Ignite (event)

The general Ignite logo, which is usually adapted for use in different locales

Ignite is the name for a particular type of event that is held throughout the world—organized by volunteers—at which participants speak about their ideas and personal or professional passions according to a specific format. The event holds the motto, “Enlighten us, but make it quick!” Anyone can throw an Ignite event. The presentations are meant to "ignite" the audience on a subject, whereby awareness, thought, and action are generated on the subjects presented. The largest Ignite event to date is Ignite Boulder 11, which attracted 1,350 attendees on June 24, 2010.[1]


Ignite talk are shorter than the Pecha Kucha format, in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each, and similar to lightning talks, which are usually about 5 minutes long. At an Ignite event, each speaker has a time limit of five minutes, and must use 20 slides with each slide advancing automatically every 15 seconds. This forces speakers to maintain a rapid pace. At a just-comprehensible clip of 160 words a minute, Ignite speakers can utter about 40 words per slide, making a total of 800 words for the complete talk.

Speakers are screened, which keeps the quality high enough to draw a “geeky-creative-techy-designer-startup kind of crowd”.Gallanis, Bess (April 2012). "How to give a great Ignite talk". Retrieved 15 April 2015.


The first Ignite was held in 2006 in Seattle, Washington, United States (US), and was the brainchild of Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis. It was sponsored by O'Reilly Media and MAKE magazine and they continue to be the main sponsors. The event mirrors the open-minded attitude of its founders Pettis and Forrest, although O’Reilly Media has since taken responsibility over the operation.

Ignite has held over 408 events spanning in 100 countries since its creation in 2006, many of which were supported by O’Reilly Media. O’Reilly even held an Ignite event at a company Open Source Convention in 2009.

Each Ignite is independently organized at the local level. Ignite events are often free to attend and may be supported financially by sponsorship

The end of the fifth Ignite Portland

Ignite is not only supported by major initial contributors but also by free sponsorship organized at the local level.


  1. "Free Case of Beer to Best iPhone 4 Video about Ignite Boulder 11". The Denver Egotist. 23 June 2010. Self proclaimed as a “fast-paced geek event,” Ignite events began in Seattle, WA in 2006 and have continued to grow into international gatherings both online and offline.

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