International Council for Traditional Music

The International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) is a UNESCO-recognized NGO, an academic organization focused on musicology and dance research. Founded in London on September 22, 1947, it publishes the Yearbook for Traditional Music once a year, and a twice-yearly bulletin. Since 2005, its President has been Dr. Adrienne L. Kaeppler, curator of Oceanic Ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.[1] The organization was previously known as The International Folk Music Council (IFMC). In 1949, it helped founded the UNESCO International Music Council.


Since 1947, the ICTM has hosted annual, later biennial, conferences.[2] In 2009, the site of the ICTM World Conference was Durban, South Africa, in 2011 it was St. John's Newfoundland, in 2013 Shanghai, China, and in 2015 it will be Astana, Kazakhstan. [3]




  1. Giurchescu, Anca (2006). "2005-2006 Report". International Council for Traditional Music. Retrieved December 24, 2010.
  2. Kaeppler, Adrienne L., Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, ed. (2007). Dance structures: Perspectives on the analysis of human movement. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado. ISBN 978-963-05-8542-2.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Past ICTM World Conferences". Retrieved January 2, 2015.

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