Inge Scholl

Inge Aicher Scholl (August 11, 1917 September 4, 1998), born in present-day Crailsheim, was the daughter of Robert Scholl, the mayor of Forchtenberg, and was the elder sister of Hans and Sophie Scholl, who studied at the University of Munich in 1942, and were core members of the White Rose student resistance movement in Nazi Germany. Inge Scholl wrote several books about the White Rose after the war. However, according to the Center for White Rose Studies, she did not even "so much as listen to her siblings' talk", when they during 1942 tried to convince her to take part.[1]

The White Rose and the Scholl family during the war

The White Rose was a student group that printed and distributed leaflets highly critical of Nazi war crimes, particularly against the Jews on the eastern front. They said the war could not be won and were mostly active after the Wehrmacht's disastrous reverse at the Battle of Stalingrad and the collapse of Operation Barbarossa. They warned that the German people might become "...forever the nation hated and rejected by all mankind".[2] Sophie and Hans were caught distributing the leaflets, tried for treason and executed by guillotine, along with another White Rose member, Christoph Probst. Inge and other Scholl family members were arrested and interrogated, but later released.

After the war

Inge, her husband Otl Aicher, and Max Bill (former student at the Bauhaus) founded in 1953 the Ulm School of Design (German: Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG Ulm)) in Ulm, Germany. She was heavily involved in the peace movement in the later half of the 20th century.

She wrote a number of books about the White Rose organization.

She died of cancer on 4 September 1998 in Leutkirch im Allgäu.


  2. Ingre Scholl, Students Against Tyranny: The Resistance of the White Rose, Munich, 1942-1943, trsl. by Arthur R. Schultz (Middletown CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1970), pp. 77-84, 89-90. (Via: Stackelberg, Roderick; Winkle, Sally Anne (2002). The Nazi Germany sourcebook: an anthology of texts p. 307. ISBN 978-0-415-22214-3)