Indianapolis Opera

The only professional opera company in Indiana, the Indianapolis Opera (IO) hosts three fully staged productions a season in addition to supporting a Young Artist Program and various local events. The company is led by General Director, Kevin Patterson, and Board President, Arnold C. Harnish.

The company has recently suffered from economic troubles, canceling its final shows of 2014, with plans to begin producing new plays in late 2015. This is being done under the new direction of Patterson, who was hired in February 2015.


"Indianapolis Opera has presented 109 operatic productions representing the work of 32 different composers, including 13 composers who wrote in the 20th century. Selected works range from standard classics to new and/or less-performed works, balancing musical style and language as well as comedy and tragedy."[1]

The Frank and Katrina Basile Opera Center

"In 2008 local business person, Bill Oesterle, purchased the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church building in the Indianapolis Meridian Kessler neighborhood and leased it to the Indianapolis Opera to use for rehearsals, educational programming and smaller performances. Major performances remained at Butler University's Clowes Memorial Hall. Starting in 2015, the Opera looks to move away from Clowes and being producing at the Schrott Center, Pike Performing Arts Center, the Scottish Rite Cathedral (Indianapolis)’s theater, and other venues.


  1. History

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