Imishli District

İmişli Rayon
Population (1999 census): 104,026
Population (2009 census): 107,696
City (şəhər): 1
Settlement (qəsəbə): 1
Village (kənd): 48
Area (km2.): 1,820
Telephone Code: 0154
Vehicle Code: 30
Zip Code: AZ3000
Capital: İmişli

Imishli (İmişli) is a rayon of Azerbaijan. Imishli and neighboring Sabirabad rayon share Sarysu, the largest lake in Azerbaijan.

In August 1930, Qaradonlu was organized on Mil-Mugan historical fields as a region. Earlier, during the Tsardom of Russia, Qaradonlu belonged to the Javad Khan administration. The Qaradonlu region is situated in a favorable area near the Aras River providing water resources, productive land and caravan roads. As early as the October Revolution, land-reclamation and irrigation work were made based on the intense irrigated plant-growing. In 1906, the first School of Qaradonlu region was established, with many living-buildings, caravanserais, mills and shops in the area. In 1933, Qaradonlu Machine-Tractor Plant was built in the Qaradonlu historical region. As a result of the construction of the railway between Ələt and Yerevan, people moved from the center of region to suburbs of the railway stations. The population increase motivated two-story brick buildings to be built among the Qaradonlu and Imishli villages, so the capital of the region was moved to here and the region was considered Imishli Rayon. Imishli village was rapidly expanded, much like the capital of the region. Government houses were constructed, completely transforming the overall appearance of the village. In 1944, Imishli was awarded status of town-type settlement, which progressed to city status in the 1960s. In 1959, on the Aras River in the Bəhramtəpə area, water storage was used - which was unique to that time period. The Bash Mugam and Azizbaiov irrigation canals provided water not only to the land area of Imishli, but also to land areas of Bilasuvar District and Saatly District.

Populated Places

Populated places in Imishli Rayon [1]
Number Name of populated place Distance in KM from Provincial Center Population
1. İmişli şəhəri -- 31,310
2. Bəhrəmtəpə qəsəbəsi (formerly Bir May) 19 4,092
3. Qızılkənd kəndi 29 3,321
4. Aranlı kəndi 33 3,604
5. Hacırüstəmli kəndi 36 1,148
6. Məzrəli kəndi 13 3,311
7. Xubyarlı kəndi 15 1,074
8. Çaxırlı kəndi 18 1,537
9. Qaradonlu kəndi 12 1,176
10. Çahar kəndi 7 1,146
11. Gövhərli kəndi 8 858
12. Ölcələr kəndi 7 494
13. Qaralar kəndi (Arazın sağ sahili) 8 1,171
14. Soltanmuradlı kəndi 6 870
15. Qaralar kəndi (Arazın sol sahili) 5 3,336
16. Nurulu kəndi 9 770
17. Muradallı kəndi 7 796
18. Otuziki kəndi 4 1,390
19. Xoşçobanlı kəndi 7 1,276
20. Murğuzallar kəndi 10 611
21. Mürsəlli kəndi 16 862
22. Qaraqaşlı kəndi 17 1,303
23. Qulubəyli kəndi 16 1,452
24. Xəlfəli kəndi 23 2,218
25. Kürdmahmudlu kəndi 22 1,107
26. Hacalmuradlı kəndi 25 1,211
27. Cavadxanlı kəndi 9 1,082
28. Bəcrəvan kəndi 13 2,185
29. Qaravəlli kəndi 13 936
30. Ağcüyür kəndi 14 382
31. Mirili kəndi 17 950
32. Yalavac kəndi 3 2,876
33. Rəsullu kəndi 5 1,357
34. Məhəmmədli kəndi 7 575
35. Göbəktala kəndi 8 1,386
36. Şahverdili kəndi 11 1,315
37. Boşçallar kəndi 21 1,570
38. Sarxanlı kəndi 22 6,185
39. Qaragüvəndikli kəndi 23 1,271
40. Cəfərli kəndi 8 3,420
41. Əliqulular kəndi 13 2,175
42. Muradxanlı kəndi 14 2,821
43. Oruclu kəndi 19 1,507
44. Ağammədli kəndi 25 1,060
45. Hacımustafalı kəndi 35 88
46. Əliyetməzli kəndi 32 535
47. Telişli kəndi 31 789
48. Allahmədədli kəndi 34 375
49. Məmmədli kəndi 34 868
50. Ağamallar kəndi 48 544
  1. "İmişli, Ümumi informasiya". İmişli Araz Sahilində. Retrieved December 12, 2012. (Azerbaijani)
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Coordinates: 39°52′09″N 48°03′36″E / 39.8692°N 48.060°E