In-crowd algorithm

The in-crowd algorithm is a numerical method for solving basis pursuit denoising quickly; faster than any other algorithm for large, sparse problems.[1] Basis pursuit denoising is the following optimization problem:

\min_x \frac{1}{2}\|y-Ax\|^2_2+\lambda\|x\|_1.

where y is the observed signal, x is the sparse signal to be recovered, Ax is the expected signal under x, and \lambda is the regularization parameter trading off signal fidelity and simplicity.

It consists of the following:

  1. Declare x to be 0, so the unexplained residual  r = y
  2. Declare the active set I to be the empty set
  3. Calculate the usefulness u_j = | \langle r A_j \rangle | for each component in I^c
  4. If on I^c, no u_j > \lambda, terminate
  5. Otherwise, add L \approx 25 components to I based on their usefulness
  6. Solve basis pursuit denoising exactly on I, and throw out any component of I whose value attains exactly 0. This problem is dense, so quadratic programming techniques work very well for this sub problem.
  7. Update  r = y - Ax - n.b. can be computed in the subproblem as all elements outside of I are 0
  8. Go to step 3.

Since every time the in-crowd algorithm performs a global search it adds up to L components to the active set, it can be a factor of L faster than the best alternative algorithms when this search is computationally expensive. A theorem[2] guarantees that the global optimum is reached in spite of the many-at-a-time nature of the in-crowd algorithm.


  1. See The In-Crowd Algorithm for Fast Basis Pursuit Denoising, IEEE Trans Sig Proc 59 (10), Oct 1 2011, pp. 4595 - 4605, , demo MATLAB code available
  2. See The In-Crowd Algorithm for Fast Basis Pursuit Denoising, IEEE Trans Sig Proc 59 (10), Oct 1 2011, pp. 4595 - 4605,