International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians
The International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians (ICSOM) is a Players' Conference of the American Federation of Musicians (AFM)
In March 2009, ICSOM chairman Bruce Ridge appeared before Congress. His testimony before the House Committee on Education and Labor on the economic impact of the arts and music industry can be viewed on YouTube
So, in 1962, members of US and Canadian orchestras began to meet and discuss ways they could communicate with each other, drafted bylaws, and began pushing the AFM for formal recognition of ICSOM as a conference of the AFM. Actual conference status was not conferred upon ICSOM until 1969. ICSOM's example, and successes over the years inspired other groups to organize into formal conferences as well – the Recording Musicians Association (RMA), the Regional Orchestra Players' Association (ROPA), and the Theatre Musicians Association (TMA). ICSOM's Canadian members left ICSOM when the Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians (OCSM/OMOSC) was formed in 1975.
In 1967 ICSOM began tabulating conductor evaluations and has nearly 600 different conductors in the current database. ICSOM is also involved in supporting minority-group instrumentalists and currently contributes prize money to winners of the Sphinx Competition.
Several books have chronicled the history of ICSOM, including More Than Meets the Ear: How Symphony Musicians Made Labor History by Julie Ayer (Syren Book Company) and Forty Years of the International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians by Tom Hall (Oscar's House Press).
In August 2012, ICSOM celebrated its 50th anniversary in Chicago. a feature in the Chicago Tribune highlighted ICSOM's achievements and future plans.
Current officers of ICSOM are:
- Bruce Ridge, chairman (North Carolina Symphony)
- Brian Rood, president (Kansas City Symphony)
- Laura Ross, secretary (Nashville Symphony Orchestra)
- Michael Moore, treasurer (Atlanta Symphony Orchestra)
- Peter de Boor, editor of Senza Sordino (Washington National Opera)
- Matthew Comerford, member-at-large (Lyric Opera of Chicago)
- Paul Gunther, member-at-large (Minnesota Orchestra)
- Jennifer Mondie, member-at-large (National Symphony Orchestra)
- Meredith Snow, member-at-large (Los Angeles Philharmonic)
- General Counsel: Susan Martin
- Houston Chronicle feature on 2010 ICSOM Conference
- Chicago Tribune feature on the 50th anniversary of ICSOM
- Kansas City Star feature on the 2013 ICSOM conference