I Cesaroni

I Cesaroni
Starring Claudio Amendola
Elena Sofia Ricci
Antonello Fassari
Alessandra Mastronardi
Matteo Branciamore
Country of origin Italy
No. of seasons 6
No. of episodes 142
Original channel Canale 5
Original run September 7, 2006 – November 19, 2014

I Cesaroni is an Italian television series produced since 2006 by Publispei and Mediaset RTI. The series is transmitted not only in Italy but also in Portugal, in the Czech Republic, Greece and Turkey. It is inspired by the Spanish series "Los Serrano" (produced by Globomedia and Telecinco). In Italy, the series is now in its fifth season and has been renewed for a sixth and final season.


Season Episodes Premiere Finale
1 26 September 7, 2006 November 12, 2006
2 26 February 1, 2008 May 8, 2008
3 29 February 6, 2009 May 25, 2009
4 20 September 9, 2010 December 21, 2010
5 29 September 14, 2012 December 14, 2012
6 12 September 3, 2014 November 19, 2014

Season 1 (2006)

air date
1"Promessi sposi"Promised newlywedsFrancesco VicarioSeptember 7, 2006
2"Non ci vedo chiaro"I can't see clearlyFrancesco VicarioSeptember 7, 2006
3"Il matrimonio del secolo"The wedding of the centuryFrancesco VicarioSeptember 14, 2006
4"127 rustica"127 rusticaFrancesco VicarioSeptember 14, 2006
5"Il padre perfetto"The perfect dadFrancesco VicarioSeptember 15, 2006
6"Le manette dell'amore"The handcuffs of loveFrancesco VicarioSeptember 15, 2006
7"Provaci ancora Cesare"Try again CesareFrancesco VicarioSeptember 21, 2006
8"Non è la gelosia"It's not the jealousyFrancesco VicarioSeptember 21, 2006
9"Il superdotato"The gifted oneFrancesco VicarioSeptember 28, 2006
10"Tutti gli uomini dal presidente"All men at the PresidentFrancesco VicarioSeptember 28, 2006
11"Marta"MartaFrancesco VicarioSeptember 29, 2006
12"Scherzi a parte"Jokes asideFrancesco VicarioSeptember 29, 2006
13"La guerra dei Masetti"The fight of the MasettiFrancesco VicarioOctober 5, 2006
14"Arrivi e partenze"Arrivals and departuresFrancesco VicarioOctober 5, 2006
15"Lo zio d'America"The uncle of AmericaFrancesco VicarioOctober 8, 2006
16"Sedotta e abbandonata"Seduced and abandonedFrancesco VicarioOctober 8, 2006
17"All'ombra del Colosseo"In the shadow of the ColosseumFrancesco VicarioOctober 15, 2006
18"L'apparenza inganna"The appearance deceivingFrancesco VicarioOctober 15, 2006
19"Primavera"SpringFrancesco VicarioOctober 22, 2006
20"Houston, abbiamo un problema"Houston, we have a problemFrancesco VicarioOctober 22, 2006
21"Istruzioni per l'uso"Instructions for useFrancesco VicarioOctober 29, 2006
22"Cattive influenze"Bad influencesFrancesco VicarioOctober 29, 2006
23"L'ultima occasione"The last chanceFrancesco VicarioNovember 5, 2006
24"Scuola di pulizia"School of cleaningFrancesco VicarioNovember 5, 2006
25"Derby del cuore"Derby of the heartFrancesco VicarioNovember 12, 2006
26"Un mare di guai"A sea of troublesFrancesco VicarioNovember 12, 2006

Season 2 (2008)

air date
1"Se la bomba non scoppia"If the bomb not explodeFrancesco VicarioFebruary 1, 2008
2"Oste ascendente vergine"Innkeeper ascendant virginFrancesco VicarioFebruary 1, 2008
3"Vicini, troppo vicini"Neighbors, too closeFrancesco VicarioFebruary 8, 2008
4"Ci vorrebbe un amico"It would take a friendFrancesco VicarioFebruary 8, 2008
5"Sogno di un mattino di mezz'autunno"Dream of a morning of half autumnFrancesco VicarioFebruary 15, 2008
6"Tre giorni da cani"Three days like dogsFrancesco VicarioFebruary 15, 2008
7"Provaci ancora, Ezio"Try again, EzioFrancesco VicarioFebruary 22, 2008
8"Vuoi ballare con me?"Do you want to dance with me?Francesco VicarioFebruary 22, 2008
9"Un week-end da incorniciare"A weekend to be framedFrancesco VicarioFebruary 29, 2008
10"La posta del cuore"The mail of the heartFrancesco VicarioFebruary 29, 2008
11"Il cuore del problema"The heart of the problemFrancesco VicarioMarch 7, 2008
12"A Londra con amore"To London with loveFrancesco VicarioMarch 7, 2008
13"La chiave inglese"The english keyFrancesco VicarioMarch 14, 2008
14"Fuori gioco"Out gameFrancesco VicarioMarch 14, 2008
15"L'erba voglio"The grass I wantFrancesco VicarioMarch 21, 2008
16"Amore che vieni, amore che vai"Love that come, love that goFrancesco VicarioMarch 21, 2008
17"Che brutto affare"That ugly affairFrancesco VicarioMarch 28, 2008
18"L'amico immaginario"The imaginary friendFrancesco VicarioMarch 28, 2008
19"Sogno o son Giulio"Dream or are GiulioFrancesco VicarioApril 4, 2008
20"Ricominciamo"We begin againFrancesco VicarioApril 4, 2008
21"I segreti sono come i cereali nel latte"The secrets are as the cereal in the milkFrancesco VicarioApril 17, 2008
22"Playback"PlaybackFrancesco VicarioApril 18, 2008
23"Ma quant'è dura la salita"But it's hard to climbFrancesco VicarioApril 24, 2008
24"Tutti per uno"All for oneFrancesco VicarioMay 1, 2008
25"Crescere, che fatica!"Grow, that effort!Francesco VicarioMay 4, 2008
26"Prova di maturità"Maturity examFrancesco VicarioMay 8, 2008

Season 3 (2009)

air date
1"Lotta senza il quartiere"Fight without the neighborhoodStefano VicarioFebruary 6, 2009
2"Garbatella calibro 9"Garbatella 9' caliberStefano VicarioFebruary 13, 2009
3"Porchetta e porcellana"Porchetta and porcelainStefano VicarioFebruary 13, 2009
4"Le verità nascoste"The hidden truthsStefano VicarioFebruary 20, 2009
5"I Garbatelleros"GarbatellerosStefano VicarioFebruary 20, 2009
6"Su la testa"Heads upStefano VicarioFebruary 27, 2009
7"Il seme dell'amicizia"The seeds of friendshipStefano VicarioFebruary 27, 2009
8"Il pesce pilota"Pilot-fishStefano VicarioMarch 6, 2009
9"Mutuo soccorso"Mutual aidFrancesco PavoliniMarch 6, 2009
10"Sfido dunque sono"I challenge therefore I amFrancesco PavoliniMarch 13, 2009
11"Scelta di campo"Choice of fieldFrancesco PavoliniMarch 13, 2009
12"Siamo uomini, o gnomi?"Are we men, or gnomes?Francesco PavoliniMarch 20, 2009
13"Roulette russa"Russian rouletteFrancesco PavoliniMarch 20, 2009
14"Era mia madre"It was my motherFrancesco PavoliniMarch 27, 2009
15"A volte ritornano"Sometimes they returnFrancesco PavoliniMarch 27, 2009
16"Danni e donne"Damage and womenFrancesco PavoliniApril 3, 2009
17"Basta crederci"Just believeFrancesco PavoliniApril 3, 2009
18"Ho sposato Eros"I married ErosFrancesco PavoliniApril 10, 2009
19"Campagna acquisti"Transfer campaignFrancesco PavoliniApril 17, 2009
20"Ninnananna nonni"Lullaby grandparentsFrancesco PavoliniApril 17, 2009
21"Care mamme"Dear mothersFrancesco PavoliniApril 24, 2009
22"Non ho l'età"I don't have the ageFrancesco PavoliniMay 4, 2009
23"Ti amo, neanch'io"I love you, I don't tooFrancesco PavoliniMay 4, 2009
24"Padre padrone"Master fatherFrancesco PavoliniMay 11, 2009
25"Ancora tu"Still youFrancesco PavoliniMay 11, 2009
26"Diversità elettive"Elective diversitiesFrancesco PavoliniMay 18, 2009
27"Foto di famiglia"Family photosFrancesco PavoliniMay 18, 2009
28"Io e te per sempre"You and me foreverFrancesco PavoliniMay 25, 2009
29"Ovunque andrai"Wherever you goFrancesco PavoliniMay 25, 2009

Season 4 (2010)

air date
1"Serenissima variabile"Serenely variableStefano VicarioSeptember 9, 2010
2"Toro seduto"Sitting bullStefano VicarioSeptember 16, 2010
3"Ragazza triste"Sad girlStefano VicarioSeptember 17, 2010
4"Successo assicurato"Guaranteed successStefano VicarioSeptember 17, 2010
5"Occhio vigile"Watchful eyeStefano VicarioSeptember 23, 2010
6"Gli imboscati"The shirkersStefano VicarioSeptember 30, 2010
7"Due amici in affitto"Two friends to letStefano VicarioOctober 4, 2010
8"Pensiero stupendo"Wonderful thoughtFrancesco PavoliniOctober 11, 2010
9"Pulizie di primavera"Spring-cleaningFrancesco PavoliniOctober 19, 2010
10"Non darmi buca"Don't bail out on meFrancesco PavoliniOctober 26, 2010
11"Pregiudizio universale"Universal prejudiceFrancesco PavoliniNovember 2, 2010
12"Cattive compagnie"Bad companyFrancesco PavoliniNovember 9, 2010
13"Il sorriso di Marta"Marta's smileFrancesco PavoliniNovember 16, 2010
14"Sadomasetti"SadomasettiFrancesco PavoliniNovember 23, 2010
15"Sim sala sbam!"Sim sala sbam!Stefano VicarioNovember 30, 2010
16"Germana anno zero"Germana zero yearStefano VicarioDecember 7, 2010
17"Nel pallone"In the BallStefano VicarioDecember 10, 2010
18"Rei per una notte"Guilty for a nightStefano VicarioDecember 14, 2010
19"Manzo argentino"Argentine beefStefano VicarioDecember 17, 2010
20"Traguardi"MilestonesStefano VicarioDecember 21, 2010

Season 5 (2012)

air date
1"L'arte di amare"The art of lovingFrancesco VicarioSeptember 14, 2012
2"A folle velocità"At crazy speedFrancesco VicarioSeptember 14, 2012
3"Bagliore nel cielo"Glow in the skyFrancesco VicarioSeptember 21, 2012
4"L'eterna giovinezza"The eternal youthFrancesco VicarioSeptember 21, 2012
5"Un segnalibro nel cuore"A bookmark in the heartFrancesco VicarioSeptember 28, 2012
6"Padre vero"Real fatherFrancesco VicarioSeptember 28, 2012
7"Lontano dai pregiudizi"Far from prejudiceFrancesco VicarioOctober 5, 2012
8"Tu musica divina"You, divine musicFrancesco PavoliniOctober 12, 2012
9"Dall'amor rapito"Kidnapped by loveFrancesco PavoliniOctober 12, 2012
10"Genio tra le pagine"Genius between the pagesFrancesco PavoliniOctober 19, 2012
11"Miracolosamente"MiraculouslyFrancesco PavoliniOctober 19, 2012
12"Mai al tappeto"Ever to the matFrancesco PavoliniOctober 21, 2012
13"Un passo alla volta"One step at a timeFrancesco PavoliniOctober 21, 2012
14"Milano andata e ritorno"Roundtrip in MilanFrancesco PavoliniOctober 28, 2012
15"Ad occhi chiusi"With closed eyesFrancesco VicarioNovember 2, 2012
16"Contro tutto e tutti"Against everything and everyoneFrancesco VicarioNovember 2, 2012
17"Da occidente a oriente"From west to eastFrancesco VicarioNovember 9, 2012
18"Senza mezze misure"Without half-measuresFrancesco VicarioNovember 9, 2012
19"Sognando la realtà"Dreaming the realityFrancesco VicarioNovember 16, 2012
20"Con nobili principi"With noble principlesFrancesco VicarioNovember 16, 2012
21"Alla ricerca del tempo passato"In search of the past timeFrancesco VicarioOctober 26, 2012
22"Scommesse"BettingFrancesco PavoliniNovember 23, 2012
23"Vecchie leggende"Old legendsFrancesco PavoliniNovember 23, 2012
24"La ricetta perfetta"The perfect prescriptionFrancesco PavoliniNovember 30, 2012
25"Inutile nascondersi"Needless to hideFrancesco PavoliniNovember 30, 2012
26"Siamo tutti così"We are all soFrancesco PavoliniDecember 7, 2012
27"Uguali e diversi"Same and differentFrancesco PavoliniDecember 7, 2012
28"Un vero dramma"A true dramaFrancesco PavoliniDecember 14, 2012
29"Ci sono della gente che non li fanno più"There are people that don't make them moreFrancesco PavoliniDecember 14, 2012

Season 6 (2014)

air date
1"Giulio e i suoi fratelli"Giulio and his brothersFrancesco PavoliniSeptember 3, 2014
2"Due cuori e una speranza"Two hearts and a hopeFrancesco PavoliniSeptember 10, 2014
3"Paura e delirio alla Garbatella"Fear and loathing at the GarbatellaFrancesco PavoliniSeptember 16, 2014
4"Sesso, bugie e webseries"Sex, lies and webseriesFrancesco PavoliniSeptember 23, 2014
5"La stanza della figlia"The room of the daughterFrancesco PavoliniSeptember 28, 2014
6"Basso tradimento"Low betrayalFrancesco PavoliniOctober 5, 2014
7"Il bene e il malore"The good and the illnessFrancesco PavoliniOctober 12, 2014
8"Per un pugno di Mimmo"For a fistful of MimmoFrancesco PavoliniOctober 19, 2014
9"I ragazzi del lago"The boys of the lakeFrancesco PavoliniOctober 26, 2014
10"C'era un figlio in America"There was a son in AmericaFrancesco PavoliniNovember 9, 2014
11"Il più bel giorno della sua vita"The best day of his lifeFrancesco PavoliniNovember 12, 2014
12"Ti amo troppo per (non) dirtelo"I love you too much to (not) tell youFrancesco PavoliniNovember 19, 2014


In 2007, I Cesaroni won the Telegatto as Best TV Series.

On March 29, 2008, I Cesaroni won the RAI Oscar della TV as “Best TV Series of the Year 2007/2008”.

On November 30, 2008, the show won the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards as Best TV Series.

On July 11, 2009, at the Rome Fiction Fest, the readers of the popular magazine TV Sorrisi e Canzoni awarded I Cesaroni as Best TV Series and Alessandra Mastronardi as Best Actress.

The movie

After the great success of the TV show, in 2008 the idea of making a movie out of it came up for the first time. In this movie the main characters would have been Alessandra Mastronardi and Matteo Branciamore, the "young ones" of the show. The plan was to separate the general plot of the movie from the plot of the TV show, even if the characters remain the same.[1]

The event "Day of I Cesaroni" took place at the movies in Italy on 15 May 2008; it consisted of a special piece of 85 minutes about Marcos and Eva in 12 Italian movie theatres. The event served as a preview of the interest the audience had in a future longer movie.[2]

See also


  1. "I Cesaroni - The movie - First confirmation". TAP News. 24 February 2008. Retrieved March 1, 2009.
  2. Day of I Cesaroni at the movies

External links