Instant WebKiosk

Instant WebKiosk
Developer Marco Buratto, Binary Emotions
OS family Unix-like
Latest release IWK/UB 11.3
February 10, 2014
License Linux: GNU GPL
Debian: Various
Adobe Flash player: Proprietary
Official website

Instant WebKiosk is a suite of operating systems based on Debian GNU/Linux and designed for use in web kiosks, multi-user web workstations (cafés, offices, schools, hotels, hospitals or libraries) and digital signage deployments, or even for personal secure[1] and private[2] Internet browsing purposes.

Instant Webkiosk operating systems boot from USB flash devices but settings persistence is assured even for non USB devices, allowing a hard drive installation. They support both wired (with DHCP or static IP) and wireless networks in order to access the Internet - network parameters, as well as any other system configuration, are set via their web interface.

Derived operating systems

See also


  1. "A Live Distro For Secure Browsing". Muktware. Retrieved 2012-08-24.
  2. "Instant WebKiosk, la distro per il web". EasyWebCom. Retrieved 2012-08-29.
  3. "Raspberry Digital Signage Home page". Binary Emotions (Marco Buratto). Retrieved 2013-09-20.
  4. "7 Great New Open Source Projects". Retrieved 2014-02-12.
  5. "Instant WebKiosk Raspberry Pi". Adafruit Industries electronics. Retrieved 2012-08-17.
  6. "Installing Instant WebKiosk/EDS on Raspberry Pi". Wickham Blog. Retrieved 2013-06-13.
  7. "Raspberry Slideshow Home page". Binary Emotions (Marco Buratto). Retrieved 2013-09-30.
  8. "La nuova distribuzione per rendere sicura la navigazione internet da parte dei bambini". Lffl. Retrieved 2012-10-08.
  9. "Un projet basé sur Debian ayant pour but d'offrir un internet plus sûr à vos bambins". La vache libre. Retrieved 2012-10-12.

External links