Institut national des sciences appliquées de Toulouse

INSA Toulouse (National Institute for Applied Sciences)
Established 1963
Type Public
President Didier Marquis
Students 2200
Location Toulouse, France

University of Toulouse


Toulouse Tech

The Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse or INSA Toulouse is a Grande École d'Ingénieurs, an engineering university, under the authority of the French Ministry of Education and Research and part of the INSA's network. It is part of the University of Toulouse since 2007.

INSA Toulouse's first mission is to train engineers, 500 graduate each year.


Diplômes d'Ingénieur

New European program

In 2002, INSA Toulouse decided to reform its structure to adapt to the European 3/5/8 system.

The new programme, better adapted to the social and economic environment, includes a one-year common core, two years of pre-specialization and two years of specialization.

A « Bachelor » (Bsc) degree is awarded after three years and a « Master » (Msc) degree after five years.

The selection level of the Insa Toulouse has greatly increased since the European reform, and it makes now the INSA Toulouse one of the most elitist universities in France, with an average grade at the Baccalauréat exam (achievement exam of the highschool) of 16,6/20, equivalent to the grades 1.0 or A in Anglo-Saxon countries.


INSA Toulouse offers master level degrees (Diplôme d'Ingénieur) in the following 8 specializations:

Note that other specializations are possible in the other INSAs (Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Strasbourg).

Research Masters

In parallel of the Master of Engineering, students interested in research can follow one of the following MPhil:

Mastères Spécialisés

INSA Toulouse delivers Mastères Spécialisés for students already holding a Master's degree. These specialised degrees are taught in English in the following subjects:

Doctoral studies

Doctoral studies are managed together with other universities and engineering schools of Toulouse. PhD candidates can study in one of the following "écoles doctorales":


INSA Toulouse conducts research in the following subjects:

The research programmes are run with partner institutions; the 8 research laboratories are:


During his study, each student has to spend a minimum of 12 weeks abroad, either as part of a semester in a partner university or during an internship, but some spend considerably more time in a foreign country.

In Europe, exchanges take place in the framework of the Erasmus programme, with partnerships in UK (University of Bristol, University of Nottingham, University of Cardiff, University of Glasgow, etc.), Germany (Universität Hamburg, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, etc.), Italy (Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino), Spain. Outside Europe, INSA Toulouse signed a number of bilateral agreements, allowing students to study in partner universities, such as the University of Sao Paulo, the University of Western Ontario, the University of Texas at Austin, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Nanyang Technological University. Students can also study in a broader range of foreign universities as INSA Toulouse is part of several international networks: N+i, Crepuq (Quebec), Brafitec (Brazil), Mexfitec (Mexico), Arfitec (Argentina), GE4 (Asia, Latin America and USA).

INSA Toulouse also offers double-degrees with the following institutions: Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Seoul National University, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, etc.

In addition of receiving short-term exchange students, INSA Toulouse also welcomes foreigners willing to study integrally in France by setting up two programmes: Norginsa for Norwegians and Asinsa for Asians (mainly from China, Vietnam and India).

INSA culture

In addition to the sciences, great emphasis is placed on the humanities (more than 50 clubs) and sport (wall-climbing, tennis, golf, rowing, rugby, swimming, badminton, football, cycling...).

INSA is also attractive to foreign students who represent more than 16% of the student population currently in the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. French students also have to spend a minimum period of 3 months abroad during their studies, that makes the INSA an international school.


Toulouse is located in the south of France. The INSA is more precisely on the Rangueil Campus (that also includes Université Paul Sabatier III and aeronautical engineering universities Supaero and ENAC) along the Canal du Midi.

Notable alumni

External links

Coordinates: 43°34′15″N 1°28′06″E / 43.57073°N 1.46824°E