International Journal of Communication

International Journal of Communication  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
Int. J. Comm.
Discipline Communication, media studies
Language English
Edited by Larry Gross
Publication details
USC Annenberg Press (United States)
Publication history
Frequency Continuously
License CC BY-NC-ND
ISSN 1932-8036
LCCN 2006213087
OCLC no. 70824656

The International Journal of Communication is an open access peer-reviewed academic journal covering studies on communication. The editor-in-chief is Larry Gross (USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism) and it is published by the USC Annenberg Press (University of Southern California). The journal was established in 2007[1] and is abstracted and indexed by the Social Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, and EBSCOhost.

The journal publishes continuously, posting articles as soon as they are accepted.[2]


  1. "International Journal of Communication" (United States). Ulrich's Periodical Directory. Retrieved on January 23, 2012.
  2. "About the IJoC". Retrieved 12 April 2012.

External links