India Institute for Critical Action: Centre in Movement

India Institute for Critical Action: Centre in Movement (CACIM) is a transnational alternative policy group that produces and disseminates analyses and information tools concerning the practice of emerging social and political movements and the search for more socially just and ecologically sustainable alternatives.[1][2] CACIM was founded in 2005 and is based in New Delhi.

Goals and Activities

CACIM engages in activism, dialogue, inquiry and publication in relation to critical and transnational political and social movements.[3] To this end, it seeks to analyze and reflect on current social movement strategies and cultures (including those of the World Social Forum), as well as creating a culture of critical reflection and action surrounding alternative spaces and new forms of political practice (including online and through cyber space). It further aims to foster and encourage cross cultural dialogue and exchange among activists, researchers, artists, performers, teachers, composers, critical commentators.[4]

Its practices include original critical research, which is found in books, news bulletins, websites, and action alerts, as well as the organization of various seminars, courses and workshops.


  1. Carroll, William. 2015. "Modes of Cognitive Praxis in Transnational Alternative Policy Groups". Globalizations, 1-18.
  2. Carroll, William. 2014. “Alternative Policy Groups and Transnational Counter-Hegemonic Struggle.” Pp. 259-84 in Yıldız Atasoy (ed.) Global Economic Crisis and the Politics of Diversity. London & New York: Palgrave MacMillan

External links