Il Mio Bambino

Author Menotti Lerro
Original title Il mio bambino
Genre Poetry
Published Genesi
Pages 88
ISBN 9788874142576

Will you still have a badly-shaved beard
and crooked nails bitten off in the heaven
for the wise?
There, dad, my hands will not be there to hold
your forehead and your thoughts when you
wake up, prey to monsters, in the night.
Will you remember my dark eyes among
those bright crowns and that funny name
you gave me when I was a babe in arms?
Will you efface from your mind the time
when I locked you in a toilet
                             (forgive me)
when you shouted and cried and how,
in the light, you held me closely,
bursting into a horrific laughter of joy,
to be in my arms still: I was afraid
of not being able to see you anymore,
you said running towards me.
Will you remember, dad, the nights spent
by the fireplace repeating “Spigolatrice
di Sapri” and the story of your imprisonment?
These were the only obsessions
of yours that I would tolerate,
poems learnt during childhood,
now you think you are grown up
yet you play at smoothing
the rough edges off chairs
and making the flint of a lighter
spark in the crest of a flame.
Dad, when I will remember the present
moment in order to know what really
happened, will you still be my child?

Quoted from: 'The Poetry of Menotti Lerro' (CSP, 2011),
Original text in: Il mio bambino, Genesi (2010)

Il mio bambino (My Child) is a book of poems by Menotti Lerro. It was published by Genesi in 2010.

In this book he deals with the problems raised by his father who “with the time and with continuous health problems has became more and more my son, my child”. As Andrew Mangham pointed out "The book continues a Lerroean tradition of looking closely at the author’s relationship with his father and allowing that bond to influence the shape and texture of his work."[1]

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  1. Andrew Mangham, The Poetry of Menotti Lerro (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011), p.xiv
  2. Andrew Mangham, The Poetry of Menotti Lerro (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011).
  3. Andrew Mangham, The Poetry of Menotti Lerro (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011).
  4. Andrew Mangham, The Poetry of Menotti Lerro (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011).