In Search of the Second Amendment

In Search of the Second Amendment

DVD cover of
In Search of the Second Amendment
Directed by David T. Hardy
Produced by David T. Hardy
Written by David T. Hardy
Starring David T. Hardy
Various professors
and scholars
Narrated by David T. Hardy
Music by Jason "Prophecy" Miller
of Prophetik Music
Cinematography David T. Hardy
Edited by David T. Hardy
Distributed by Second Amendment
Films LLC (DVD)
Release dates
December 19, 2006
Running time
111 mins
Country United States
Language English
Budget US$45,000

In Search of the Second Amendment is a documentary film on the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. It was produced and directed by American author and attorney David T. Hardy. He argues the individual rights model of the Second Amendment. Hardy also discusses the Fourteenth Amendment.

Outline of the documentary

How Did You Become Interested in the Second Amendment?
England and the Militia
A Medieval Duty Becomes an "Antient[1] and Indubitable Right"
Rights of Englishmen, Rights of Americans
The Right Is Challenged as Revolution Approaches
The First State Constitutions Give Different Models for a Right to Arms
A Proposal for a New Constitution Leads to Calls for a National Right to Arms
In the First Congress, James Madison Fulfils the Great Compromise
So What's the Debate? Tracing the Origin of the Belief that the 2nd Amendment Relates to a State's Right to have a National Guard
The 14th Amendment Creates a New Guarantee of the Right to Arms: The Afro–American Experience
Civil Rights Movement
American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Symposium on the Right to Arms
Governments, Genocides, and Utility of the Right
Final Scene

Persons appearing in the documentary

Professors of law
Professor School
Akhil Amar Yale Law School
Randy Barnett Boston University School of Law
Robert Cottrol George Washington University Law School
Brannon Denning Cumberland School of Law
Nicholas Johnson Fordham University School of Law
Sanford Levinson University of Texas School of Law
Nelson Lund George Mason University School of Law
Joyce Lee Malcolm George Mason University School of Law
Joseph Olson Hamline University School of Law
Daniel Polsby George Mason University School of Law
Glenn Harlan Reynolds University of Tennessee College of Law
Eugene Volokh UCLA School of Law
Professors of criminology
Professor School
Gary Kleck Florida State University
Name Background
Carol Bambery Attorney, NRA Director
Clayton Cramer Historian, author
Sandy Froman Attorney, NRA President
Stephen Halbrook Attorney, Second Amendment author
David T. Hardy Attorney, Second Amendment author
Roy Innis National Chairman of CORE, NRA Director
Don Kates Civil rights attorney, author
Dave Kopel Attorney, Research Director of Independence Institute
Larry Pratt Author, Executive Director of GOA


  1. This is the spelling as used by William Blackstone.

External links