by either CHEA or the US Department of Education. Inclusion on this list does not mean the accreditor is good or bad, real or fake, but only that it [is] not recognized by either of these two agencies. [...] Parlamento Mondiale per la Sicurazza e la Pace. Accreditor claimed by Senior University, Wyoming. It awards titles of nobility from an address in Palermo, Italy.
  15. "Gambia: An Exemplary Leader" (editorial). The Daily Observer. 2008-11-21. Retrieved 2009-04-14. President Yahya Jammeh, on Wednesday 19 November 2008, received three awards in honor of his innovative approach to maintaining peace in the West Africa sub-region and the world at large. The International Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP) awards are presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the human family. The Gambian leader's commitment to peace cannot be overemphasized, because he has always taken a leadership position on issues pertaining to global perspectives.
  16. Jallow, Mathew (2008-11-26). "The things that bother the imagination" (commentary). The Gambia Echo. Retrieved 2009-05-28. The other day, I was flabbergasted to read about Jammeh’s meaningless awards from a questionable body whose award recipients include the worst of the worst in human society. Other recipients of this same award include Equatorial Guinea’s butcher President Obiang, Guinea’s Lansana Conte, and Hugo Chavez to name just a few. Jammeh can now join a long list of dubious political characters that share a common platform as cruel and vicious murderers. But, in addition, The International Parliament for Safety and Peace also awards college certificates that include doctoral degrees to people who have never set a foot in a university lecture room.
  17. Hornberger, Aimee (2005-09-21). "Civil rights leader to visit Moses Lake for NAACP conference". Columbia Basin Herald. Retrieved 2010-02-08. In October of 2000, Steele was elected as a senate member of the high chamber (U.S. Parliamentary Group) of the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace.
  18. Sri, K.T (2004-02-18). The power of staying. Chennai Online. (Interview). Retrieved 2010-12-26. I am a Senate member in the International Parliament for Safety and Peace, an organization in the U.S.
  19. 19.0 19.1 "47th Anniversary of the Independence of Gabon". Novacom Associés. September 2007. Archived from the original on 2008-03-20. Retrieved 2010-12-26. This day was also the occasion for the Head of State to receive the "Peace Trophy". This prize was awarded to him by the International Parliament for Safety and Peace, a new society of Nations, for his personal involvement in seeking solutions to crises in the world and in Africa. This trophy entitles the President to the rank of International Grand Chancellor, and life Senator in the International Parliament for Safety and Peace. This is the highest distinction accorded by this institution. Former Presidents Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Mikhail Gorbatchev of the former Soviet Union and Pope Jean Paul II have also been awarded this prize.
  20. "THE BIG READ: Omar Bongo, The architect of modern Gabon – Daily Observer". Retrieved 19 October 2011.
  21. 21.0 21.1 Lüttich, Holger (2010). The Gambia and Its President on the Road to a Prospering Future. Bangalore: Winterbloom. p. 109. In 1989 the Trophy of Peace was conferred to the former president of the Soviet Union Mikhail S. Gorbachev, in 1995 the president of the Republic of South Africa H.E. Nelson Mandela was solemnly rewarded as well as Dr. Carlos Saul Menem, President of the Republic of Argentina. In 2002 H.E. Lansana Conte, President of the Republic of Guinea has been honoured with the Peace Trophy. In 2004 H.E. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea and H.E. Hugo Chavez Frias, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela were honoured as well. Finally in 2006 President Omar Bongo Ondimba of Gabon got the Peace Trophy for his never ending efforts in promoting peace and security in his region of Africa.
  22. 22.0 22.1 Liniger-Goumaz, Max (2005). La Guinée équatoriale opprimée et convoitée [Equatorial Guinea oppressed and coveted] (in French). Éditions L'Harmattan. ISBN 2-7475-9174-3. Pour l'anecdote, on notera que le 5 février 2003, un curieux Parlement mondial pour la Sécurité et la Paix, sis à Palerme, et dont Obiang Nguema est vice-président, a décerné au dictateur oppresseur de la nation équatoguinéenne la la «Médaille d'or de la liberté des peuples».
  23. "Gambia: Jammeh 'Award' Coverage Reflects Chill in Press". 27 September 2010. Retrieved 19 October 2011.
  24. Tharoor, Ishaan (2010-10-01). "When Was the Gambian President the Admiral of Nebraska?". Time. Retrieved 2014-05-07.
  25. Pa Nderry M’Bai. "Governor’s Office Confirms Authenticity Of Naval Award". Freedom Newspaper Online ( Retrieved 19 October 2011.
  26. Pa Nderry M’Bai. "The Man Behind Jammeh's Nebraska Admiral Award Speaks". Freedom Newspaper Online ( Retrieved 19 October 2011.
  27. 27.0 27.1 Koroma, Ansu (2010-09-25). "Remove Yaya Jammeh from office". Retrieved 2011-03-02. It came to light that this award was initiated by Yaya Jammeh and brought to fruition by two individuals who claim to represent an Italian-based organization called International Parliament for Safety and Peace – an organization, according to a CPJ release, has been accused in the past for providing credentials to educational institutions otherwise not accredited in their own nations, and of selling membership, titles and other distinctions for fees. It stands to reason that Yaya Jammeh must have paid a fee to these characters, one of whom carries the title of Ambassador. [...] The second impeachable offense that Yaya Jammeh has committed is during the same award ceremony, involving the same characters who claim to be representing the International Parliament for Safety and Peace, is the claim that two awards he received were accompanied by a letter from 'President Barrak Obama [sic] commending the Gambian leader for the accolade, and also commended him for helping address the most pressing needs in his community'.
  28. 28.0 28.1 "Nebraska Navy has 'unsavory despot'". Retrieved 2011-03-02. Last month, the certificate was delivered to Jammeh by a representative of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace, an Italian organization that has drawn criticism for recognizing diploma mills. The group also passed along two other “awards” to Jammeh, purportedly from President Barack Obama. A U.S. State Department official said Friday that the White House had no connection with those awards. Jammeh's honors were publicized in the Gambian press and soon drew attention from outside groups. The Committee to Protect Journalists initially was concerned that Obama and others were giving awards to Jammeh but later concluded that no honors were intended. The admiralship isn't Jammeh's first state award: Kentucky's governor made him an honorary “Kentucky colonel” in 2008.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 "Gambia: President Jammeh Bags Four Awards". 2010-09-17. The Gambian leader, His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh was Thursday presented with four different prestigious awards from the International Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP) upon its various initiatives in the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany, during a presentation ceremony held at State House in Banjul. [...] The awards include the 'President's Volunteer Call to Service Award', and the 'Platinum Award 2009 by President Barack Obama'. The last two awards are the 'Admiral of the Great Navy of the State of Nebraska', USA', given to the Gambian leader by its Governor, Dave Heinemana, whilst the fourth award, the 'Honorary Vocational Bachelors Degree' was given by the Printers and Publishers Guild of Northern Germany.
  30. 30.0 30.1 "《外交政策》﹕人权践踏者的"和平奖"" ["Foreign Policy": human rights abuses by the "Peace Prize"]. Epoch Times. 2010-12-13. Retrieved 2010-12-15. 冈比亚总统叶海亚‧贾梅(Yahya Jammeh)今年早些时候声称收到了众多奖项,没有太多的调查,甚至不用很多谷歌搜索,就能确定它的真实性与否。首先颁奖机构是不明不白的“国际安全与和平议会”(International Parliament for Safety and Peace),其次是电子垃圾邮件般的得奖名头,其中包括“志愿服务总统奖”、“巴拉克‧奥巴马总统2009白金奖”,还有令人质疑的“荣誉职业学士学位”,由德国北部的出版商协会(Printers and Publishers Guild)颁发的。
  31. "Welcome to Freedom Newspaper Online". Retrieved 19 October 2011.
  32. "afrol News – Gambia Dictator "lied about Obama award"". Retrieved 19 October 2011.
  33. "Gambia: Russian University Awards Doctorate Degree to President Jammeh". 5 July 2010. Retrieved 19 October 2011.
  34. Pennarola, Rita (2008-01-08). "Prodi / Massoni? No Problem". La Voce delle Voci (in Italian). Retrieved 2010-12-27. Cosi' vengono a galla anche i passaporti taroccati: «Usano passaporti diplomatici accreditati in tutti i Paesi del mondo.
  35. "Fraude documental aumentou 22% em 2006 (Documentary fraud increased 22% in 2006)". Diário de Notícias (in Portuguese). 2006-07-07. Retrieved 2009-05-27. A maior parte das situações fraudulentas são logo detectadas no aeroporto, seguindo para o laboratório pericial do SEF. Encontra-se de tudo, desde contrafacções só visíveis através de raios infravermelhos, até à falsificação em que tudo é diferente do original, da cor do papel ao tipo de letra. Ou passaportes passados pela International Parliament for Safety and Peace, pela World Service Authority e tendo Roma como país, a que os inspectores chama "documentos fantasistas".
  36. Pennarola, Rita (2009-02-16). "Dai Vicoli di Palermo alla Security di Obama" [From the streets of Palermo to the Security of Obama]. La Voce delle Voci (in Italian). Retrieved 2009-05-29. Il suo nome – come abbiamo in seguito accertato – ricorreva nelle carte giudiziarie di numerose Procure italiane impegnate, negli anni novanta, a sgominare traffici di denaro, falsi passaporti diplomatici e perfino materiale radioattivo. A parte i precedenti giovanili, quando era stato raggiunto da un ordine di cattura emesso dall'autorita' giudiziaria di Roma per associazione a delinquere, truffa e falso, con l'accusa di aver costituito una organizzazione dedita a smerciare titoli onorifici inesistenti, le indagini a suo carico diventano piu' serie nel 1989, quando 'Lord President' Busa' risulta coinvolto, insieme ad un altro massone conclamato, il principe Alliata di Monreale, in una clamorosa indagine su un giro di falsi diplomi di laurea venduti a peso d'oro.
  37. "News Release, PUBLIC WARNING, FALSE IDENTITY DOCUMENTS, Camouflage and Fantasy Passports". Information Centre, Government of the Isle of Man. Retrieved 2009-05-27. Spurious passports have the appearance of a passport, but are issued by organisations with no authority and to which no official recognition has been given. Such passports are therefore not an acceptable statement of either nationality or identity. Spurious passports and other documentation known to the authorities are: ... International Parliament for Safety and Peace ...
  38. "Part V: Information concerning known fantasy and camouflage passports (to which a visa may not be affixed)". Visa 381 comix 861. Brussels: Council of the European Union. A. Fantasy passports: ... International Parliament for Safety and Peace ...
  39. "Dossier: Hans Stoker" [File: Hans Stoker]. TROS Opgelicht?!. Naast zijn valse titels beweert Hans Stoker ook 'consul honorair' van de Dominicaanse Republiek te zijn. Op zijn Jaguar prijkt een diplomaten bordje. Deze eretitel wordt verstrekt door het schimmige International Parliament for Safety and Peace, een organisatie die door geen enkele ambassade erkent wordt. Stokers bordje en titel stellen dus niets voor. Maar hij weet zo wel veel indruk te maken op vrienden en klanten.
  40. Factsheet #6: Important Questions about 'Diploma Mills' and 'Accreditation Mills', Washington, D.C.: Council for Higher Education Accreditation, May 2003, retrieved 2010-02-16, In their quest for higher education and training, students and the public in the United States sometimes encounter 'diploma mills'—dubious providers of educational offerings or operations that offer certificates and degrees that are considered bogus. They may also encounter 'accreditation mills'—dubious providers of accreditation and quality assurance or operations that offer a certification of quality of institutions that is considered bogus. [...] * In the United States, an accrediting organization may seek a review for quality (or 'recognition' review) from the federal government through the U.S. Department of Education or privately, through the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
  41. Universities and Educational Institutions - International Parliament for Safety and Peace, retrieved 22 July 2012.
  42. "Operating Authority, Recognitions and Accredation". Alternative Medicines Research Institute. Retrieved 2009-04-16. In August, 2004 AMRI was granted a Parliamentary Charter by the International Parliament for Safety and Peace, Palermo, Italy. This charter enhances the document of Recognition and Accreditation previously granted by the same body and attests to the international standing of our institution.
  43. "International Recognition". Akamai University. Retrieved 2009-04-19. On 22 October 2002, Akamai University was granted "high patronage" for all of its cultural activities and work of research and studies. On that same date, Dr. Douglass Capogrossi, President, Akamai University, was appointed Minister Delegate, for the State of Hawaii, United States of America.
  44. "IEWS – Special Announcement" (linked from homepage). Institute of Energy Wellness Studies. Retrieved 2009-06-10. IEWS has been accredited by the Supreme Council of the Presidency of the International States Parliament to grant certificates and Higher Diplomas, Associate Degrees, Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral Degrees internationally as an autonomous private institution. The International Parliament desires to encourage International Education. The Official parliamentary Decree of Accreditation bears full validity and recognition with all Governments and Nations members of the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace, under International law Statute recognized by Vienna Convention of 18 April 1961.
  45. Accreditation | Newport University CED
  47. Bear, John; Bear, Mariah (2003-01-01). Bears' Guide to Earning Degrees by Distance. Ten Speed Press. p. 215. ISBN 1-58008-431-1. Retrieved 2009-04-16. Claims accreditation from the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace; in the past has claimed accreditation from the Academy for the Promotion of International Culture and Scientific Exchange (APICS), an unrecognized agency.
  48. Steffenhagen, Janet (2008-06-11). "B.C. Blacklists Private University". Vancouver Sun (Canada). ISSN 0832-1299. Retrieved 2009-04-19. Critics say the government is too slow to act against schools that operate illegally. Rutherford University continues to operate a website advertising distance learning through a 'global' campus. It says it is accredited by the International States Parliament, based in Italy, to offer degrees in disciplines from engineering to consciousness studies and sacred traditions.
  49. "The Diploma Mafias – with a list of diploma factories worldwide". New Sabah (Iraq). Retrieved 2011-08-20. Rutherford University, a diploma factory first based in Canada, escaped to the American state of Wyoming two years ago, after the Canadian government had taken action against companies selling fake university diplomas. But after Wyoming invoked its higher education laws, the university decided it was better to leave America altogether and it is now selling its diplomas from Swaziland. Its website says the university is “fully accredited” by something called the “International States Parliament” which is also a joke. Other institutes which look like daughters of Rutherford University even claim to be accredited by the “Supreme Council of the Presidency of the International States Parliament” which is three times nothing.
  50. "IARC Newsletter February 2008". Retrieved 19 October 2011.
  51. "Operating Authority & Recognition". Weston Reserve University. Retrieved 2009-04-19. Weston Reserve University and the other members school of UCI hold a Parliamentary Charter from the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace, Palermo, Italy. This charter is valid in all countries that recognize the Parliament.
  52. "Accreditation and recognition of the Global Education system (GES)". World Information Distributed University. Retrieved 2009-04-18. The International Parliament of Safety and Peace (IPSP) accredit the IFUS. The IPSP has given the full right to award scientific degrees of the International PhD and Grand PhD officially recognized by all States (more than 155), entering in IPSP-New Association of the Nations (NSN) as the Intergovernmental Organization of States (IOS).
  53. "WONM". WONM. Retrieved 19 October 2011.
  54. "Life Direction Counseling". Alva, Divine Light Spiritual Foundation. Archived from the original on 2010-10-08.
  55. "Unaccredited colleges". Oregon Office of Degree Authorization, Oregon. Retrieved 2010-12-27. Rutherford University. Wyoming, British Columbia, Swaziland, South Africa, China. Degree mill. No authority to issue degrees. Formerly labeled Stratford International University.
  56. Rutherford University (Senior University Inc)
  57. "Personal Académico" [Academic Staff]. Rutherford University México. Retrieved 2009-04-18. Senator Viktor Busa, PhD Special Advisor
  58. "Registered Masters and Doctors List in 2007". Postgraduate Honour Holders of IUFS. International University of Fundamental Studies. Retrieved 2009-04-18. Victor Busa (Cyprus), Doctor of Political Science, Diploma DP 070901
  59. "Accreditation and University Members". International University of Fundamental Studies. Retrieved 2009-04-19. Accreditation Cert[i]ficate by the International Parli[a]mant for Safety and Peace, Presi[d]en[t]ial Office, Italy
  60. Bear, John; Bear, Mariah (2003-01-01). "Degree mills". Bears' Guide to Earning Degrees by Distance. Ten Speed Press. pp. 279–280. ISBN 1-58008-431-1. Retrieved 2009-04-15. An April 12, 2002, article in The Australian referred to Saint Regis as a 'Dominica-based Internet degree mill.' Appears to be associated with University Services (also known as Advanced University, as well as the International University of Fundamental Studies).

External links