Ignace Schops

Ignace Schops (born 1964) is a Belgian environmentalist, a biodiversity, landscaping & herpetology expert. He is Director or the Belgian NGO Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland (RLKM),[1] President of the largest network on the natural heritage in Europe, EUROPARC federation;[2] full member of the EU chapter of Club of Rome[3] and council member of the largest nature conservation organization in Flanders, Natuupunt.[4]

Schops was awarded with the Goldman Environmental Prize, better known as the Green Nobel Prize in 2008, for his contributions to the establishment of the Hoge Kempen National Park, the first National Park of Belgium.[5]

Later that year (2008) he was selected as Ashoka fellow, world leading social entrepreneur.[6] In 2010 he became one of the eight global ambassadors for the IUCN countdown 2010 initiative.[7]

Besides these international awards he got several national awards: Gulden Spoor - Golden Holidaymaker - Sustainable tourism ambassador, etc.

Due to his international work on biodiversity and social entrepreneurship he became Honorary Doctor for the University of Hasselt in 2011.

Ignace Schops is full member of the Club of Rome, EU Chapter.

In June 2013 he became part of the Climate Leadership Corps of Al Gore.

In November 2013 Ignace Schops was decorated by the Belgian King Filip as Commander of the Order of the Crown.

The success of his work is based the (Re)connection Model, which tries to (Re)connect nature with society. This model has four principles:

Schops is author and co-author of several books and articles on herpetology, nature conservation, landscaping, social entrepreneurship, sustainable tourism, etc. Related to and launced at the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 2012 he was selected to write contribution in the book Green Growth and travelism, Letters from leaders.[8]

Schops is often asked as key note speaker for international conferences. He gave presentations at: Earth Summit Rio +20 – Brazil; World Conservation Congress (WCC) IUCN Jeju, South Korea; Change nation in Ireland; World Exhibition Shanghai in China; World Nature Summit - Convention on Biological Diversity, World Nature Summit, Nagoya, Japan; World Congress Ashoka, Paris on social entrepreneurship; International Conferences at EU level.
