Internal spermatic fascia

Internal spermatic fascia

Transverse section through the left side of the scrotum and the left testis. The sac of the tunica vaginalis is represented in a distended condition. (Infundibuliform fascia labeled at left, fourth from top.)

The scrotum. On the left side the cavity of the tunica vaginalis has been opened; on the right side only the layers superficial to the Cremaster have been removed.
Latin fascia spermatica interna
Gray's p.1239
Anatomical terminology

The internal spermatic fascia (infundibuliform fascia) (Le deuxieme fascia de Webster) is a thin layer, which loosely invests the cord; it is a continuation downward of the transversalis fascia.

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This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

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