Institute of Directors

Institute of Directors
Founded 1903
Type Professional Organization
Focus Business
Area served
UK and worldwide
Method Representation, Industry standards, Conferences, Publications, Business advice & guidance, Courses, Events
35,911[1] (2012)
Website The Institute of Directors
Institute of Directors, Pall Mall, London

The Institute of Directors (IoD) is a UK-based organisation, founded in 1903 and incorporated by royal charter in 1906 to support, represent and set standards for company directors. It occupies grade I listed premises on Pall Mall, London built 1826–28 to the designs of John Nash.

116 Pall Mall building was previously occupied by the United Service Club which was disbanded in 1978. The building was then taken over by the IoD, in which they still reside.

The IoD currently has around 35,911[2] members (2012), and has premises open for the use of those members in London (3 locations), Bangor, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Norwich, Nottingham, Paris, and Reading.

IoD Logo

It was designed by legendary graphic designer Alan Fletcher.

Alan Fletcher's logo design illustrates the D of Directors much larger than the I of Institute. This was meant to symbolize the human characteristics of the Institute and the principle behind the brand that directors should always be put first.

The logo makes reference to the Greek character Phi. Interestingly, over the millennia, this has come to symbolize 'the pursuit of excellence'. It is also often used to represent 'the golden section' or 'prefect proportion' used in classical art and design.

IoD Membership Grades

The IoD has four grades of membership based primarily on an individual's experience; Associate, Member, Fellow and Student. Associate and Member grades give individuals an identical package of benefits and services and the membership subscription fees are the same.

As a Member of the IoD, one would also be entitled to use the designation MIoD after his/her name for the duration of their membership. Fellowship is by invitation only.

To qualify as a Student Member, an individual must, at the time of application, be studying for a recognised qualification at a University or College, or be in Sixth form, or equivalent, of a British School.

Directors General

Information and Advisory Services

These services, provided by the IoD, enable members to obtain valuable and tailored information on topics ranging from market forecasts and industry trends to trading abroad and employee salaries from professional researchers. Members can also peruse a comprehensive collection of online databases as well as books, directories, journals and newspapers in the IoD’s business library.

The IoD provides unbiased and confidential advice on legal, financial, human resources or marketing aspects of running a business, as well as career advice from the IoD’s business and legal expert advisors. Members can obtain prompt answers to questions on employment, company, commercial and personal legal issues from specialist solicitors, and navigate through the business and personal tax, NIC and VAT minefield with the help of tax experts, as well as ensure that they have the right corporate structure with a constitution that works for their business by consulting specialists in company formation.

Professional Development

The IoD produce a wide range of courses, conferences, seminars and development programmes including: Chartered Director, a professional qualification for all directors that demands both knowledge and experience of how to make boards effective, The Certificate and Diploma in Company Direction, Board Evaluation, Board Development and Executive Coaching.

IoD Events

IoD events allow members and non-members alike to not only meet, network and entertain guests but to also gain important knowledge that will help them and their business. The variety of events means that whether one is looking for an event relating to specific subject matter or simply looking to entertain colleagues or clients. The IoD’s flagship events, such as the Annual Convention and Annual Dinner, aim to showcase the best and brightest minds in business, sport and politics and are extremely popular. On a local level, IoD regions, divisions and branches host over 50 events per month with events ranging from breakfast seminars to golf days out.

Areas of Influence

The IoD represents its members and advances the case for business in government, Parliament, the media and other influential forums.

The IoD believe the UK's prosperity depends on enterprise and therefore it is imperative that the views of directors are heard. The IoD exert their influence in all matters of economic and public policy by taking a position in the media (both nationally and locally), through direct discussion with Ministers and civil servants, and through written responses to consultation documents and production of research and policy papers ranging from Corporate Governance to Taxation.

IoD International

The IoD has developed the IoD International network of branches and affiliates whose objective is to support, represent and set standards for the leadership skills of directors across the globe. The IoD’s international network includes branches and/or affiliates in Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria to mention a few.

In addition, the IoD continues to develop its influence across Continental Europe, where the IoD has an expanding network of proactive members and IoD branches. Along with strengthening the range of membership benefits available in Continental Europe, the IoD represents the views of its members at EU level as one of the founding members of the new European Confederation of Director's associations (ECODa), an influential voice for directors.


External links