I (Almost) Got Away With It

I (Almost) Got Away With It
Genre Documentary
Country of origin United States
No. of seasons 6
No. of episodes 74 (list)
Executive producer(s) David Frank
Thomas Cutler
Running time 42 minutes
(excluding commercials)
Production company(s) Indigo Films
Original channel Investigation Discovery
Picture format 480i (SDTV)
720p (HDTV)
1080i (HDTV)
Original run January 12, 2010 – present
External links

I (Almost) Got Away With It is an American documentary television series on Investigation Discovery. The series debuted on January 12, 2010.[1] The series features true stories of people who committed crimes, then attempted to escape arrest but eventually got caught. While on the run, the fugitives do anything from robbing gas stations to stealing Crystal Gayle's tour bus. [2]

Many outdoor scenes in this series are filmed on Treasure Island in San Francisco, in the middle of San Francisco Bay.


Season 1

Episode number Air date Title Plot
1-1 January 12, 2010 Got Remarried Michael McGuffey murders his estranged wife in a parking lot in Mt. Vernon, Washington in front of several witnesses. He then flees the state several days later, first by purchasing a bus ticket from Seattle to Los Angeles, then by departing the bus early in Portland and buying another bus ticket, and by repeating this pattern until he reaches the hometown of his parents in Texas. From there, he obtains $10,000 cash from his parents and a fake birth certificate from his brother in a new name, and he uses the birth certificate to obtain a state ID card from Oklahoma, which he uses to fly to Mexico City. Once in Mexico, he tries living in several places, all with various complications, which scare him to go elsewhere in the country. One day, he meets a woman named Karla, who he marries. He later has a child with Karla. Initially, Karla receives money transfers from McGuffey's parents to avert suspicion, but one day, McGuffey himself goes to pick up the cash, and he is apprehended by Mexican immigration authorities for overstaying his visa. He is returned to the United States, where he receives a 26-year prison sentence in a guilty plea.
1-2 January 19, 2010 Got Dumped Michael Alfonso murders two women in seven years who break up with him and commits violence against other women. He then flees to Mexico where he tries to start a new life. On the run, he attempts living in parts of Mexico and Guatemala and Belize before returning to Mexico, where he is apprehended.
1-3 January 26, 2010 Got No Fingerprints Jerry Bowen, a successful drywall contractor in Huntsville, Alabama, murders his ex-wife. Upon her disappearance, an immediate community search is launched, which leads to her car being found, but not her. Her body is discovered two months later in a river by two fishermen, wrapped in plastic and chains. Bowen is the prime suspect. He initially flees the area, but then arranges a surrender on his own terms through an attorney. He remains free on bail until his trial, but under constant surveillance. During his trial, he is convicted, but he continues to remain free until sentencing, since he has no prior criminal record. All this time, he continues to work running his business, and he secretly studies being on the run and plots a getaway. He is a no-show for his sentencing. He escapes in a used car he purchased to Reno, Nevada. In Reno, he befriends a homeless man, then assumes his identity. He then travels to Salt Lake City and obtains a driver's license, and he works in drywall. He uses sulphuric acid to destroy his fingerprints, and in the process severely burns one of his fingers. He is forced to seek medical treatment for this, and attributes it to an injury on the job. One day, after a visit back to Reno, he discovers that the man whose identity he has stolen has died, and he therefore needs a new identity of a man who was alive. He obtains another man's ID, then moves to Charleston, South Carolina, where he once again works in drywall. He also occasionally travels back to his hometown to visit his family, but he interacts with no one else. In Charleston, he is dating a woman. Meanwhile, desperate authorities place Bowen on a national crime show. The brother and sister-in-law of the woman he is dating recognize him and call FBI. Two agents visit the man they suspect is Bowen and ask him to prove he is not Bowen. He is fingerprinted, but finds he has not removed enough of his fingerprints, and his identity can still be verified. He is sent back to Alabama, where he will spend the remainder of his life in prison.
1-4 February 2, 2010 Got a Video Rental Store In 1975, Michael Brown is one of a trio of teens who are committing a string of burglaries. One night, they are in the process of burglarizing an insurance office when they are surprised to see the owner appear. Brown shoots the owner dead. Following an investigation, all three perpetrators are identified, with Brown being identified as the trigger man, and he is sentenced to death. But in 1976, the US Supreme Court finds the death penalty unconstitutional, and all death row inmates, including Brown, have their sentences commuted to life. In 1984, Brown starts to correspond with a woman named Donna. The two later marry in prison. Brown asks to be transferred to a lower security prison, where he is assigned to work on a dairy farm with minimal security. During the day, with the aid of Donna as a driver, Brown and a friend escape, and all three go on the run. They first go to Arkansas, then to Texas. Authorities receive a tip they are in Texas, but they escape 30 minutes before police move in. The three then head to Lexington, Kentucky, where they take on identities of dead people. They first get jobs with a cable installing company that sends them to Ocean City, New Jersey to work. But after the company fails to pay them, they return to Lexington. The other inmate, while complaining about his lack of pay, is identified as a fugitive and captured. Brown and Donna discover this on the news, and realize it is time to flee again. They are left without a car, since the captured fugitive had their pickup truck, but they buy a used car with the small amount of cash they have and move to Dayton, Ohio. There, they work low wage jobs until they have enough money to open a video rental store. The store is a success, allows them to live middle class, and they are viewed as upstanding members of their community. The store remains in business for 8 years. But the Oklahoma authorities have not forgotten about Brown. One day, Brown is featured on the national crime show Unsolved Mysteries. The husband of one of the video store's employees recognizes him and calls FBI. When Brown realizes the FBI are hot on their trail, they abandon the video shop and flee. They make the decision that Brown will voluntarily return to prison, and Donna will reunite with her family with whom she has been out of touch with for many years.
1-5 February 9, 2010 Got Two Homes in Mexico Gonzalo Martinez shoots three people in gang-related violence and is sentenced to 48 years in prison for the attempted murders of all three. Once in prison, he is initially planning to appeal his way out rather than escape. But when three other inmates approach him about the possibility of escaping, he goes along. After successfully scaling all the prison fences, the escapees get into a getaway car the mother of one of the escapees has left outside, and drive to Denver. Once in Denver, the group change into civilian clothes and part ways. Martinez flees to Mexico, where he assumes a new identity and first attempts honest employment. But when he finds a low quality of life, he turns to drug dealing, working his way up in the field. Twice, he runs into trouble attempting to cross into the United States. On one occasion, he is about to be fingerprinted, when he asks to use the restroom and dashes back into Mexico. On another, he is recognized as "the runner," and he s fingerprinted, but his records fail to show. Still, he is not allowed to enter. He is finally arrested in Mexico and sentenced to prison there, and he hopes to stay in prison and buy his way out. But he is extradited back to the United States, where he is returned to prison, with 12 years tacked onto his sentence.
1-6 February 16, 2010 Got the Wrong Four People Killed The parents of Dorsey Sanders are in a bitter divorce, and Dorsey worries about losing his inheritance in the divorce settlement. Dorsey wishes to murder his mother Joanne to prevent her from receiving half of his father's money. His business partner, Scott Burnside, arranges for an employee of their used car dealership, John Barrett, to be a hitman to kill Joanne. Barrett makes several visits to Joanne's house, and she becomes suspicious. She writes down the tag number of a car parked in front of her house. One day, Barrett arrives with the intention of killing Joanne. Before he has a chance, Joanne receives a call that her mother has been taken to the hospital, and she rushes out. Meanwhile, Barrett kills Joanne's boyfriend. He later kills three other men who are contractors working on her house for a total of four murders other than his intended target. After Joanne doesn't return, he flees the scene. Joanne later returns home to the horror scene and calls police. An investigation immediately begins. The suspicious car she had reported is traced to the dealership her son co-owns. Her son, Barrett, and Burnside all become suspects. Barrett is soon arrested and charged with the murders. He would later be sentenced to death. Joanne's son turns himself in voluntarily. Burnside goes on the run. His mother Susan gets him a flight to Washington, DC, where he attempts to start a new life. He works painting houses for $6/hour and lives simply. He misses his family and arranges contact with them at times. One evening, Burnside is arrested by DC police for public drunkenness, but he is released without being fingerprinted because of a backlog of arrests the police have that evening. He later changes his appearance and gets a fake passport under his cousin's name. He uses it to flee to the South Pacific island of Rarotonga. Through his mother, he sends taunting tapes to police that throw off the investigation and make them believe he is still in Florida. One day Burnside's parents decide to join him in Rarotonga. They come and stay there for a week. Then, his sister Cheryl decides to cooperate with police and allows them to search a safe deposit box, which yields clues he is in Rarotonga. The family is tipped off that police know they are there. They then proceed to flee to New Zealand. His parents are able to board the plane hassle free. When it comes Burnside's turn to show his passport, he is told he needs another stamp, but cannot get it that day because it is Good Friday. He has to wait until the following Sunday before he can board the next available flight. But during that delay, authorities catch up to him and arrest him. He is returned to Florida and receives 4 life sentences.
1-7 February 23, 2010 Got Caught in the Shower Richard Garber murders his neighbor Janio Moraes over a dispute about money. Following the murder, Moraes's sister discovers his body and calls 911. During the initial investigation, Garber is not named as a suspect. Garber is stopped by an officer for a faulty tail light during that time, but is set free because the police are unaware of his warrant. Garber and his girlfriend Anna then head to Las Vegas. Before leaving, Garber, who had been questioned as a witness, tells police he is moving to Vegas and gives them his number there. Once in Vegas, Anna reports to police there that he is a murderer and provides details surrounding the murder. Police move in to arrest him, but before they have a chance, Anna has a change of heart and tips him off. Garber heads west to California. His car breaks down in the Mojave Desert. He quickly catches a ride with a stranger into the nearest town and buys a new car, which he drives first to Modesto, then to San Jose. He leaves a map behind tracing a highlighted route to San Diego in an attempt to throw off police. In San Jose, he rents an apartment and lays low. Rather than finding work, he frequently travels back to Vegas where Anna gives him more cash. On one of his trips back, he asks to stay at his cousin's house for a few hours. During this time, his cousin calls police, who come there to capture him.
1-8 March 2, 2010 Got to Sing Karaoke Joe Crouch of Memphis, Tennessee has seemingly lived the American dream, being happily married to the same woman for 41 years, owning a home, and running a successful business. At the same time, he is hiding a dark side, in which he is a compulsive gambler, and he has gotten into extreme debt over this addiction, which eventually leads him to defraud the bank and write bad checks for over $80,000. One day, he receives news that he is facing criminal charges for this embezzlement. He opens up to his wife one evening about the truth. Later that night, while his wife is sleeping, he shoots her to death. He then calls his son-in-law the next morning to confess over the phone, and later mails him a typed letter. He drives over the next few days to Jacksonville, where he runs out of money. Needing cash, he robs a small grocery store, netting $300. With that money, he heads to Daytona Beach, where he stays. He finds that he can easily blend into the population of Florida, which includes numerous white men, and where he can enjoy playing golf and singing karaoke. Over the next several months, he commits many more robberies of convenience stores, each bringing in $300–400. When he realizes he needs more money to live, he moves on to bank robberies, which bring his take up to over $10,000 per robbery. His largest robbery yields over $40,000. Meanwhile, the FBI is still pursuing him for the murder in Memphis. One day, a friend of his from a Karaoke bar recognizes him on a wanted poster and calls FBI. He is arrested in his Daytona Beach condo for the murder. Only then do they tie him to 40 robberies, which he had documented on a piece of paper.
1-9 March 9, 2010 Got Revenge Marshall Brown is a drug enforcer in North Carolina. He murders Horace Morrison, a witness scheduled to testify against him. He then flees to Washington, DC, planning to lay low. But his location is betrayed, and he is captured there and subsequently convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. He spends 16 years in prison as a model prisoner, earning him a transfer to a low security prison. He is allowed to work outside of prison walls. One day, he walks off the job site. He obtains a tent, police scanner, and other survival supplies and spends several days camping out in the woods while traveling at night on foot toward Statesville, North Carolina. Once he arrives, he hooks up with drug dealers and resumes his old work as enforcer. One day, he is in a van parked next to a railroad with several other people, one of who happens to be Steve Calhoun, the man who originally betrayed him. He then shoots Calhoun to death at point-blank range. He tries to kill another man named David Brown, but his gun jams, and he instead beats Brown to injury and leaves him for dead. The others in the van flee. Marshall Brown is the prime suspect in the murder and is now a top priority for police. But he always stays a step ahead of the law. Police use a cloned pager to try to catch him, but several months of this operation are unsuccessful. Police conduct raids where he is believed to be located, but he is never there, and others are afraid at the threat of death to give up his location. Brown uses disguises to throw off police, including a wig with dreadlocks. One day, police see an argument and first question the woman involved. The woman says his name is Robert Jackson. Marshall disappears as police question her. She is released, and they don't realize he is Marshall. Several months later after the connection is made, the woman is questioned again, and she denies she knows his whereabouts, but after that, she tips him off and helps him flee to DC. There, he initially gets into the drug trade, but one day, he is stopped by police. He gives a fake ID, which comes back clean, but decides it is a good idea to perform honest employment. He gets a job in construction, initially keeping him off the radar. But police eventually receive a tip to his location. He is arrested by surprise one morning as he is about to head to work. He then puts up a fight with police, hoping they will kill him. But they hold their fire. Brown pleads no contest to the murder of Calhoun and is sentenced to 20 years. He will be eligible for parole at age 63.
1-10 March 16, 2010 Got to Rob Banks Joe Loya, already a petty criminal, robs a bank. He is not identified as the robber, but he tries to flee to Mexico in a stolen car, and is charged with that and sentenced to two years in prison. He decides he likes bank robberies so much that when he gets out, he will make a career out of it. Once out, he robs many more banks. His first robberies involve an interaction with a single teller, but to get more money, he later robs the vaults. He lives a double life as a charming man, working as a cook at a restaurant, playing golf, and wearing expensive designer clothes. His friends think highly of him. Meanwhile, investigators cannot put a name to the face in the surveillance cameras and dub him the "Beirut bandit" due to his dark complexion. One day, he is given a tracking pack in a robbery that allows cops to track his location. Police make a felony stop of him, and he is arrested. But he is so charming he is allowed to post bail. Once out on bail, he is committing more robberies. His girlfriend agrees to cooperate with police, and a sting is arranged on a college campus. He is sentenced to 8½ years in prison. Once out of prison after the sentence, he straightens out his life, gets a career, marries, has children, and forms a good relationship with his family.
1-11 March 23, 2010 Got to Go to Canada Scott Freeburg begins his life of crime with robbery of a convenience store at age 18. He is sentenced to 20 years in prison. While in prison, he earns a college degree in two years. He is placed on work release, from where he escapes and robs banks. He is arrested again, and joins a mass escape from the jail where he is being held, but is captured hours later. He is sentenced to 13 years for the robbery. After his release, he tries to go straight, but one day, he turns to being an enforcer for a drug dealer. During a collection operation, he gets into a fight with his victim, whom he shoots to death with the victim's gun. He has his girlfriend sew up his ear. He then flees to Canada, where he begins a new life. He gets a fake ID and uses it to find work in construction. For the next two years, he is a successful construction worker, viewed as honest and hardworking. He also makes extra money in tattooing and babysitting and is well loved. But after two years, he has trouble finding work. He joins a Vietnamese counterfeiting gang as an enfocrcer. One day, a victim of the gang identifies him as his attempted killer. Police arrest him, and he seems like someone who has an experience with the booking process. But they are surprised to find he has no record. Suspecting he might be American, they run his fingerprints with the FBI, and discover he is one of the top fugitives. He is then extradited and sentenced to life in prison for the murder.
1-12 March 30, 2010 Got a Gun Made Out of Toilet Paper Kerry Silvers is serving a 61-year sentence for robbery and other crimes. Four years into his sentence, he and two other inmates escape using a fake gun Silvers made out toilet paper as papier mâché that he painted black. The trio first overpower one guard, handcuff that guard to the bars of a cell door, and take his keys. They use those keys to enter a room where two more guards are, and they steal a real gun one of those guards has. Then they make their way outside prison walls. Once outside, they rob an elderly couple of their car. This car is reported stolen by the inmates, and a police chase ensues. The inmates ditch the car and run on foot. Silvers is slower than the other two and lags behind, but this works to his advantage as while officers are busy pursuing the other two fugitives, Silvers comes across two police cars and thinks he is caught. But when he tries to surrender, he realizes, the officers are not with their unattended cars. Silvers then hides in the woods for several hours before he resumes his movement. He finds an unattended car with keys in it, steals it, and drives it to Louisville, Kentucky, where he has family. Initially, he hides in a shed for nearly a week. Then he leaves the shed and a distant relative is willing to provide him refuge. He finds work loading vending machines for several weeks until he receives a tip that officers will search this relative's house for him. He then buys a bus ticket to New Orleans. In New Orleans, he gets a job at a restaurant. The restaurant is robbed, and police are questioning employees, suspecting an inside job. Before it is Silvers's turn to be questioned, he buys a bus ticket to Brownsville, Texas. In the bus station, he asks a man how to get into Mexico, and the man says how simple it is. Silvers initially plans to somehow get to Brazil, where he could avoid extradition, but he soon learns he cannot even go more than 25 miles deep into Mexico due to checkpoints. He finds employment near the border growing marijuana for several months. He then meets a woman with whom he falls in love. The woman helps smuggle him past a checkpoint to a town farther south, where they settle and get married. Silvers, who has been desperately looking for employment, is putting a computer together one day, when his skill at computers is discovered, and people offer to pay him to help with and teach computers. He soon lands jobs teaching computer classes, and later teaching English, and he opens a shop. As his career advances, authorities discover his presence, leading to his capture.
1-13 April 6, 2010 Got to Get Bike Parts Marvin Carson is a member of a motorcycle gang. One day, a friend who broke up with her boyfriend, a rival biker gang member, asks him to go to her ex's house and retrieve her bike. He does so. This results in fury in which the rival biker suspect's Carson and threatens many of Carson's friends. Carson retaliates by going over the home of some rivals and shooting one to death, but leaving witnesses behind, who ID Carson as the killer. Police immediately pursue Carson as a murder suspect, but he remains a step ahead, hiding in safehouses operated by biker gang members and changing his appearance. At one time, he flees to Shreveport, Louisiana, where he attempts to begin a life there and jog to lose weight. But his jogging draws suspicion from local police. When he starts to feel uncomfortable, he moves in with his brother in Atlanta, where he stays for a while and lives off the money from the sale of his bike. He eventually returns to his native Florida, thinking the heat has died down, but he finds police are after him. Police eventually catch Carson while walking to buy a newspaper.

Season 2

Episode number Air date Title Plot
2-1 October 26, 2010 Got Caught By a Cougar Robert Spencer, a Jacksonville drug dealer, is known for his temper. One day, he gets extremely angry at his girlfriend, and he fires a series of shots into the window aimed at her with the intention of scaring her. She is hit and dies. Spencer, afraid of what he is facing, asks a friend for a ride out of town. His friend takes him to Orlando, but due to his drug use, is driving recklessly, and Spencer fears this will lead to police catching him. Spencer leaves his friend, buys new clothes, and catches a bus to San Diego. He starts a new life in San Diego, where he works hard in a restaurant, and spends a lot of time having fun in clubs. But when he is featured on a national TV series, a friend tips him off. Authorities, receiving tips he is in San Diego, prepare for a takedown at the restaurant where he works. But he has fled several days earlier. He takes the cash his roommate his planned to use to pay the rent, then enters Mexico. Initially, he finds life in Tijuana rough, and he goes to the beach, where he meets a man who recommends Cabo San Lucas as a place where he might enjoy living. He uses the remainder of the money he has to catch a bus there. Once in Cabo San Lucas, he starts selling drugs to make money. But he finds it is not too profitable, and he lands himself a job on a tour boat. He quickly makes friends and moves in with a roommate. More than 1½ years after the murder, his roommate's mother is visiting when she suspects something is wrong with Spencer, who is going by the name JJ. She asks Spencer to come clean about why he is living in Mexico, and he says he was falsely accused of murdering his girlfriend. She doesn't believe him and suspects he is a real murderer. Upon her return home, she checks for online information about murders in Jacksonville, and she finds that Spencer is wanted. She contacts authorities, then returns to Mexico. She downplays that she has aided authorities, but assists them in the capture of Spencer. Upon his return from the beach, Spencer is surprised by an arrest team. He receives 32 years in prison.
2-2 November 2, 2010 Got to Roll the Dice Phillip Anthony Williams of Albuquerque murders his ex-girlfriend as she attempts to get into her car after work. He then goes on the run after it appears on local news that he is the prime suspect. Williams first drives to Denver to figure out his next move. There, he learns that he is wanted nationally, and a description of his car has been broadcast. He next drives to St. Louis, where he arrives broke, but then makes money doing odd jobs. On the streets of St. Louis, he finds a lot ID, and assumes that as his new identity. He uses the ID to get jobs. But when he learns that wanted flyers of him have been pinned at the local post office, he decides to leave town. He hitches a ride to Brookville, Pennsylvania, and from there catches a bus to Philadelphia. He starts off his life in Philadelphia in a shelter, but after earning his first $200, catches a bus to Atlantic City, New Jersey, gambles, and wins $1800. With that money, he rents a room in Philadelphia and spends money on alcohol and women. His next trip to Atlantic City proves not to be so lucky, and he gambles away his last dollar. Meanwhile, US Marshals believe he could be in his hometown of Detroit and question all his relatives there. But there is no sign he has surfaced in Detroit, and there is no evidence he is communicating with family there. A national crime show gives brief exposure about him. This brings in a few leads in Miami. But it turns out this is mistaken identity and is a dead end. After running out of money in Philadelphia, Williams checks into a drug rehab center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania run by the Amish, and he spends several months there, viewing it as a haven. He is spooked to leave when police arrest another man staying there. Once he leaves, he moves in with a woman he met there. Then America's Most Wanted features him. Several leads come in from the Lancaster area. The first ones are that he is residing at the rehab center, but by the time investigators arrive, he has been gone for a month. Then comes a lead that he has been residing with the woman. But when she is reached, he has been gone for 2 weeks. On a hunch, investigators search for him in Philadelphia. All shelters are alerted. Then two officers on bike spot him. They pick up a car and question him. He is positively identified and arrested. He is sentenced to 18 years in prison.
2-3 November 9, 2010 Got a Dead Man's ID When Michael Hess of Tampa, Florida is a young man, he holds up lots of convenience stores. He is caught and sentenced to 35 years in prison. He spends the first 7 years of his sentence as model prisoner, a time during which he becomes highly trusted. But after being denied parole, he plans to escape. He is assigned with several other inmates to wash cars for the public outside prison walls. One day, prior to washing to last car of the day, he sends the other inmates back inside, then takes that car and all the cash collected from the day and drives off. He buys civilian clothes, then heads to a bus station, where he catches a bus to California. Once in California, he is broke and unable to find employment, so he calls the mother of an ex-girlfriend, and she wires him money for a bus ticket back to Florida. He comes and stays with her in Ocala until he can get on his feet. She provides him the ID of her late husband, Charles Swiger, whose name he assumes. He gets a job as a cook at a restaurant, where he becomes well known and liked. He moves in with a girlfriend named Ellen whom he stays with for 20 years. Ellen is a drug addict, which makes Hess nervous. Hess decides to come clean to Ellen about his past, which is risky. Over the years, Hess is twice arrested for minor offenses, but then released, slipping through the cracks. After 20 years, he breaks up with Ellen, and gets a different job at a bar. He continues to work there for 7 years before authorities finally figure out his location. He is arrested while working at the bar after 28 years on the run, and forced to return to prison to serve the remainder of his sentence.
2-4 November 16, 2010 Got Caught Via Email Edward Roberson is sentenced to 5 years in prison for a string of motor vehicle thefts for the purpose of joyriding. Once he is serving his time, another 10 years is tacked on as he attempts to escape by climbing a fence but is apprehended. Later, he befriends inmates Keith Carter and Marty Finney who are planning an escape by removing the metal plate holding the showerhead, crawling through the walls, then climbing the fences. As they make their way over the fences, they are visible under video surveillance but the guard responsible for monitoring the cameras is distracted and doesn't notice them. They disappear into the night, and the following morning are attempting to steal a pickup truck when the owner discovers the attempted theft. Only Carter makes off in the stolen truck as the owner first gives chase, then calls police. Police track the thief, discover he is in a prison jumpsuit, and call the prison where he is from, which discovers two other inmates are missing. An all points bulletin is put out for the other two. Meanwhile, Roberson and Finney find civilian clothes in a dumpster, the walk a great distance along a railroad. They steal a car and a purse and plan to go to a friend in Ocala to get fake IDs, but the friend refuses. They then drive the car to Colorado, burglarizing homes along the way and stealing cash, weapons, and other needs. In Colorado, they arrive at a motel, do not check in, and find a key card sitting outside. They discover the card operates a room that is under construction. They stay in this room, enjoying its comforts. They become friendly with a female clerk, who allows them to use their motel's computer. Finney sends an email to a friend from this computer, and the friend calls police. Police trace this email to the motel. Police contact the motel, and the clerk answers and identifies the fugitives. During the takedown that follows, police find the pair in the process of writing a demand note for a planned bank robbery.
2-5 November 22, 2010 Got Plastic Surgery Courtenay Savage shoots into the home of her former friend and business partner three times, nearly inflicting life-threatening damage. She is charged with attempted murder. While out on bail, she uses the ID of a friend, goes to Mexico, and has plastic surgery. She then flies to New Jersey and hooks up with a former boyfriend. Later, she moves to Oklahoma, where she lives for some time, before her former boyfriend lands a job in Houston, where she lives with him. She is later apprehended there.
2-6 November 30, 2010 Got Raps Raymond Ross is out on parole when he continues his life of crime. He is riding in a friend's car in Lexington, Tennessee when they pull into a gas station and find a teenage boy selling speakers to raise money for his high school trip. Ross pretends to be an interested customer, then once inside the teen's car, takes over and steals the car, and runs over the victim, Troy Bowman. Police first discover the victim without a vehicle, severely injured and in a coma, and two witnesses are of little help. Ross then takes the stolen car to his hometown of Humboldt, Tennessee, where he strips it for parts. He asks to borrow a truck to transport the parts, but when he does not return with the truck, the owner reports it as stolen. Police see Ross trying to transfer the parts into the truck and become suspicious, but Ross diverts the cop's attention onto the truck, saying he needs help. The cops offers him this help, not noticing the stolen car, then leaves. The following day, the dashcam video collected by the cop of this event leads police to identify Ross as the suspect who ran over the victim. Lexington police go to Humboldt to look for Ross, but they learn he has left town. He has traveled 140 miles to Cape Girardeau, Missouri, where he has begun a life there of selling drugs and robbing rival drug dealers. Ross has a pregnant girlfriend in Humboldt, who comes to Cape Girardeau, and gives birth to their baby there. But soon after the birth, his girlfriend is fed up with him and takes the baby and leaves. Ross becomes popular at area clubs, where he becomes a well-known rapper. At the same time, he is a heavy drug user. Lexington police arrange for Ross to be featured on a national TV show. Soon after the airing, they receive multiple calls that he is in Cape Girardeau. A friend tips him off that he is on TV, which surprises him. He makes plans to get out of town, but before he has a chance, police arrest him at his new girlfriend's house in the middle of the night.
2-7 December 7, 2010 Got a Lot of Pot Steve Lamb begins a career as a marijuana smuggler during his adolescence. The operation involves bringing multiple tons at a time from Jamaica into Florida by boat. At first, he doesn't see getting caught as a possibility. But one day, when his crew are taking a long time to unload their numerous bales, a fisherman spots the operation, takes a bale, and brings it to the police, who come in for a bust. The bust is reported nationwide as the Steinhatchee 7, at that time the largest marijuana bust in US history. All participants receive 20 years in prison. But after two years, on appeal, all are released on parole. Lamb continues smuggling from Jamaica until Jamaica cannot meet his demands, then he resorts to Colombia as a source of pot. He is stopped by his neighbors who are police officers one day and charged with violating parole. He makes bail of $30,000 easily, then takes the millions of dollars he has stashed in his mother's backyard and flees to Venezuela on a fake passport. Once in Venezuela, he obtains a visa that allows him also to travel to Peru and Bolivia, where he goes regularly for drug business. After two years, he wishes to re-enter the United States. He does this by buying an airline ticket from a friend, then using it to obtain another fake passport under that friend's name. When re-entering, he is ordered to undergo a thorough search. He has no drugs, but his biggest liability is the second fake passport. When the officer is distracted, he hides the second passport, and the officer does not notice. He later makes frequent entries into the United States to visit his mother and friends, but officers can never catch him. His mother dies, and he spends time with her during her final days, but does not attend her funeral, which was staked out. Later, with his girlfriend, he spends half his life in South America and half his time in California. They conceive twins. His girlfriend discovers his lifestyle and is uncomfortable staying with him, but feels she has to. One day, he is arrested in California during a sting, extradited to Florida, and serves 34 months for the parole violation. All other charges are dismissed on technicalities.
2-8 December 14, 2010 Got Shot Above a Deli Sean Salley, an aspiring rapper, is broke, and turns to drug dealing for money. One day, he and an accomplice, Andre Smith, come to an apartment located above the Carnegie Deli in Manhattan to rob a drug dealer who is residing there. The pair bind five people found inside the apartment, and prior to their departure, shoot all of them execution style in order to leave no witnesses behind. The plan backfires when two of the victims survive the shooting, and one calls 911. Video surveillance of the stairwell shows the getaway and the faces of the suspects. It is shown on the news, and the public calls in tips. Additionally, an address book found in the apartment lists Salley's name. Salley, a New Jersey resident, then goes on the run. He catches a bus to New Orleans, where his mother, who is a paralegal, lives, hoping to seek her council. He is extremely paranoid, especially as he sees what appears to be an unmarked police car conducting surveillance outside her house. He does not approach her mother's house, but instead phones her. He hides in in motels and friends houses while in New Orleans. One day, he asks an acquaintance from New Jersey to wire him money. The acquaintance instead calls police. Police arrange a sting to arrest him when he retrieves the wire transfer. But they cannot watch all moneywire outlets in a large city. He first approaches the bus terminal, but when he observes surveillance being conducted there, he leaves the scene, and finds another outlet inside a travel agency. He retrieves the money from that, and police are alerted and approach the travel agency. But they are 4 minutes late. Salley observes from a distance police approaching the agency. Police learn from the travel agency that Salley was inquiring about ways to leave the country. Salley makes plans to leave, and assuming that buses and trains are already being watched, he hitchhikes. He reaching Miami, where he checks into a homeless shelter and finds employment. Police, on a hunch, guess he may have gone to Miami, and they broadcast his picture there. He is identified in multiple tips as being at the shelter. Police converge there and find him. He and Smith are sentenced to 120 years in prison.
2-9 December 21, 2010 Got to Lock and Load The Republic of Texas is a militia group that believes the state of Texas is being held illegally by the United States and supports Texas seeding from the Union. A neighbor of their compound has turned in one of the militia's members to law enforcement, and the militia is upset about this. Three militia members invade this couple's home, shoot the man, and take them hostage, demanding this member's release. After a hostage situation that goes on for hours in which the man is bleeding from a gunshot, police make the decision to meet the militia's demand's, but later capture them at their compound. Days later, the militia has made booby trapped their compound to ward off a possible raid from law enforcement and arranged for guns and ammunition to be brought to the compound. But the car in which the guns are being transported in has been intercepted by tipped off police, and its occupants arrested. Police then approach and surround the compound. Most members decide to surrender, but while police are busy with their minds focused on arresting most of the members, two of the members, Richard Keyes III and Mike Madsen flee into nearby woods. Police take notice of this escape, and try to pursue the suspects. The suspects find the terrain difficult, tire, and start to rest. Police send K-9 dogs into the woods to pursue the suspects. Madsen tells Keyes, who wishes to continue, to keep going while he gives up. But Keyes refuses to leave his friend behind. Finally, Keyes has no choice but to abandon his friend. The dogs reach Madsen, who shoots one of the dogs to death, and aims shots at a helicopter hovering above. Police give orders to fire on Madsen. Madsen is shot to death. Police then continue to search for Keyes, but likewise find the terrain difficult. They make the decision to call off the search and find Keyes elsewhere later. Keyes has to his advantage a map showing where the militia has stashed survival supplies, including water. Keyes makes it to a state park, where he calls the New Mexico militia and arranges for a ride. He is given a safehouse at the New Mexico militia's compound for several weeks, but when he makes plans to blow up a government building, the New Mexico militia kicks him out. He then goes to another militia group near Houston, but has a similar experience. With no militia members to support him, he contacts his family and tells his exact location. His family calls the FBI. FBI agents plan to catch him at the motel where he is staying, but they observe him getting into a car. Once on the road, he is ordered out of that car. The FBI then arrests him. He is sentenced to 90 years in prison of the aggravated kidnapping.
2-10 December 28, 2010 Got to Pick Up a Hooker Dallas Slettvet is a drug enforcer. One day, he gets into a fight at a home where he is sent and stabs the victim to death with his own knife. Realizing he has taken a life, he panics. He remains in town, hiding out in the homes of other drug addicts and finally his sister-in-law's house, where he is bored and in need of more drugs, leading him to venture out and put his freedom at risk. Finally, he is at a club when he gets booted for being drunk. He spends the night asleep in an alley and wakes up the next morning far from his safehouse. He hails a cab and asks for a ride back, then passes out in the cab. The cabbie then starts to rob him, and he fights with the cabbie, who pushes him out of the cab. The cabbie calls police. Police spot him nearby and arrest him, leading to the end of his run.
2-11 January 4, 2011 Got a Death Certificate James Clement is selling a boat, and a pair of men, the Ellis brothers, pose as potential customers and say they wish to take the boat for a spin. Once out at sea, they order Clement overboard at gunpoint and shot him to death, thereby robbing him of the boat. They arrange to drive it to the Bahamas where drug dealer Anthony Ragno will buy the boat to sell on the black market. But once Ragno learns the boat was associated with a murder, he feels uncomfortable, flees the Bahamas, and returns to his home in Ft. Lauderdale. The Ellis brothers want to silence him and come to his home intent on murdering him. But Ragno senses he is in danger, and he flees to Texas, where he obtains honest employment. The FBI question Ragno to get information useful in prosecuting the Ellis brothers for Clement's murder. But Ragno is also sentenced for his role to a year in prison, which he fears due to the presence of the Ellis brothers in the same prison. He is given 30 days to report, and decides to go on the run. With the help of a drug boss, he assumes the identity of a man who has died in a car crash, and his own name is applied to the deceased in a switch. Ragno, now known as James Collins, becomes an overseas drug dealer, using ships to transport marijuana throughout the Western hemisphere. He settles into Haiti, but when civil war breaks out in Haiti, he moves to Dominican Republic. He is caught with cocaine in Dominican Republic, and deported to the United States. Dominican authorities assume he will be prosecuted, but he enters the country, slipping through the cracks, and continues his life on the run. He has occasional brushes with the law for driving without a license, and most of the time is arrested under the name James Collins, but one time accidentally gives his real name. US Marshals investigating Ragno's cold case find records that he is dead, but are suspicious due to the lack of a death certificate. They then find an arrest record under his name years later. They visit many of his last known addresses until they receive a tip to his whereabouts. He serves his original one-year sentence and returns to society thereafter.
2-12 January 11, 2011 Got a Family Coming After Me Erick Quesada is wanted for the murder of his best friend turned enemy Michael Newhouse in a drive-by shooting in the suburbs of San Antonio. It takes 9 days following the shooting for police to gather the evidence needed to arrest their prime suspect. But on the day after the shooting, Quesada's mother takes him to a relative in Mexico to stay. Once in Mexico, Quesada moves around between different towns while staying on the run and works odd jobs and sells timeshares. Meanwhile, police in San Antonio continue to search the area for him, believing he is still there. That all changes when they receive a letter tipping them off he is in Mexico. Federales come to the address to learn he has been departed. San Antonio police are helpless without the successful capture by the Federales. But Newhouse's parents attempt to aid in Quesada's capture by sending flyers around, warning the public that he is a murderer. Police continue to receive anonymous letters on Quesada's whereabouts. But Federales are always too late in their attempts to capture him. Finally, after 4 years, they are able to capture him before he has a chance to run. He is sentenced to 75 years in prison.
2-13 January 18, 2011 Got Ninth Place at Poker Randall Zandstra at age 25 is estranged from his wife of 4 years. He breaks into her apartment to stalk her with a plan to harass her. He expects her to arrive home by herself, but she comes with a new boyfriend. After a foot chase and confrontation, he shoots her new boyfriend, then flees the scene. He settles in Atlanta, where he creates a fake identity for himself, finds employment, and marries another woman. But after 2 years of marriage, his second wife discovers his past and reports him to police. He then moves to Las Vegas where he takes up employment in landscaping and supplements his income with his poker skills. He enters another relationship there, but it also sours. He moves on to New Jersey, where he once again takes up employment in landscaping and as a poker player in Atlantic City. He also runs a scam operation out of an office in New York City, leading to his arrest for mail fraud and a 7-month prison sentence. Following his release, he is being sought for charges of stealing from a former employer. He skips bail. He returns to Vegas where he uses his real name in a poker championship and finishes in 9th place. He then moves to Colorado, where he gets into a fight with a girlfriend. She claims he pointed a gun to her head and demanded he sign over the deed to her house, which he denies, and is not charged for. Marshals find him in Colorado, and are about to arrest him when he flees by car. A high speed chase ensues, his car flips, and he is ejected and severely injured. After recovering from his injuries, he is sentenced to 9 years in prison for the theft from his employer. The attempted murder charge is dismissed on a technicality.

Season 3

Episode number Air date Title Plot
3-1 April 12, 2011 Got a Country Legend's Tour Bus Christopher Daniel Gay has led a life of crime, particularly theft, and has been in and out of prison, and has already escaped several times. He hears his mother is dying, and desires to escape again to see her. While being transported from Texas to Alabama to face charges, he escapes during a restroom break, spends the night hiding in the woods, and the following morning, steals a pickup truck that he finds parked at a factory. He abandons the pickup truck a few hours later, and then steals a Walmart truck. While stopping for a meal, an officer spots the Walmart truck, and after Gay gets into the vehicle, the officer gives chase. The chase ends at the home of his dying mother, where his sister Leann is also present. Officers surround the home while Gay is on the roof. Gay sees his mother through the window, but fails to enter the home to see her. He manages to escape, and later cons his way into a secured lot where tour buses of musicians are parked. He then makes off in the bus of Crystal Gayle and drives it to Daytona Speedway, where he cons his way to a VIP pass and enjoys a day at the races. On the way out, he is captured when suspicious officers run the plates of the bus.
3-2 April 19, 2011 Got That Tough Girl Look Following the Murder of Earl Mason in a Daytona Beach motel, the three perpetrators, Jason Bowman, William McMinn, and Juanita Liebman flee to Texas. During a routine traffic stop, Liebman, a passenger, is the only one who can produce ID. Bowman is already a suspect in the murder, so he is booked and extradited. Liebman already has burglary warrants in Virginia, and she is booked on them, but she is released after Virginia refuses to accept the extradition. She later catches a bus to Virginia where her mother lives, where she briefly reunites with her. To stay on the run, she hides out for a while at motels in North Carolina, but after wanted posters circulate the town, she returns to her mother's residence. U.S. Marshals search her mother's residence, where they find her hiding behind boxes.
3-3 April 26, 2011 Got a Bad Temper Aurlieas Dante McClarty is awaiting trial in Oklahoma for throwing molotov cocktails at a friend's house. Before the trial, he robs a taco shop and uses the money to flee to Los Angeles. There, he takes on a new identity, Donald Lang, and commits mass identity theft to support himself. He forms a relationship with a young woman named Rebecca, whom he impregnates. McClarty is living under the radar of the law until one day, he loses his temper while waiting in line at a theater and threatens a reserve police officer. He is sentenced to a year in prison, but rather than reporting to prison, he flees with Rebecca to the suburbs of Cleveland. There, he assumes a new alias Jonathan Kinkade and commits large amounts of check fraud in nearby states, but does not commit any in Ohio or under the name Kinkade. He meets another young woman named Holly, and makes her his new girlfriend, but is yet to dump Rebecca. He drives to Orlando, where he shoots paintballs at Rebecca, then dumps her, leaving him only with Holly. He then enters a U-Haul store with the intent to rob the place, shoots the two employees dead, but finds he cannot open the safe, and is forced to leave emptyhanded. His next scheme is to purchase two PlayStations from a Toys R Us where Holly is working using counterfeit cash, then return them with the hopes of receiving real cash in return, but this arouses suspicion, and the U.S. Secret Service is contacted, and McClarty is investigated under the name Jonathan Kinkade. Seeing the there is no criminal record associated with the name Kinkade, the Secret Service uses him as an informant, and he is able to help catch numerous counterfeiters. But a month into this operation, a connection is made between the name Kinkade and the U-Haul murders, and plans are made to arrest him. But before he can be arrested, he flees with Holly to Laurel, Maryland, where he rents a motel. During that stay, Holly flees the room, gets into his car, and drives back home. McClarty, fearing he will be reported, rents a car and moves to another motel in Laurel. He meets a couple who are also fugitives, and the two men agree to commit a bank robbery and split the cash. The other man commits the actual robbery, but when the other man is going to retrieve his girlfriend, McClarty takes all the money from the robbery and flees. He rents a car and drives to North Carolina, where he rents a house and lives under the radar for two months. During this time, the FBI places him on their most wanted list. The FBI is tipped off when McClarty sells the car he had rented and never returned, and the buyer attempts to register the car, but can't because it has been reported stolen. McClarty notices a plumbing truck parked near his house, and suspects this is a cover for a vehicle filled with FBI agents. He attempts to flee through the back gate, but is swarmed by FBI agents, and his run is over.
3-4 May 3, 2011 Got to Escape in Underwear Ricky McCurry is in a holding cell at the Unicoi County, Tennessee jail while awaiting transport back to the Nashville juvenile detention center where he is serving time for petty offenses. After three days in his cell there, he begs the lone officer one duty for a shower. The officer opens his cell door while he is dressed in nothing but underpants. Security is low because the officer is not used to seeing escapes. But as soon as the door is open, McCurry bolts from the facility, and the officer cannot catch him. McCurry finds clothes in a trash can and stops at his home to take his belongings. He then travels to North Carolina where his uncle and aunt live, and hides out with them. Word gets out that all charges against him have been dropped and he is no longer a fugitive. He returns home. Once home, he is caught for drunk driving. Rather than showing in court, he heads to Florida, where he attempts to live cleanly, but is unsuccessful. One day, he shoplifts alcohol from a liquor store, and the owner prevents him from leaving before police arrive. He is sentenced to 10 days in prison, after which he is extradited to Tennessee to face the drunken driving charge. He is back in the jail where he originally escaped from. There, he takes two playing cards and picks the lock to his cell, and dashes out. He then returns home, gets his car, and drives to his uncle and aunt in North Carolina again. But they refuse to harbor an adult fugitive. He returns to Tennessee, where his drinking is out of control. To get money for his drinking, he robs a convenience store, using a toy gun disguised to look real as a weapon. While making his getaway, he is drunk, and he drives on the wrong side of the road, nearly striking a police car head on. A high speed chase ensues. He crashes on a little mountain road, and flees on foot while his accomplice is caught on the spot. He is captured after a foot chase. He pleads guilty to avoid a much longer prison term and is sentenced to 7 years in a maximum security prison. When in prison, he plots his next escape. He obtains a handcuff key, and when making a court appearance, he uses the key to loosen his shackles. When he sees the moment, he bolts. But the area is then surrounded by officers, and he is captured. His sentence is increased by 18 years for this escape. After he is released after this long sentence, he is caught drunk driving again and forced to serve another 7 years. He was free as of the filming of this episode, and was living with his mother.
3-5 May 10, 2011 Got a Pen Pal Brenda Wynn, a drug dealer in Daytona Beach, takes in a homeless man and employs him as a driver. She is not legally able to drive due to her history of DUI and drug convictions. One day, her driver betrays her and takes money intended for an errand for himself. Wynn is angered and plans to kill him. Unable to get a hold of a gun to kill him, she runs him over and leaves him for dead. She is arrested for the battery and posts bail. But before her court hearing, she contacts a pen pal named Glenn from the time she previously spent in prison, and arranges for him to pick her up and take her to his hometown of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Before leaving, Wynn wants her friend David to accompany them. Once in Williamsport, Glenn rents an apartment that he, Wynn, and David share. The apartment happens to be one block away from the police station. She continues to live as a drug addict and alcoholic, drawing unwanted attention. One day, while driving to pick up Glenn from work, she is pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving. She cannot produce ID, and she gives police an alias, making them suspicious. When police take her into custody, they find her ID on her, showing them her real name. She is fingerprinted, and her prints initially turn up no warrants. She is initially released, but the warrants eventually turn up after delay, and she is extradited to Florida, where she is sentenced to two years in prison.
3-6 May 31, 2011 Got to Get Revenge Scott Eizember has a violent temper. His first girlfriend, Roberta, leaves him and files for a restraining order in Michigan. He violates the restraining order and is arrested, but is released and flees the state. He then settles in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he meets a woman named Kathy and begins a relationship with her. After several months, Kathy ends the relationship due to Eizember's violent tendencies. Eizember responds by holding her hostage and attempting to get even. To get away from him, Kathy moves to Lawton, Oklahoma. Before she has a chance to move all her possessions, Eizember breaks into her old home, lives there for some time, and destroys a lot of her property. She detects this when she receives a cable bill for premium usage. She calls police, who suspect it is Eizember. Eizember, bent on further revenge, goes to Depew, Oklahoma, where Kathy's parents live, and where he expects to find her. To stake out her parents' house for her, he breaks into the home of an elderly couple across the street, thinking no one is home, and helps himself to a shotgun there. When he finds them home, he confronts and eventually murders them. He then proceeds to the home of Kathy's parents, where he finds Kathy's mother and son. He shoots Kathy's son Tyler, and severely beats her mother. Tyler gets into the family car and drives to the location where his grandfather is a coach. Eizember gets into the back of the truck, and follows, but Tyler purposely crashes the truck in an attempt to knock him out. Tyler falls on the ground, where, lying wounded, he is noticed, and Eizember flees on foot. Police launch a manhunt, the largest in the history of the state of Oklahoma. Eizember first hides for three days in a barn, where police search for but fail to find him. After 3 days, he leaves the barn and moves onto the parsonage of the church where he met Kathy. He hides in a closet there, where for nearly a month, he remains undetected while he eats food intended for the needy and drinks water. He also finds a small TV set that he uses to follow news about himself. After nearly a month, an 87-year-old volunteer discovers him by accident, and he knocks her over, steals her keys, and then her car. He drives her car until it runs out of gas. Posing as a stranded motorist, he receives an offer for help from a physician and his wife, but once inside their vehicle, he takes them hostage and orders them to drive to Arkansas, and then to Texas. In Texas, the husband demands a stop to use the restroom, and outside the vehicle, he takes his own gun and shoots Eizember 3 times, wounding him. Eizember beats the couple, then takes their car. Eizember then drives to a convenience store, where he robs the store of supplies to treat his wounds. Soon after, Eizember is stopped by an officer for a routine traffic stop. The officer is unaware of who Eizember is, but Eizember declares he has been shot, and an ambulance is called. Police, suspicious, check the vehicle and learn it's been stolen. After recovering, Eizember is extradited to Oklahoma, where he is sentenced to death.[3]
3-7 June 7, 2011 Got to Run With My Buddy The Clovis, New Mexico jail break. In this break, eight inmates escape. Episode focuses on two: Larry McClendon and Michael England. McClendon is awaiting trial for murder and other charges. England for probation violations. McClendon had already been there for 14 months. He had been plotting an escape all along. One day, he planned to escape by striking a guard over the head and stealing his uniform. But at the last moment, he retracts, not wanting to hurt the guard. England, a childhood friend, then comes to jail, and the two discuss their escape plans together. They steal a key to a pipe when guards are not looking, then enter the pipe. They find it leads to the roof. They spend several days making a hole in the roof, and when that is finally complete, they and six other inmates escape. The pair go to a friend, who drives them while drunk to a family member's house. There, they get civilian clothes and cash. Police are searching for them while they hide in mud. They then find an abandoned building where they hide for several days until they get a ride to Amarillo, Texas. England later returns to Clovis. McClendon stays in Amarillo, where he is captured by Marshals. England is captured in Clovis.
3-8 June 14, 2011 Got Caught in Love Triangle Henry Lee Marshall of Tampa, Florida is obsessed with Martha Leathers, a woman he dated briefly. Leathers has had a long term relationship with another man, George O'Neill, with whose she has 5 children. Leathers temporarily suspended her relationship with O'Neill at one time, and during that time dated Marshall before breaking up and returning to O'Neill. But Marshall does not want to let go of Leathers and continues to Harass her and O'Neill. Over the years, Marshall often stalks and terrorizes Leathers and O'Neill. Leathers has often pressed charges against Marshall for this, but police put little effort into the case. One day, O'Neill and their oldest son, then 18, take matters into their own hand, and beat Marshall with a bat. This leaves him undeterred, so they threaten him with a gun to stay away. Marshall obtains a gun of his own. O'Neill and Leathers make plans to move the family away from Tampa. O'Neill comes to a prearranged location to pick up a trailer he is borrowing for the move. He is then ambushed by Marshall, who is waiting for him, and is shot 4 times. He dies at the hospital, saying the name of his killer before his death. A warrant is issued for the arrest of Marshall for first degree murder. But before he can be arrested, he flees to Dallas, where he takes on the alias Bennie Thomas and gets a job as a shoemaker. He spends a year in Dallas before he returns to Tampa to see family. There, he gets a job in nearby Lakeland, where an old acquaintance recognizes him. Suspicious of this, he leaves again, and he goes back to Tampa, where he harasses Leathers again. He shows up at her door, wanting to talk to her. But when he realizes she has phoned police, he flees her neighborhood. He goes to Atlanta, where he purchases a van. He sets up the van to be a place where he can live, but he also places a "shine" sign on it and sets up on the streets, shining shoes of passersby for income. One day, he is stopped by suspicious officers, who take him in for driving on a suspended license. They run his prints, but do not get any results back before releasing him. He then travels around the country, shining in many locations. In 1992, he returns to Tampa to be with his dying mother. After spending several weeks with her, he decides to spend one more day downtown to make some income shoeshining to afford to leave. When he arrives downtown, Leathers coincidentally arrives at a bank where he is. She spots him and enters the bank to phone police. Police send numerous officers to the area in search of him and find him. He denies he is Marshall, professing he is Bennie Thomas and that this is a mistake, but officers bring leathers to ID Marshall, and she is positive it is him. His trial is delayed for two years due to a stroke he suffers, but he is later convicted of the murder and sentenced to life.
3-9 June 21, 2011 Got a Boyfriend to Support Steven Jay Russell is fired from his food service job for being gay. He turns to low level fraud and is sentenced to six months behind bars. After just one month, he escapes by obtaining civilian clothes, posing as a janitor, and being granted exit from the facility by a guard believing he is one. He flees to Florida, where he stays with his boyfriend who is dying of AIDS. He is captured just 3 weeks before his boyfriend's death. After being captured, meets another boyfriend named Phillip Morris who is serving time. Both agree to live together after they are freed. Russell is freed first. With just a GED, he cons his way into a CFO job that pays $85,000/year. Once he has the job, he embezzles $800,000 from the company with plans to embezzle millions more. He is caught while attempting to refinance his mortgage as the bank is suspicious of how he got such large amounts of money. He is sent to jail with bail set at $900,000. From inside the jail, he makes a phone call to the department of records posing as a judge and asking that his bail be reduced to $45,000. He then contacts a bail bondsman who gets him out. He pleads guilty and receives 40 years in prison. Once in prison, he sees that prisoners wear white scrubs and doctors wear green scrubs. He obtains an extra prison uniform and a large number of green highlighters and dyes the uniform green, he then approaches the security gate dressed in the green scrubs, and the guard, assuming he is a doctor, lets him out of the facility. He then knocks on the door to a random house and asks for a ride into town, saying he is a doctor. Once there, he hails a cab to a hospital an hour away, telling the cab driver he is a surgeon and he has to save a life. From there, he makes his way back to Morris, and the two head to Biloxi, Mississippi. A tip leads marshalls there, who capture him. Once he is returned, he fakes having AIDS and dying of the condition. He is released to a nursing home on medical parole, and once there, he obtains a blank death certificate, which he fills out with his name. He sends copies to the district attorney and his parole officer, convincing them he is dead and therefore off the radar. He then tries to free Morris by pretending to be a judge and having him transferred to another less secure prison, and then pretending to be an attorney and visiting him in prison. To get money, he approaches a bank pretending to be a millionaire and asking for a loan. The bank becomes suspicious and is about to call police. But he feigns a heart attack and gets rushed to the hospital, from where he escapes. He flees to Florida, where he is captured again. He is now serving 140 years in maximum security on 23-hour lockdown.
3-10 June 28, 2011 Got to Impersonate a Guard Dennis Wayne Hope is an employee at Albertsons in Dallas. He grows bored with his work, and comes up with a plan for easy money. He takes notice of the procedures followed by the armored guards who collect money from the store. Over a 6-month period, he formulates a plan, where he studies pick-up times for cash at numerous Albertson's stores around the Dallas area other than the one where he works. He purchases a used plain white van, which he converts into a fake armored truck, and places the decals of a real one on. He also creates a fake uniform and badge. He enters an Albertson's 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled pick-up, and fools an employee into believing he is the guard. He then drives to another Albertson's and does the same. When he departs the second store, he hears on a scanner he is carrying that the first robbery has been reported. He proceeds to commit a third, and afterwards learns that the second has also been reported. At that moment, he quits for the day, and hides the van that was used. He continues to work at his Albertson's job for several more months until one day, he is fired. After that, he turns to armed robberies of other Albertson's stores. The identity of this serial robbery remains unknown to police until one day he boasts to his girlfriend. After his girlfriend breaks up, she reports him to police, and he is arrested. While being loaded into a van along with other inmates for transport to court, Hope escapes by loosening his shackles with a homemade handcuff key, and makes a mad dash from the loading area into nearby streets. He strips off his uniform down to his boxer shorts and continues to run. A police officer passing him stops, leading Hope to believe he is being caught. The officer is unaware of the escape and assumes he was a recent robbery victim, but Hope tells the officer he is training for a triathlon, and the officer believes him. Hope then heads to the home of a friend, where he spends the next week. After a week, he leaves to get fake ID, and an officer spots him driving. He leads officers on a high-speed chase and is captured. He is tried and sentenced to 80 years in prison. Once in prison, he makes plans to escape from the maximum security institution. Along with two other inmates, they cut power to the prison, then scale the fences in the darkness of the night. The guards in the tower observe the escape and fire shots that all miss. The other two inmates are caught, but Hope evades the search team, running 14 miles to a convenience store the following morning. He observes a man leave his truck with the keys inside, then jumps into the truck and drives it to a suburb of Dallas, where it runs out of gas. He finds a jacket and a knife in the truck, and he uses the jacket to cover his uniform. He approaches an elderly man, who he robs and carjacks. He gets $30 from the robbery, which he uses to buy civilian clothes. He then finds a gun in the truck and robs an Albertson's of $17,000, then drives to Memphis, where he abandons the stolen truck. He first checks in at a motel, and he uses some of the cash to buy a used car, and to rent an apartment. When his cash supply runs dry, he travels back to Dallas robs three more Albertson's stores in the Dallas area that he robbed before, netting $100,000. He returns to Memphis to continue living his life, all while Dallas officers believe he is in the area. The first lead to him being in Memphis comes when the carjacked truck is found abandoned by Memphis police, and it is connected to Hope. Texas officers then come up with the theory that he is living in Memphis and commuting to Dallas to commit robberies. Inside the stolen truck, an ad is found in which a phone number for a car for sale is circled. The seller provides police with a number from his caller ID, which is traced to a motel. Hope has checked out of the motel by then, but the phone records at the motel reveal the phone has been used to call a meat packing plant. His girlfriend's sister works at that plant and is shocked to learn he is a fugitive. She invites him to a bar later that evening on the guise of it being a party, but agents stake it out and capture him there. He is sentenced to 140 years in solitary confinement, being kept on the Death Row unit.
3-11 July 5, 2011 Got Shot in the Leg Just after Heck Van Tran is fired from Jade East restaurant in Memphis, Tennessee, Kong Chung Bounnam, Van Tran, Hung Van Chung, and Duc Phuoc Doan, who are all Vietnamese, decide to rob it before the business opened. The shooting started when the restaurant manager Authur Lee tries to grab a gun from Van Chung and then pulled the trigger on him. Kai Yin Chuey was shot twice by Van Tran, second time in the head, killing her instantly. Amy Lee tries to call police as Van Chung ran toward her, held her and put two bullets in the head, killing her instantly on the first shot. Doan took two rings from the body of Chuey and Van Tran gave a jewelry case to him. The group leave the restaurant. Van Tran discovered that Bounnam is wounded in his leg as he is limping toward his car. Bounnam is able to drive for couple of blocks before Van Tran takes over. He then drive in Bounnam's Camaro to acquaintance's apartment, where they find Van Chung's car to go for their long drive to Washington, D.C., where they left the jewelry. From there, they travel to Houston to visit Saigon Pool Hall to sell gold to a Vietnamese man for $4000. After Bounnam's leg healed, he travels to North Carolina to stay with his uncle, while Van Chung travels to Dallas with his friend, who is eventually apprehended there. Van Tran got arrested while staying in Houston and admits to police about why he got arrested, and he replied "For a shooting in Memphis." He was fingerprinted, finding out that he stole some jewelry. Ging Sam Lee, who is 77 years old at the time, is the only victim survived in the shooting and told police the story through a translator, including who robbed the place and reported her jewelry was stolen. While other robbers left the town, Doan stayed in Memphis to finish the high school. But one day, he saw an officer showed a photo to a student if she recognized that guy and she points to him and then he panicked as he ran inside as officer started chasing him. He ran down the hall accidentally bumping into couple of students. He ran downstairs and got trapped when another officer came through the door in front of him. He was taken for questioning. During the interview with Sergeant Dennis Hodges, Doan admitted that he participated in the robbery and identified three other suspects, including Bounnam. After learning that police are looking for him in North Carolina, Bounnam leaves uncle's residence and heads to Toronto, Canada. But one night while driving to a hotel there, Bounnam was unaware that police are waiting for him and as he pulls into a parking lot, he was arrested and was extradited back to his hometown. Bounnam is sentenced to life plus 25 years for robbery, Van Tran is sentenced to death, Van Chung receive two consecutive life sentences, and Doan remain free and still lives in Memphis.
3-12 July 12, 2011 Got to Hide in a Swamp Dominick Reddick pointed the gun at the officer, he pulled the trigger but there was no bullets. He then takes the gun from officer's hand before he arrested Reddick. After spending 10 months in jail, Reddick escaped from a transport van after it broke down along a Florida highway. He hid in the swamp for six hours until he hitched a ride to Jacksonville. His brother then drove Reddick to Chatham County in Georgia where he plans to meet up with his girlfriend. However, his brother dropped him off on the side of U.S. 17. When marshalls spotted him, he ran into an apartment complex parking lot and then into the woods where the marshalls lost sight of him. While hiding in the woods, marshalls use bloodhounds to search for him, but he was nowhere in sight. After re-emerging, he ran through a shopping mall parking lot in a black jogging suit and barefoot. After a woman spotted him running, he was reported to the police. Reddick ran off before police could surround the area. He hid in the swamp in cold and wet conditions. As he trekked, he smelled donuts and walked toward the source. He sees that worker at the BP gas station throws away old donuts in the trash bin. After Reddick walked to the bin, a woman recognized him and told the cashier at the convenience store to call the police. When Reddick saw the officers, he ran back into the woods. After about 15 minutes, search dogs caught Reddick's scent and corrections officer ordered Reddick to the ground. He went back to the prison that he escaped from.
3-13 July 19, 2011 Got to Work on a Crab Boat

Season 4

Episode number Air date Title Plot
4-1 October 6, 2011 Love on the Run
4-2 October 6, 2011 Got to Ride the Rails Ricky Alan Sleight comes to Miami in an attempt to put his troubled past behind. He starts out homeless and is trying to kick a drinking habit. He finds a job and temporarily moves in with a man until he can rent his own apartment. But he gets into an argument with the man, leading him to murdering him. He then sets the man's body on fire. A neighbor reports the fire, and police discover the cause and that Sleight is the prime suspect. But Sleight has stolen the victim's car and driven it to his parents' house in North Carolina. After a brief visit with his parents, he abandons the car, then catches a bus to Chicago. There, he learns about freighthopping. He catches a series of freight trains to Bellingham, Washington with a goal of getting to Alaska. Periodically, he makes calls to his mother in which he hangs up in an attempt to throw off investigators. His mother suspects those calls are from him and reports each one to police. When he reaches Bellingham, he attempts to stow away on a ferry to Alaska. But a dog in a car barks, drawing the attention of security, and he is forced to flee. He then catches a series of trains to Oceanside, California, where he decides to take a break from traveling. He joins the local homeless community and becomes well known there, including participation in church services. His case makes national news, and a homeless man in the area reports his sighting to local police. A search for him around the town ensues, and he is located.
4-3 October 13, 2011 Got to Wear a Pink Shirt Abraham Cavazos has been in trouble with the law throughout his youth and his had a resentment for police, even getting an anti-police tattoo on his arm. After being sentenced to probation, he has stayed out of trouble for 1.5 years. Then he heads to a birthday party where be makes plans to impress the preppy girl it is for. He dresses in a pink and blue striped shirt and brings a gun to the party. During the party, Rogelio Terrazas, a recent dental school graduate who is in attendance, and his friends call Cavazos a "faggot". Cavazos first ignores this harassment, but Terrazas then shows something pink by showing his penis to Cavazos. Terrazas then throws a plastic beer cup to Camille Martinez and Cavazos, and after exchanging words, Cavazos shoots Terrazas twice and he dies. Cavazos and his friends leave the party to go on the run. Cavazos calls his cousin Luis for help. Luis is unkeen about helping a fugitive, but offers to take him to the bus station. Cavazos buys a ticket to Los Angeles, thinking he'll run there, but the bus is not departing for several hours, and during that time, Cavazos is paranoid that cops could show up. Cavazos then leaves the bus station before his bus departs. Police think they have spotted Cavazos at a theater, but it turns out they have spotted Luis, who has gone there to see a movie after dropping off his cousin. Cavazos then meets a gang member, who recommends he go to Juarez. Cavazos gets a girlfriend to drive him to Juarez. There, he rents a cheap apartment, and his cousin Luis, who is employed in Juarez, brings him food. He makes money by stealing and selling drugs, and he juggles relationships with multiple girlfriends who help him. One day, a tip leads officers to his apartment. But he gets away by arranging for neighbors to distract the officers, climbs on the roof, outruns an officer, then climbs a mountain to his waiting ride. He catches a bus to Torreon, where he starts a new life and forms a relationship with a girlfriend he impregnates. He spends almost a year there when officers identify him by his tattoos and arrest him. He is extradited and subsequently sentenced to 28 years behind bars.
4-4 October 20, 2011 Got to Silence a Witness
4-5 October 27, 2011 Got to Copy Movies Johnnyray Gasca has been robbed of money he has made from an illegal gambling operation by a friend with a drug problem he has tried to help. He plays Russian roulette against the friend, nearly killing him. He is sentenced to 9 years in prison, but is paroled after 3. After that, he makes a living by taking a camcorder into theaters where Kung Fu movies are being shown, copying his recordings, and selling them on the streets of New York. This is legal, since these movies are not copyrighted. After his parole is finished, he heads to Los Angeles, where he gets involved with celebrities. He manages to gain tickets to early showings of movies before they are released, and once he does, he videotapes the movies, copies them, and sells pirated copies. One day, he is caught and his equipment is confiscated. He threatens the Motion Picture Association of America that if his equipment is not returned, he will release numerous pirated films into the streets. He is charged with federal copyright violations and extortion for this threat and is facing 28 years in prison. He is held without bail. But he is allowed to leave jail for a few hours a day under the custody of his attorney to retrieve evidence. During one of his trips out of jail, he makes an escape and heads with his girlfriend to Florida. There, he moves into a motel and sells pirated movies at a swap meet. He continues this until one day, he and his girlfriend take in a woman he meets there. Though there is no way to know for sure, he believes she betrayed her to authorities. He is later convicted on all counts and receives 7 years in prison before his release.
4-6 November 3, 2011 Got to Burn a Truck Jermaine LeBron of Osceola County, Florida lured Larry Neal Oliver into his house offering to sell "spinners" for his truck. Then LeBron told Oliver to come toward his bedroom, but stopped at the hallway and forced Oliver to lie face down. LeBron shoots at the back of his head using his sawn-off shotgun (he call it "Betsy") at close range. LeBron then steal Oliver's cash and credit card, and he took the stereo equipment out of his truck. LeBron told other house members to burn identification papers and clean up the blood and shotgun shells from the crime scene. They also dispose his body in a rural area near Walt Disney World. Over the next several days, LeBron and some other members use Oliver's credit card, pawned his stereo equipment, and cash his checks. LeBron helped Stacie Kirk and Howard Kendell to burn Oliver's truck by sprinkling gasoline and lighting a match. They fled the scene and LeBron goes to New York City. Once there, he went to Legz Diamond, which is a topless juice bar owned by his mother. During his stay, investigators found several drops of dried blood appeared to contain foreign substances, and spent shotgun shells were found in drawers. The shells point to a shotgun used by LeBron and issue an arrest warrant in New York City. While in parking lot of the bar, LeBron was arrested, extradited back to Florida, and sentenced to death.
4-7 November 10, 2011 Got to Pose as a Firefighter On October 31, 2005 in a Chelsea building in Manhattan, Peter Braunstein set two small fires in the lobby and then put on the firesuit. He then knocked on the door to victim's apartment telling her that there is fire in the building. The victim then opens the door to let him in. He then pulls out the gun and hold his former lover Jane Larkworthy. He then shoved chloroform-laced rag onto her face and duct taped her. She went in and out of conscious for 13 hours while Braunstein groved her. He then let her go before going on the run while Larkworthy report police about the attack. The police then went on the manhunt. On November 17, Braunstein was spotted at a coffee shop in Brooklyn but he left before police looked for him. Braunstein hide out in Memphis, Tennessee, and the university students notified him and the police captured him. Braunstein then stabbed himself three times in the neck and recovered from the hospital before extradited back to New York custody. He was pleaded not guilty of sexual abuse, kidnapping, arson, burglary, and robbery. On June 18, 2007, Braunstein was sentenced to 18 years to life in prison.
4-8 November 17, 2011 Got to Be a Car Salesman Brian McCollum has led a life of crime. He starts by transporting drugs around the country for payment. Wanting a more lucrative way of making money, he turns to safe-cracking. He and two other co-conspirators lead a safe-cracking operation where they enter a business through the roof while it is closed at night and use a sledgehammer to crack the safe, stealing tens of thousands of dollars in each robbery. After several robberies, his fingerprints are found, and he is identified as sentenced to 10 years in prison. He is paroled after 3 years, after which he returns to safe-cracking, is caught again, leads police on a high-speed chase, and is sentenced to 60 years. After 8 years, he is paroled again, and he is caught with cocaine. He is sent to prison for longer, but at the age of 38, having spent little of his life outside a prison, he is paroled once more. He decides this time to go straight and gets a job as a car salesman. He works for the next 6 years in this position, making a six-figure income, marrying a beautiful woman, and moving into a large suburban house. He stays out of trouble for years until one day he is caught behind the wheel intoxicated. His parole is revoked, and a warrant is issued. But before he can be arrested, he goes on the run and moves to Chandler, Texas, where he attempts to start a new life. But he finds he is too well noticed in this small town and returns home. He then remains at home and once again obtains a job at a car dealership. But a friend he fires from the dealership betrays him. He is at a car auction at the time, and police have the place surrounded, but he gets away by buying a car and driving off. He then gets a job at another dealership. Police step up the search for him and find him working there, where he is cornered. He goes before a judge to have his parole revoked. But numerous character witnesses testify on his behalf. He is then sentenced to 8½ months in a low security prison for alcohol treatment, after which he is released and returns to car sales.
4-9 December 1, 2011 Got to Steal a Rich Woman's Jewelry The Murder of Geneva Kane. Kane has recently fired her caregiver Nancy Dean for her poor attendance and drinking on the job. Dean had also been planning to steal Kane's rings, but was fired before she had a chance. Her daughter, Kaysie Dudley and her boyfriend Michael Sorrentino make a trip to Kane's house, claiming to be there to retrieve Dean's possessions she left behind. During the visit, Dudley strangles and stabs Kane to death. In the process of removing Kane's rings, she loses her own ring, which later becomes a key piece of evidence. Dudley and Sorrentino return to the motel where Dean is staying, wash up, and Dean disposes of Dudley's bloody clothes and the murder weapon. The following day, Kane's body is discovered by a neighbor, and another neighbor reports an unusual car that was nearby, one that was later found to belong to Sorrentino. Dean orders Dudley and Sorrentino to go on the run. Sorrentino flees to California. He is apprehended there after being identified as the suspect. Dudley flees to Gainesville, Georgia, where she gets help hiding from various friends. But each time a problem develops with one friend, she moves on to another. Finally, one friend turns her in. Sorrentino receives a 25-year sentence for second-degree murder and serves 8 years. Dean is convicted of second degree murder, but it is overturned, and she serves no time at all. Dudley receives the death penalty, later commuted to a life sentence.
4-10 December 8, 2011 Got to Make a Dummy Out of Sheets Chuck Mallos, a career robber, escapes multiple times from prison. First, while serving time in maximum security, his brother, a military officer, requests he be transferred to a low security prison. In there, just two months shy of a parole hearing, he fools officers making a head count by stuffing shoes and a fake body under blankets on his bed, then escapes the compound with a long head start. He wanders quite a distance, where he spends 18 months on the run, robbing stores and staying at motels before he is apprehended. He serves another year before he is paroled. After being paroled, he is out legally, but cannot adjust to responsibility, and robs again, and is apprehended while attempting to rob a pharmacy. Once back in prison, he escapes through the window of the prison gym by breaking a window with a dumbbell, then using wire cutters to cut through the fence. He hops on board a freight train and rides to Panama City, Florida, where he starts a new life as a robber under the alias Franky Lee Bass. He is soon arrested after a series of robberies, but police there fail to immediately identify him as Mallos. While awaiting trial in the local jail, he masterminds an escape with two other inmates, but all are soon captured. He is then transferred to a high security prison, where he escapes for the fourth time by registering as a witness for a murderer's trial, being transferred to a lower security prison, and breaking out from there. After that break, he breaks into an apartment and takes the resident as a hostage, forcing the hostage to drive him to a nearby town. But people in that town report a suspicious person, and Mallos is apprehended at a bar. He is currently serving multiple life sentences.
4-11 December 15, 2011 Got to Escape From The Rock William Van Poyck played by Adrian Bustamante [4] is serving a life sentence at Florida State Prison for armed robbery when he is caught with a stash of homemade weapons. For this, he is transferred to the more secure Union Correctional Institution, also known as "The Rock," where he is placed in solitary confinement. But he is later transferred into the mainstream prison population, where he forms an escape plan together with another inmate. While the pair are about to escape, they discover three other inmates also planning to escape. All four others are promptly recaptured, but Van Poyck makes it out. He runs some distance until he finds himself by a railroad. Then a train stops along the tracks, and he boards the train, which he rides to St. Petersburg. He drives a stolen car to West Palm Beach, where he temporarily moves in with a friend. But when he tries to obtain weapons for a robbery from another trusted friend, that friend turns him in, and he is returned to prison. There, he studies law, helping other inmates with their cases, and himself with his own. He is paroled 8 years later, and is living cleanly until he loses his job. He first tries the drug trade, but is uncomfortable, and then he once again resorts to armed robberies. Next, he learns that a friend who is an inmate will have an appointment with a dermatologist, and sees this as a perfect opportunity to help his friend escape. He and another friend come to the doctor's office, and ambush the guards, and Van Poyck's friend kills one of the guards and attempts to kill the other. The breakout is unsuccessful. Van Poyck and his friend are then captured after the flee the scene and a high speed chase ensues. Both are sentenced to death. Though Van Poyck is not the trigger man, he is also given the death penalty, and has since been executed.
4-12 December 22, 2011 Got to Run to Mexico With My Kids Valerie Castellano of Bunker Hill, Indiana, a single mother of three, forms a romantic relationship with her neighbor Becky Imus. Both are drug addicted. Valerie gets the idea that they could rob a bank and flee to Mexico. Valerie holds up the bank while Becky waits with the kids in the car. Becky dresses in a manner in which her gender is not easily identifiable and uses a typewritten note, and employees first think she is male, but during the robbery, she slips up and uses her voice, and this gives away she is female. A witness gets a description of her vehicle, including an unusual sticker. The pair after they leave the bank head to Mexico. When they reach Indianapolis, they explore the possibility of flying, but rule that out after they learn there are no flights until 11 PM. They then drive to Mexico and enter easily. Once they arrive in Mexico, they celebrate by playing on the beach and buying a variety of drugs. The next day, their relationship deteriorates. They argue over many different issues. The arguments escalate so badly that Valerie drops Becky off to use the bathroom. Valerie returns, but by the time she does, Becky has gotten a ride to the police. Becky then goes to the US embassy, flies back to the US, and turns herself in. Valerie continues on her way in Mexico, then goes to an old boyfriend, who abuses her, but she feels she has no choice but to stay. While attempting to get her take in the robbery changed to Mexican currency, she is robbed of the money. She flees her boyfriend and heads to Mexico City, where she lands a job at a beauty salon. Together with money her mother sends her, they are able to barely get by. Then she loses her job and resorts to theft. She is arrested for theft one day, and is being questioned by police. She asks to use the bathroom, and escapes through a window there. During her escape, she slips down a tree and is severely injured and debilitated for two months. Neighbors help take care of her and the kids during that time. Finally, desperate investigators put an alert for Valerie's mother flying to Mexico. When she flies, officers are there to meet her at the airport. Valerie is arrested and deported, as her mother takes her children back home. Valerie receives 8 years in prison; Becky receives 9 months.
4-13 December 29, 2011 Got to Pretend I'm a Priest Fred Brito is a masterful conman whose expertise is being able to trick people into hiring him to work in high positions. When he is young, he joins the U.S. Marines, where he is a private, but he impersonates an officer, landing him in prison for 30 days, followed by demotion. Following his four years in the Marines, he goes to a club in Hollywood, gets into a VIP lounge, and begins a romantic relationship with a male celebrity, all with the intention on being able to live the high life at this celebrity's expense. The celebrity cuts this off after several months. He then gets a job at a bank, where he embezzles $1000, landing him on probation and in a halfway house. Unable to follow the rules of the halfway house in facing prison, he flees to Canada, where he hooks up with wealthy people and lives off them. But once his con there is discovered, he is arrested for fraudulently using their credit cards, serves 8 months imprisonment in Canada, and is forced to serve the remainder of his time in the United States. Once free again, he cons his way into a series of top white collar positions, including lawyer, CEO, psychiatrist, and executive director. One of his positions is on the planning commission for the city of Lancaster, California, where he is hired by the mayor, and where one of his duties is to approve building projects. While in this position, he falsely states he is appointed by President Ronald Reagan to a high national position, which draws media attention, exposing him as a fraud. He is then placed behind bars for a year for parole violations. After he is free again, he continues more cons, including being a conductor in a symphony. He is wanted next when he embezzles money from a law firm where he is posing as an attorney. From there, he flees to Mexico, and his next con is to be a fake priest. In this new role, he conducts weddings, funerals, and many other religious ceremonies. When he is looked at suspiciously while attempting to cross back into the US from Mexico after a day trip, he leaves the church where he is employed in Yuma, Arizona, and then heads to Phoenix, where he lands a job as a priest there. But after one month, he is discovered and captured. He serves 18 months for the embezzlement from the law firm, and following his release, claims he has not performed any more cons, is working as a consultant to help potential employers identify such signs, and is writing a book.
4-14 January 5, 2012 Got to Escape Underground Toby Young of DeKalb County, Tennessee is a drug addict and petty thief, and the son of a major marijuana grower who has also been long on the radar of authorities. Young has a history of stealing cars and taking them on joyrides. One day, he crashes a stolen pickup truck he is driving, then sets it on fire. He runs into the woods before reaching another farm, where he steals a minivan, which he uses to escape. But his erratic driving draws attention of police, who stop him after a high speed chase. He is booked in the county jail. Two weeks into his stay in the jail, he makes a plan to escape. He discovers that once the locked door to the pod is open, there is no more confinement to the building. Together with another inmate, they plan to beat a guard when the door is opened. As a ruse, they ask for toilet paper, then when a guard comes to deliver the toilet paper, they beat him and flee. Other inmates quickly help the guard and the entire police force is alerted of the escape. Once out, the pair of fugitives evade search dogs by first hiding in a nearby stream, then cover their bodies with manure. To evade the search helicopter, they hide in hay they cover themselves with. They make it to Young's brother's farm, where Young calls a Mexican friend. His friend is willing to take him to Mexico, but not the other fugitive, who is captured soon after. The Mexican friend picks up Young and drives him to a point near the border. Young is then forced to wear a bag over his head, which leads him to fear he is about to be shot to death. But the purpose of this is really to keep the location of a drug tunnel secret. Young is led through the tunnel, then driven to Guanajuato, where he is given a drug storehouse to live. He feels lonely there for the first several months, until his friend tells him to take Spanish lessons with his sister Maria. Young begins a romantic relationship with Maria, and gets a job driving a truck for Maria's father's family business. All goes well until Young gets behind the wheel drunk and is pulled over by Federales. He attempts to outrun the Federales, but when they stop him, they beat him severely, and take him to a jail, where he spends several months. He sands down his fingerprints while in the jail, hoping they won't ID him, but they never fingerprint him before releasing him. Once released, he resumes the life in Mexico to which is has acclimated. He is frequently stopped by Federales for driving without a license, but he bribes them each time, and they back off. Meanwhile, back in Tennessee, authorities are pursuing every lead they can, feverishly looking for him. They get many false leads he is still in Tennessee while at the same time rumors that he has gone to Mexico. The first evidence he is in Mexico comes from the phone records of a former girlfriend he has communicated with. One day, he is caught driving while intoxicated. This time, the Federales take no bribes. They find marijuana in the car, arrest him, and send him on a plane back to Tennessee the following day. After 4 years on the run, he is sentenced to three years in prison.

Season 5

Episode number Air date Title Plot
5-1 April 11, 2012 Got to Hide Out in Suburbia
5-2 April 18, 2012 Got to Murder My Own Family Jamie Wiley of Thermopolis, Wyoming, a straight A student, murders his stepmother and his three brothers in cold blood, then sets the house on fire. He runs from the scene, and at first tries to be of helpful to investigators, but then reveals to he committed the crime. After his sanity is tested, he is ruled competent to stand trial and pleads guilty to all count, and receives the maximum possible sentence, major him never eligible for parole. Four years later, he and another inmate escape from prison by scaling the fence, then hiding in a ravine, where the guard in the tower cannot see. The pair run 6 miles to the nearby town of Sinclair, where they steal a pickup truck. They drive with a large city as their destination, but the truck runs out of gas, leaving them stranded in the wilderness in the middle of a manhunt. They attempt unsuccessfully to hitchhike, drawing unwanted police attention. The other escapee is apprehended the following morning, but Wiley manages to elude authorities, and he finds a truck where he hides in the undercarriage. The truck takes him on a rough ride to Utah along a gravel road, where he is struck by numerous stones, leaving him badly bruised. He reaches a rest area where he calls a friend for help. But his friend betrays him and turns him in, and with his father present, he is apprehended.
5-3 April 25, 2012 Got to Build a Bridge to Freedom Nicholas Johnson has committed a string of armed robberies in the Portland, Oregon, area. When he is captured, he is sentenced to 90 years in prison. While in prison, he befriends another inmate, and the pair begin plotting their escape. They obtain a hack saw blade that is smuggled in inside of a guitar, which they use to saw the bars of the cell window. The sawing takes several days, so to cover up saw marks, they use paint smuggled from the hobby shop. They use a set of stolen ladders to scale the fence (hence the "bridge to freedom"), and climb over when the mobile patrol unit is on the opposite side. After they are outside the compound, they run several miles until they reach the nearest town, where they steal a car and drive to Portland. They first hide out at Nicholas's aunt's house, then at a friend. They finally rob drug dealers to obtain cash and drugs to sell, and drive to California, where they plan to get into the drug trade. But their first deal takes place in a bar, where a bartender calls police. They are arrested, but since he has fake ID, Nicholas is not identified as a fugitive from Oregon, and he is released. He heads back to Portland to plot his next move, and is making plans with a friend to rob a gun shop, but officers spot a stolen vehicle, and the pair are captured. Nicholas serves 5 more years in maximum security before the remainder of his sentence is overturned on appeal and he is released. He has stayed out of trouble with the law since.
5-4 May 2, 2012 Got to Build a Meth Lab Jerry Wayne Wright is a successful truck driver. One day, he comes home from a road trip, only to learn that has wife has been unfaithful. He then attacks the man his wife has cheated with, but is outdueled. His wife takes the children and leaves. He responds by getting high on meth. This progresses to him becoming a meth dealer in Monroe County, Tennessee, the state's top county for meth. When Wright sees his fellow meth dealers are being busted, he moves his lab to a stolen camper, so he can be mobile. He works for a few weeks producing large amounts of meth, but the trailer explodes, and his investment is lost. He then goes to an associated to claim money he feels he is owed. This leads to a fight. Wright accidentally kills this associate, panics, and buries him in the spot. He flees to his sister's house in Ohio to get away and hoping for a respite, but his sister goes to police. Before police can surround the house, Wright flees back to Tennessee. But before he reaches his trailer, police surround the trailer park and apprehend him. He is sent to the county jail to await trial. After several months in jail, he escapes by wearing civilian clothes under his prison uniform, and when all other inmates head inside when a thunderstorm breaks out, he scales a wall, injured by razor wire, but not deterred. He runs to a friend's trailer, and his friend drives him back to Ohio. He is about to approach his mother's house, but he sees police there, so he calls a friend in nearby Oxford, who brings him to an abandoned trailer to hideout. When he learns that police have stepped up the heat on his family, he decides to surrender. He calls a local news station, and has them meet him at the precinct to be sure that the police don't shoot him.
5-5 May 9, 2012 Got to Run With My Brother Brothers Mark and Maverick Maher from when they are young are on a major crime spree. Their crimes include auto theft, burglary, and vandalism, but they also enjoy the thrill of being armed and using weapons. While young, they are arrested and each spend about a year in prison. Following their release, they return to continue to terrorize their hometown of Jupiter Farms, Florida. They are supported by numerous friends, who hide them and confuse police trying to catch them. Police consider them top priority to catch as they use violence and taunt police. When they are being heavily sought, they flee to Des Moines, Iowa. But their brother-in-law turns them in. They each spend about 7-8 more years in prison before they are released, and return to a life of crime.
5-6 May 16, 2012 Got to Break Into Vacation Homes William Alderman has a lengthy rapsheet of petty crimes. He is facing more charges and likely a long prison sentence as a repeat offender. One day, he meets Christine Lefland, a single mother with a toddler named Emily, who also has legal problems for passing bad checks. Lefland has violated her probation and is at risk for losing custody of her daughter, which scares her. Alderman and Lefland fall in love, and decide to go on the run together. They move around between different towns until they reach Texarkana, where their car breaks down. They have no money. To get a car, Alderman takes Emily to a car dealership on the guise of test-driving a car, then never returns. They load up their belongings, place a stolen tag on the car, and cross state lines. By the time the car is reported stolen, they have already reached Little Rock. In a suburb of Little Rock, they are stopped by a police officer for reasons unknown. Alderman prepares to kill the unsuspecting officer to preserve his freedom. But the officer gets an urgent call, is spared his life, and the family is spared any problems. They then head west, camping a lot on their way, and burglarizing for a living. In one burglary, they steal a gun, which they try to sell at a pawn shop in Washington. The pawn shop owner runs the serial number, which leads to it being flagged as having been used in some homicides to which Alderman and Lefland have no connections. But the family flee as officers arrive and slip away undetected. They reach Swan Valley, Idaho, where they steal another car on the guise of a test-drive, and break into vacation homes, which in the winter are deserted. The homes provide them with food and other needs, including objects they steal and sell for cash. They switch vacation homes every few days. As Christmas nears, they return to their native Florida to be with family. They drop in the home of Alfred Davis, a middle-aged man who is an old friend of Alderman's, and ask to stay for a few days. Davis invites them to stay, and boasts that he just received a $1000 cash bonus from work. Alderman gets the idea to rob Davis of this money. While Davis is asleep, Alderman takes the cash, which awakens Davis. The pair then subdue him with neckties, and stuff a sock into his mouth, then place duck tape around his mouth, thinking they are just restraining him long enough to get away. But the restraint kills Davis, leading to the pair being sought for homicide. With the stolen cash, the family heads to Georgia and spends the loot on Christmas gifts for Emily. They then head west again, planning to return to Idaho and break into more vacation homes. Meanwhile, with homicide being one of the charges, detective get more serious about catching the pair. Lefland's mother gives detectives the tip that they are staying in Idaho. The detective calls the police in Idaho, and learns about the vacation home burglaries and the stolen car, thereby making the connection, and putting out an alert that they may return. On the way to Idaho, the couple stops in Reno, Nevada and get married. They then call Alderman's mother and tell her the news that they got married. She in turn tells them that Davis died, and they are the prime suspects. After hearing this news, they ditch the stolen car they have and steal another car out of a driveway. On their way to Idaho, this car breaks down, and they call a tow truck. The tow truck driver is aware of these fugitives, believes they match the description, and reports their tag number to police. The following night, Emily has a fever, and they are left with no choice but to stay at a motel, which they feel is dangerous. While at the motel, police show up to respond to an unrelated call. A neighborhood watchman sees the vehicle that matches the description and tells the officer. The officer calls for backup, which include a hostage negotiator, but police are unsure how to safely take down the fugitives. As hours pass during the night, they come up with the idea of staging a fake fire. Fire units are dispatched to the scene, and smoke grenades are released in the vicinity of the room to give the appearance of a real fire. The manager on duty calls Alderman's room to alert him to the fire and to evacuate immediately. As they evacuate, they are instantly snatched by awaiting officers. Both receive life sentences. Lefland commits suicide in prison. Emily is adopted by a loving family.
5-7 May 23, 2012 Got to Run to Costa Rica David Harden has been leading a double life. He is a white collar professional by day, and a drug addict by night. To support his habit, he commits petty crimes. He has become a serial burglar, posing as a tourist on the beach, studying beachfront condos in his native Florida, and when he discovers the owners are away, breaking in by climbing balconies and stealing all valuables. He then takes the keys to the car the owners keep on the property and sells the car and the loot. One day, he is caught as he does not proceed to immediately sell the car and gets into a fight with his girlfriend. He skips bail, and before the trial, catches a plane with a new girlfriend to Costa Rica. There, he attempts with her to run a bed and breakfast, but is unsuccessful, and heads to the capital San Jose. Once in San Jose, he falls into poverty. His girlfriend heads back home. He later finds a sales job. In addition, he sells drugs. But an argument with his drug sales partner leads to his arrest and deportation. Once back in the United States, he moves in with his parents. He steals his father's credit card, which is soon reported stolen. He then tries to use it at a restaurant, where it is declined. The restaurant calls police. The first officer on the scene does not discover his identity and warrants, but another officer familiar with him does, and he is arrested. He is sentenced to 15 years in prison. About 1½ years into his sentence, he escapes by befriending a trusted inmate whose duty it is to take the trash outside of the prison in a cart. This inmate pokes the trash many times with a sharp object prior to its removal in order to prevent inmates from escaping in this cart. On the day of the escape, Harden is jabbed once, but he manages to patch his wound, and he runs and is picked up by a friend. But he is caught 6 days later as his girlfriend tips off police.
5-8 May 30, 2012 Got to Prey On Tourists Patsy Jones leads a gang with two men that is involved in a series of robberies. They first rob a beauty shop, but they decide after their take is just $700 to turn to the more lucrative bump and rob carjackings, with tourists being the target due to their unfamiliarity with the area, the large amount of cash they are carrying, and their low likelihood of returning to the area to prosecute the offenders. After a number of these robberies, an alert is sent out to those renting vehicles about this serial crime, and one planned victim, a German tourist, is shot to death as he resists. This murder draws international media attention. Leads pour in, and sightings of a yellow rental truck used in the robberies are reported at the apartment shared by the gang members. One lead tells that the members are at an area hospital. Police arrive at the hospital, focusing on one of the male suspects, giving Jones a chance to slip away unnoticed. Jones goes to the home of one friend, but fears she has been turned in by her when she sees police nearby. Police surround the apartment, and while officers have swarmed the grounds of the apartment, making escape impossible, she slips into a vacant apartment and hides in the refrigerator all night as police give up. The next day, she goes to another friend, who likewise turns her in, and this time, she is unsuccessful in her attempts to escape.
5-9 June 6, 2012 Got to Make It in the Big Easy Jeremy Woods is in a troubled relationship with his fiancé Dawn Wallace, who has an infant son Jamie, and is struggling while earning minimum wage. He wishes for more money. One day, he convinces his fiancé to write bad checks for thousands of dollars. The pair use the money to splurge. When they must face the music, Jeremy murders Dawn and Jamie inside their trailer. He later reports them as missing to police and the local news station. Dawn's mother and the reporter are suspicious. But Jeremy passes a polygraph test. Jeremy places the bodies in a 55 gallon drum and dumps it on a patch of land visible from the main road where a lot of other 55 gallon drums are present. Soon, he forms a new relationship with a young woman named Shannon. To get money to live a high lifestyle, he fraudulently cashes over $100,000 in checks, leading to a warrant for his arrest. He spends 6 weeks in jail before his father bails him out, but before his trial he goes on the run. First, he heads to Seattle, but Shannon calls her parents and gives up their location. Jeremy and Shannon then go on the run to New Orleans. Out of money, Jeremy forms a sugar daddy relationship with an older man named Louis and is employed by his auto repair business. When Shannon disapproves, he plans to murder her and Louis, take Louis's money and car, and run. But before he has a chance, Shannon turns him in, and he is extradited to Montana. Authorities there are still unaware of the murders, and the disappearance there is still classified as a missing persons case. Jeremy is sentenced to 15 years in prison for the check fraud. He is sent to boot camp where successful completion may earn him early release. But the experience also guides him to confess the murders, for which he receives two life sentences.
5-10 June 13, 2012 Got to Become a Neo-Nazi John DiTullio comes from a troubled home in New Jersey. He leaves his abusive father and hitchhikes, ending up in Milwaukee, where he plans to start a new life. He gets involved in a biker gang, and after some petty offenses, warrants are issued for his arrest. To dodge these warrants, he travels to Port Richey, Florida where his grandmother lives and moves in with her. There, she tries to convince him to turn his life around, but he does not like that and moves out. He affiliates with the Ku Klux Klan, where he moves into their compound and undergoes tough testing to become a high-ranking member of the organization. He first murders a homeless man, a crime that initially goes unsolved. Later, he is arrested for carrying brass knuckles and serves one month in prison for carrying a deadly weapon. He is released, and afterwards, he becomes upset with a neighbor of the compound, a white woman who has a black boyfriend and a gay son. He breaks in, stabs another boy who he mistakes for being the gay son, and the boy whose identity is mistaken dies. He also stabs the woman, who survives. Many other members flee the compound, but he remains in hiding there. A SWAT team arrives, preparing for a gun fight, but he surrenders peacefully. He denies being the killer, but leaves behind incriminating notes, which are used to gain a conviction and life sentence.[5]
5-11 June 20, 2012 Got to Take Down My Ex-Boyfriend Part 1: Roy Betts broke into a mobile home in Bradenton, Florida to steal three guns and then shot a man in the arm. He then escapes the crime scene and continues to steal things. He then steal a truck, drives along Interstate 4, and then fell asleep. While asleep, police confronted him and arrested him.

Part 2: Donna Schatz do drug dealing and then goes to a party where her violent assaults take place, almost resulting in her ex-boyfriend's death. When she realizes she's going to be arrested, Schatz goes on the run. While on her run, she breaks into vacation homes to steal something. She gets into home by putting the little girl to the opened window to unlock the door for Schatz to enter. After that, she eventually got arrested and was charged with manslaughter, drug possession, and burglary.
5-12 June 27, 2012 Got Hammered on a Sailboat Part 1: Howard Brown and his girlfriend are befriended by a fellow drug addict who lives on a boat. The friend invites the pair to stay on his boat for a few days, a time during which Brown murders the man with a hammer and steals anything on the boat he finds valuable. He then takes the victim's car and abandons it near the Miami bus station. He and his girlfriend catch a bus to St. Petersburg, where they check into a motel while they plan their next move. After the discovery of the body on the boat, police look into the victim's bank records and determine the victim's credit card is being used, enabling them to follow the trial. The pair buy a bus ticket to Hartford, Connecticut, but then get off in New York City. Their next move is to catch a bus to Fayetteville, North Carolina, and an arrest team assembles in New York, disguised as bums. But to their disappointment, the fugitives have caught an earlier bus to Fayetteville, where a friend has planned to give them what they need to flee the country to Mexico. While awaiting help from the friend, the pair use the stolen credit card again to spend a night at a Fayetteville hotel, a mistake that leads to their capture, as detectives track them to this location.

Part 2: Brandon Starks is in a juvenile jail, awaiting trial, when he stages an escape that he gets others involved in. With his mother's help, his mother first forms an intimate relationship with a guard, and arranges a dental appointment for her son so he can temporarily leave the facility. The guard become an insider, passing letters from Starks to friends that don't get scrutinized. While Starks arrives at his appointment by prison transport, two friends hold the guard hostage, thereby allowing Starks to escape. Starks then spends the next several weeks on the run, moving from friend to friend, and staying at their homes. When Starks suspects the police are closing in on a location, he moves to the home of another friend. Starks's mother tries to arrange for him to be harbored out of town, but this person tips off police, who then learn about his mother's involvement. But his mother cooperates with police in exchange for getting probation, and names all others involved in this plot, thereby leading to more arrests. Starks is finally cornered at the home of a cousin. Police are tipped off when his mother comes to visit and finds him there.
5-13 July 31, 2012 Got to Make You a Superstar Part 1: Jonathan Roda cons aspiring stars out of millions of dollars. With the promise of providing them with their lucky break, he poses as a record producer and convinces them to hand over their life savings. One of his victims turns out to be the mother of a planned target. She has $60,000 from a divorce settlement, and he convinces her to invest it in real estate, convincing her that he runs an empire by taking her on a tour and posing to contractors as a boss. When Roda's guard is not paid for his work, the guard contacts the latest victim, and they forcefully try to get her money back. But he again tricks her and cancels the transfer. When Roda finds out he is wanted, he moves on to Nashville, where he attempts to con country star Mindy McCready. He takes her to Tucson International Airport, where at that site of numerous police officers, he panics, thinking they are after him, commandeers a limosine, and leads police on a high speed chase before he is cornered. Police had been unaware Roda was a wanted man prior to his capture. He is sentenced to 2 years in prison, is paroled early, and must serve 10 years probation, but he resumes his old ways, is recaptured, and then sentenced to 30 years.[6]

Part 2: Tim DeHerrera is a country singer who writes his own music and performs numerous gigs, but he is also a drug addict and dealer. He forms a romantic relationship with a young woman nicknamed "Peaches," and the pair have an on-and-off relationship. Peaches herself has legal problems. She is a drug addict, and she commits burglaries and violent thefts. The pair stay on the run, changing locations often and dressing in disguise. But Peaches' MySpace page is their ultimate downfall. They are finally cornered at a motel where they've been staying. Both are sentenced to prison. DeHerrera has since gotten out and stayed out of trouble. He has broken off his relationship with Peaches.

Season 6

Episode number Air date Title Plot
6-1 June 24, 2013 Got to Kill My Step-Dad In Miami, Florida, Randy Baggett killed his stepfather by strangling the neck with the belt on the backseat of the car. Then he abandoned the car with a dead body until police finds it and takes photographs and analysed DNA. The analysis points to Baggett and arrested while finishing high school and sentenced to 26 years to life in prison. He eventually transferred to high security prison and first he locks up in an office. Then Baggett sees that the box covering the door knob was loose. He took that off to reveal the door knob. Even though he sees the prison guards outside, he opened the door and ran as fast as he could while guards chase them while one guard shoots to stop him but all missed. He then trekked through woods police are searching for him using the K9 Units. With no way to get money, Baggett looks for a job, and he decides to working in a shopping mall. Then a woman who sentenced him came to the mall and asked him is that's yours. Baggett sees her in disbelief and hides in the back for couple hours. Weeks later, while stopping to mother's house, the police car followed right behind him. He got out of car to run from police but he tripped over the garbage bag, and he was handcuffed and forced into a police car while a woman officer prevent mother from saving his son. He was forced back to prison and then this time he escapes with his friend, David Huffer, by climbing over the first fence and cutting through metal-wired second fence. Just couple days later, he was arrested again, from the hotel restaurant, and a day later his friend was arrested from the hotel. Baggett is eligible for parole when he is 99.
6-2 July 1, 2013 Got to Escape Through a Toilet In Putnam County, Florida, Timothy Wayne Fletcher robs a woman and police pulled him over while riding the motorcycle. Police then give Fletcher a 10-year sentence in prison. Fletcher was transferred to Putnam County Jail by van. While on his way, he sneakly loosen the jack to free himself. He got himself after the van got there while hiding the jack. He went there and befriended Doni Ray Brown to mention the escape plan. To calm Fletcher, Brown and Fletcher are allowed to share the same cell together. During the sleeping period, they use a jack he stole from the transport van to pull toilet from the wall while the two are carefully timed when guards do routine check every 40 minutes. They are in bed when guard shines a flashlight into the cell. After toilet was pulled, the cell was flooded and used blankets to dry it. They pulled three support rods that was behind the toilet and the two finally went in the utility hall that leads to an outside door just in time before next check. The blanket forming figure of people sleeping fooled the guard and then realized it three hours later while doing security check. The two dug under the first fence, climbed over second fence, and then pushed the third fence to a wide enough space to fit through for freedom. Once they escaped around 2am April 15, 2009, they ran the field to distance themselves from prison, though Fletcher can't run fast with a cast on his broken lower leg he suffered from car accident five months earlier, and stole a pickup truck from a nearby repair shop and drove to Fletcher's step-grandma Helen Key Googe's house to rob her. Once there, they wake her up and forced her to open the safe as robbers think there are $10,000 in it. Helen opened the safe and they see there's only paper. Then Brown strangled her to death. They looked around her house to look for money and grabbed any valuables they find before stealing her car to leave the scene. The two travelled to Kentucky. While there, they visited Brown's relative's house to ask for help but didn't trust them and learned that police are looking for them. Back in Florida, police finds a dead woman lying face down. As cops closed in in Kentucky, they abandoned the stolen vehicle on an unpaved road to the side of the street and went hiding through woods. After emerging, they stole another car parked on the street and Fletcher and Brown decided to go back to Florida to visit Fletcher's siblings. They went to Timothy's home to ask his sister for money but she denied it. Next stop was selling drugs to Fletcher's brother and awarded him $20,000. While driving after receiving cash, the car stopped working. They trekked on foot looking for gas and spotted a farm and a farmer came up to him and asked where to find gas, and a farmer did not answer and called the police as Fletcher and Brown got away from him. Then they see all the cops in the lot and they putted hands up. Then they both ran into the woods and police did not catch up to him. They both see a suspicious helicopter flying around in circle once surrounding the area where he is hiding and then flew on. They re-emerged from the woods and cops finally surrendered and arrested both guys as cars pulled in just three days after escaping from prison. Doni Brown received a life sentence without parole while Timothy Fletcher received the death penalty.
6-3 July 8, 2013 Got to Pose as a War Vet Jerrod Durr comes from a military family. He wishes he could be in the armed forces himself, but he does not qualify due to his propensity for lawbreaking. One day, he steals his father's checkbook and writes a check to buy gas. Though his name is not on it, and the gas station normally does not accept checks, he asks the clerk to call the bank. He then, during the call, goes to the restroom, and has tricked the clerk into calling his own cell phone. He poses as the bank and approves the check. Later, he writes a lot of other bad checks under his father's name, using the same scam. After a stint in a juvenile prison, he works on improving his scam. He obtains a military uniform using his father's name, then courts women online. He arranges to get together with a 25-year-old accountant in a nearby town who at first falls in love with him and trusts him. After two weeks, he uses her ATM card to withdraw $100 from her account. He is arrested for this theft. His father bails him out. He then founds another woman, a nurse in North Carolina. She pays for him to fly to her town, then moves in with her. He opens a checking account with a small amount of money, then makes a fake business card of the bank, using a prepaid cell phone as the number. He then goes with his girlfriend to the dealership and buys a car for each of them, totally $60,000. He writes a check, and the salesman calls what he thinks is the bank to verify if funds are sufficient. But he answers the call outside and gives the green light, and the pair drive out in luxury cars. After the fraud is discovered, he is arrested in a sting, then spends 5 months in prison. He moves on to another girlfriend and writes more bad checks, including one for over $300,000 for a house. His initial undoing is a small check to a tanning salon, which leads to his name as a longtime fraudster. But the check for the house is later discovered. Police come to arrest him at the house, but he flees. He then fraudulently buys a Mustang. The Mustang is entered into the police database as a stolen car, and police catch his friend driving it. His friend lead police to him. As of the filming of this episode, he was serving his sentence in a fourth state for fraud.
6-4 July 15, 2013 Got to Escape With One Leg In Florida, Walter Rhodes steals a purse from a woman and flees. He was then caught by police and finds there are guns and drugs in the car. A woman in the backseat shoots the police and Rhodes took the gun from her to finish him by shooting him in the eye. They abandoned the crime scene and during the drive, there is a roadblock up ahead and decided to pass through it. The police then started shooting the fleeing car and Rhodes, who was behind the wheel, was hit by a bullet in his left leg after it penetrated through the car door. This stopped Rhodes from driving any further and police caught him and takes him to the hospital, where his leg was amputated. Once released, he was sent to prison. Once there, he had a failed attempt to escape by trying to climb over the fence and an artificial leg shook the fence enough so that police were alerted and stopped the prisoners from escaping. He was then sent to a high security prison where he befriends three other inmates. After a while, guards notice that inmates are missing, but in reality they didn’t escape yet, but they're in the process of escaping by digging underground. More than half-way through however, Rhodes and the other inmates started feeling claustrophobic and are having trouble breathing, forcing them to abort it. Meanwhile, a guard noticed the crawl space that was supposed to be sealed was missing and ordered the prisoners to come out, and they did. After that, another failed attempt, Rhodes was transferred to a maximum security prison where he remained until he is released on parole after 18 years. After release, he traveled to New Mexico where he begin dating a girlfriend, they wed and lived together. After nearly a decade of freedom, Rhodes was surprisingly arrested due to parole violation and extradited back to Florida where he remains in prison for the rest of his life.
6-5 July 22, 2013 Got to Be the Black Market Maestro Kylen Padgett as a minor has been well known to police for petty offenses. But he has spent little time behind bars. He has attempted to straighten himself out by working fast food jobs, but is often lured onto the wrong track by the promise of more money. One day, he is involved in a knife fight in which he stabs his rival. He spends the year leading up to the trial locked up, and then when the trial comes, he is acquitted because of conflicting testimony, including his claims of self-defense, and a witness who speaks broken English. He is free, and first he continues to work a fast food job, but once again is lured to making more money through crime. He and some friends start to burglarize a gated community. Entry into this community is normally impossible if not approved, but he and his friends manage to enter using boats they borrow, on which they ship out the loot from numerous burglaries they are committing. Police investigate this rash of burglaries and at first have no suspects. Then Padgett and his friends are caught in the act and nearly arrested, but manage to make it onto their boat and get away before police can grab them. The following day, Heather Striden, one of the girls involved in this theft ring uses a stolen cell phone. After a series of calls, the phone is traced to Striden through her mother. Striden, out of fear of a long sentence, gives away the identities of all those involved. After Padgett is arrested, he first agrees to cooperate with police. But once he is released, he skips and continues his crime spree. He makes a decision to skip town, waiting for an inheritance with plans to flee to Mexico. But before fleeing, he wants to sell off all his drugs. After selling all his drugs, he is nearly arrested by a campus police officer for skateboarding on campus, but a nearby accident distracts the officer, and Padgett is set free. Padgett is later riding in a friend's car, when that car is stopped for a violation. The suspicious officer searches the vehicle, finds Padgett's ID, and he is arrested and sent to prison for 4 years. As of the airing of this episode, Padgett had just been released. But later that year, he was arrested for breaking into a coin machine.[7]
6-6 July 29, 2013 Got to Rob a Pawn Shop After waiting all the customers leave, Conan Helsley robbed a pawn shop in Boonville, Indiana with his brother Terry while his girlfriend Brandi Lovell is waiting in the car. During that event, they stole 17 guns and some cash. After robbers leave, owners called the police and identify the car they were driving. The police led to a high speed chase until the car flipped over in a field north of Chandler, IN. The three riders got out of the car and went to the hiding but Terry emerged and walked toward the police and arrested him while Conan and Brandi took off on foot into the woods. Conan and Brandi went on to break into a home to steal couple of things including a gun. Later, owner noticed a broken glass and called the police. The police then find the suspects in Conan's house and were taken to Warrick County Jail. After spending couple months in prison, Conan and inmate Kent Day were last in line waiting for medicine when they ran off into the prison yard and escaped by hopping over two razor-wired fences. They struggled as Kent stabbed in the leg by that wire, causing it to bleed and losing his ability to walk over time. They trekked across the field and they find a pickup truck. Eventually, it ran out of gas and was forced to trek across the land again. Eventually, they find a home to break into to look for car keys, but while in process, the owner pulls up and freezes them with both sides pointing with a shotgun. Conan and Kent abandon the site as homeowner call the police. They see the suspicious helicopter flying overhead twice and found the warehouse to hide in. They hid in the cabinet as police searched the warehouse. Couple hours later, they re-emerged and find a car to steal. They stopped to call his mother on payphone as two teenage girls notified police about the suspect matching the picture she saw. Conan saw the police pointing at him and ran back into the car. The police then got into the car and went to a high speed chase. They set up the roadblocks by putting spikes across the road but Conan and Kent managed to avoid it to the side of the road. They were travelling 70 mph over the speed limit when they crashed the incoming car. The riders are too stunned to avoid police and ordered Conan out of the car. After that arrest, police searched the car and find another person inside and arrested him into a one-decade sentence. Conan was later transferred to a high-security prison.
6-7 August 5, 2013 Got to Be Bonnie and Clyde Robert Askew was driving over speed limit and cop was chasing him. He and his girlfriend, Kat got out of the car as police closed in and trekked through the swamp as Kat got cut in the leg by a plant. They emerge and hitched a ride to a hotel. The man who dropped them off gave tip to police and they find him by breaking though the door to handcuff him for robbery. After he was released, he move to North Carolina where he dates a g. Askew breaks into homes, stealing appliances like TVs. Then the police finds and arrest Askew for burglary and sent to 364 days in prison. Just 90 more days left and fearing that he gets more charge resulting in longer sentence, he escape while working on the lawn. Once Askew finds the street after trekking through woods to distance himself from prison, he hitched a ride home. He goes to the bar where he finds another girlfriend, Katrina and they start drug dealing in Virginia Beach, Virginia. To make more money, Askew steal more expensive things from homes like TVs. Then they head back to steal drugs after dealer took off. They go sell drugs to a man. Then when heading back home, Robert and Katrina can't find a car in the parking garage full of stolen goods and drugs. They hitched ride in the police car and found a car they were looking for and ride back home. After a while, Askew was arrested from the parking lot and was sent back to prison. While there, he attempts to escape again but with different tactic. While in the cell, he dislodged the gate just enough so he can squeeze through, stole a key a guard left on the desk by mistake, and makes a daring escape. He goes outside to a raging Hurricane Floyd and distance himself from prison. He walks into father and stepmother's house to offer a ride to Virginia after the storm passed and waits for his girlfriend to pick him up, racing against the police. Fortunately, his girlfriend got there first and picked him up, proposing plans to go to southwestern states to outsmart the police. After spending eight more years in prison, he did a string of stealings in Virginia and North Carolina. One day, police installed the GPS underneath Askew's car and uses it to track him down as he drives. Then Askew drives the car, stole a TV, and intercept police as he carry the TV to his car, arresting him, and sentencing him to 7½ years in prison.
6-8 August 12, 2013 Got to Be the Green Baron In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Tony Darwin do drug smuggling business, transporting by planes and boat. He flies the plane, heading to Jamaica with 200 pounds of marijuana until the police spots the plane and Darwin decides to unload bags from the plane to avoid police from finding it. Then he lands the plane, police checked the plane and finds no evidence of drugs. He then forms a group called Coptic Church with Carl Swanson and 18 others. Then Agent Funes suspects there are bags of marijuana in the barn, and finds there are, and the smuggling guys flee. With $10 million earned from marijuana smuggling business, he buys the mansion in Fort Lauderdale and finds the girlfriend, Elena, in the nightclub. Back at the airport, police arrest couple of guys while Darwin and Swanson ran through woods. They went back to airport expecting to be clear of police, but they're wrong as these guys were arrested for questioning. Darwin did not talk much during conversation and was released. Darwin and Swanson board the plane full of marijuana bags and fly low through the Everglades to avoid detection by radar. Then the plane crashed into a radio tower, severing Swanson's head from the body and the plane flipped over. Darwin got out of the plane and trekked through Everglades to find the nearest road and its proposed plane destination 5–6 miles ahead. Once Darwin goes back to mansion, he wakes Elena up at 4am to leave for Australia. Once there, she abuses him that she did nothing wrong, but Darwin had to take Elena so that Darwin don't get caught by police after the plane crash. Back in Florida, police arrest 18 of 19 Coptic Church members with Darwin the only one missing. Elena goes back to the States, and she want Darwin back with her in order to pay free. Darwin agrees and he went to see her. Then she duped him as she stole all his money. Then Darwin was arrested to 18 years in prison, while other members sentence between 5–20 years.

Season 7

Episode number Air date Title Plot
7-1 June 2, 2014 Got to Be a Ladies' Man
7-2 June 9, 2014 Got to Fall in Love with a Prison Guard
7-3 June 16, 2014 Got a Rich Widow Brian Maurice Fuller likes to play tennis and was hired by a local country club where he teaches people how to play tennis. From there he change his life over to crimes due to his frustrations that people he teaches them is a worker. He asked a worker about where he live and went to the wealthy house where Fuller stole expensive pieces of art and takes off. He was arrested while driving across state lines with stolen stuff. After he was released from the Federal Prison, he became a real estate, where he help people with convicts and drug addicts. His co-worker, Timothy Eric Walters, hired him to steal wedding rings to donate to him for money. Fuller's first victim is when he sees a woman in the garage from across the street and walks into the garage and into her house, where he strangled, covered her eyes and stole her ring and some cash. He and Walters went to the Whole Foods store where he pick his next victim. Fuller followed Jil Katz around the store and followed her out. After Jil is done packing her grocery to her car, Fuller begin strangle and attack her that he wasn't intended to. While Jil was overcame with bruises, broken nose, and chipped teeth, he stole her $90,000 wedding ring and left the scene. He was soon arrested when a person recognized him after seeing him on the national crime show.
7-4 June 30, 2014 Got to Be Part of the Texas Seven Patrick Henry Murphy, Jr. was sentenced to 50 years in prison for burglary and aggravated sexual assault. With two years remaining until he is eligible for parole, Murphy conspired with George Rivas (who was serving a life sentence for aggravated kidnapping, robbery, and burglary) to discuss plans for escape. Soon Rivas recruited five other inmates and then they all agree to attempt to escape from John B. Connally Unit, a maximum-security prison near Kennedy, Texas. They work as carpenters until the maintenance supervisor says its time to go back to the cells, but Rivas convinces the guard to finish cleaning the floor. Rivas and other inmates start taking supervisors hostage by tying them and throwing them in the electric room. The group incapacitated the boss by striking the back of his neck with a small hand operated rammer. After taking 13 hostages, Rivas calls one of the tower guards and poses as a maintenance worker. He tells the guard that inmates will be coming to install surveillance cameras. Rivas and Murphy go to that guard and ask permission to go into the tower. The guard calls the upper tower guard, who grants permission. As soon as he hangs up, Rivas and Murphy overpower him and put him in the restroom. Then Rivas goes to the upper tower and subdues the other guard at gunpoint. The inmates raid the tower, stealing clothing, guns, credit cards, and identifications. Rivas calls the other members that it is now safe to escape and they open the garage door and gate. They got in the prison pickup truck and hide in the trunk under the wooded roof. They drove to a Wal-Mart parking lot and abandon it and stole another vehicle after a lady purposely put a key on the asphalt right next to a wheel. With money running low, they decided to rob a Radio Shack in Pearland, Texas a day after the escape. Five days later, they rent the motel in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. When Rivas went to the motel restroom, he sees several cops there and he stands right between the cops at the crane and fortunately for him cops don't recognize him even though he had his gun in the pocket. Five days later, Texas Seven dressed up as security guards, they first pretended to offer staff some help, and then they all pulled guns out and gagged and tied up upstairs in Oshman's Sporting Goods. They then stole more than 40 guns and ammunitions. One of the staff employee's girlfriend, who is an off-duty employee, sees that the gate is locked during middle of the business hours and got so suspicious that she decided to call police. Then the cop came unexpectedly for the group. To free themselves, the members opened fire, shooting the cop 11 times and killing him. The group leave the scene and head to Colorado, where they brought an RV. The group told park rangers that they're Christian travelers and Rivas teach them about Bible. Texas Seven grouped with 50 other people. One of the suspicious ranger notified the guard and called the Marshalls. FBI first spotted Joseph Christopher Garcia, Michael Anthony Rodriguez, and Rivas and then followed the jeep to a nearby gas station and arrested him. Then head back to RV to arrested Randy Ethan Halprin and Larry James Harper, but Halprin was surrendered live, but Harper shot himself in the chest with a pistol inside the RV. Two members, Michael Rodriguez and George Rivas, have been executed. Donald Newbury would be executed in February 2015.
7-5 July 7, 2014 Got to Pose As Katrina Refugee Scott Webb does drugs with his wife Michelle Webb. Scott robbed a nearby bank, but unexpectedly got only less than $4000, and soon used up all the earned cash for drug dealing. The couple were awaken when FBI officer knocked on the door, then broke open to arrest Scott and his wife. After spending three years in prison, Scott is addicted to crack with his wife, requiring so much money for so much drugs than they're forced to sell everything they had. On October 19, 2005, the drugs cause Scott to act more violently while at his mother's house. Scott's argument with Margaret Webb escalated until he killed his wife by first hitting her with baseball bat a couple times then strangled her in the laundry room. Scott and Michelle go on the run, stealing a truck from a trucking company he used to work. They went to a gas station after 20 miles of travel to secretly gas up without paying, but the attendants didn't realize it. They leave gas station and North Carolina, heading to Mississippi near the border with Louisiana to help victims of Hurricane Katrina. While there, they were stopped at a toll booth with suspicion by authorities, then an authority checks on the front of the truck and sees the sign 'relief truck' put up by Scott, fooling an authority and letting them to continue onward. Back in N.C., Scott's aunt kept calling Scott's mother many times but no answer. The mother-daughter partner went to Margaret's house, knocks on the door while the daughter yells out "Margaret," but no one answers it and calls the police. Then they enter the house and found the dead body in the laundry room and the police found a baseball bat with blood smears under the bed, and Scott is immediately the top suspect. Scott and Michelle head to Saint Jo, Texas, where they went to a hospital to pretend that he has bloated bladder and needed meditation. Then doctors found illegal drugs like marijuana and cocaine in his body. The doctors give them few more hours of rest, given them opportunity to seek out of hospital to head to a church, where he meet Pasteur that Scott is a minister. Then they went to congregation with churchgoers where Scott receives a bus ticket to Seattle, Wash. After getting there, they head to a hospital, again pretending that he was the victim of Hurricane Katrina and needed medical care. Then doctors find no explanation about the pain and they head to a nursing home to rest, where they were finally arrested (November 21, 2005) after travelling across the country. Scott was convicted of a second degree murder and sentenced to 15–18 years behind bars while Michelle received four years despite her innocence.
7-6 July 14, 2014 Got to Escape Through an Air Duct Rondell Reed was released from a North Carolina prison in 2010 after serving 21 years there. After moving to Kentucky, James Malone hired Reed to work in Sabastian auto repair shop. Then Malone argued with Reed about Reed's sister and he pointed gun at Reed, then Reed fights to get the gun out of his hand and shot him twice in his chest on April 16, 2011. Then he steals the deadman's car and head back to family home in Indiana. When getting off the highway, the police see him and order him to get out of the car, but Reed refuses and hit the gas. Then he crashed, badly injured with broken neck in four different spots and broken knee. He would spend four months recovering from injuries. While at the hospital, he confessed about the murder, then extradited back to Florida where he spend rest of his recovery time in jail. In the prison cell, he looks for a plot to escape from Indian River County Prison. He looks at the air conditioning vent and duct and then meets a black man Leviticus Taylor who also wants to escape. They work together to remove the cover and steel bars using a saw and widen the passage so they would fit but Reed gets stuck but Taylor fits through and finds that the door leading to outside in the utility room was locked. Then he get back and managed to break off the door knob with a steel bars he removed. They make dummy made out of newspaper and other stuff, pushes Reed through it, put cover back on from the other side, and went outside. They jump over one face and then move under the second fence after digging the sand. They used the rope to jump over the first fence to protect themselves from razor-sharp barbed wire on top of it. They completed the escape from the maximum-security prison on October 24, 2011 at 12:42 AM. Then four hours later, guards found that inmates were escaped. Seargent Steven Stoll plots the plan to find two fugitives with marshals. Meanwhile, Reed has travelled 13 miles north to a vacant house as a hideout. As police expected that Taylor is still in the area, the police found him and arrested him. One day, Reed catches a lucky break as a man got out of a pickup truck across the street when Reed emerged from the hideout, jumped into the truck with the full tank of gas, and took off. The owner notified police that the car was stolen. Reed heads to Georgia and after when the gas ran out, he high-jacked a car. He dropped off the victim and heads to Knoxville, TN, where he finds another victim after parking into a supermarket parking lot. He tried to rob a woman by pulling a purse from her, then he stabbed shallowly into her stomach. He won the battle by stealing a purse from her and takes off. He heads to Ohio where police caught him in the high speed chase that ended with crash. He returned to Florida to face two life sentences for a second-degree murder as well as two counts of grand theft auto and burglary.
7-7 July 21, 2014 Got to Watch Those Country Girls In February 2003, Roger DeLucenay robbed Cecilia Williams of $1800 earned from selling drugs by stealing her jacket. DeLucenay soon found that somebody took the jacket, then pulls his gun out to scare everybody. DeLucenay was pulled over five minutes from his home when police discovers that he possesses firearm and drugs and was put in the Elkhart County Jail. His brother, David, also goes to jail for the drug charges of his own. They make friends with other inmates by passing wine around. Then he discovers a crack in the wall, and invited his brother to help chisel down to the size where both men can escape to utility room. They got the authority door open by disguising the scanner using the boxes to block their faces. They completed their lucky escape and drive six hours to Bowling Green, KY, where they work with Buck to raise money for gas to travel to see their kids. They got a motel to stay, where they go out to see local people, where they found women to date. Roger was pulled over by the police as police thought he's driving a stolen car, then he convinces him that his name is Tim and a car is his to free himself. He picks up David where he's loving the women who already has her husband, and drives through the woods, then the driver accidentally hits the tree stump, damaging the car axle. The female stranger offers them to stay while fixing the car. Then the police comes to the house as the brothers hide to arrest her for an unrelated crime, then police finds and arrests David in the wardrobe, while Roger was hiding under the heap of clothes. 24 hours later, Rogers was surprised when David returned and got the car fixed then left. The police go on the high speed chase. During the chase, they see the road block and veered into the hay field where they escaped the cops. David got out of the car as he was tired of being in the car chase, and he soon got arrested. Roger hides between the stacks of hay as he hears cops approach. He re-emerged when it gets dark, but sees a cop car approach him, and hides behind the root of a tree to use as camouflage to avoid detection. He gets weak after trekking through woods without food or water for a few days until he got to the road to look for a ride, but he sees the pickup truck and soon realized that an undercover cop is driving it. He got out and arrested Roger, ending his run to reunite his brother back in the prison where he escaped from. David will serve 8 years in prison for escape while Roger will serve 68 years with eligibility of parole in 2038.
7-8 July 28, 2014 Got to Be MacGuyver Harold Laird was frustrated when his mother leaves for an apartment. Then they get together with three friends to plot a plan to murder his stepfather Red. Him and two of his friends got into the house to notify Red that his car broke down. Then Beaty takes his baseball bat to begin attacking Red, and then were surprised that a woman was there too. While down injured, Red managed to grab a gun but couldn't hold on. Then Laird shot and killed Red and a woman. Laird began planning to disappear from a Texas town before police finds them. They plan to go to Pennsylvania where they sell stuff they steal from Red's house. But police arrested Laird and his two friends after finding the stolen truck. They extradited back to Texas where Laird serves a life sentence with a possibility of parole after 35 years. Laird begins having rough times, when Laird was attacked by inmates. Laird was transported to a stricter facility, where he thinks about how to escape from prison when they spend time almost exclusively in the cell. Then he found that lights flicker caused by water leakage. He used bed sheet string to cut the metal pipe from the other side and use that to cut the metal rods. Then guards came in to arrest Laird as they noticed that the light wasn't working. Then the guard check the cell and the light worked after banging on it several times, and Laird was cleared to return. He finished the job, walked through metal pipes and got out. He climbed over the fence as the patrol car passed by twice, and escaped. He trekked for few miles before he stole a pickup truck from a barn. The owner told police that the car was missing. The police set up the roadblock to catch Laird, but police didn't recognize him and let him pass. Laird heads to Louisiana where he stopped to break into the house to find food and steal things, but home security alarm went off exactly two minutes after breaking in. He breaks the alarm to stop the sound, and phone rings and answers. Then he leaves to stop at another location for rest in the middle of the street. As he crosses a vacant bridge, his truck broke down and begin trekking on foot. Then the cop pulled up on him and got into the car and told police to call tow company to tow the stolen truck with a rifle in it. The tow manager called his sister to pick him up to see the baby in the New Orleans hospital. During the 45-minute drive, Laird talks about prison, and a woman driver got suspicious temporarily about the unfamiliarity of the hospital. After drop-off and entered hospital, he got out soon after they left and stole another pickup truck. He is so tired that he fell asleep on a parking lot. The police woke him to see his license card and police sees that picture on license card doesn't match his appearance and told the license plate number through guessing. The police calls the license company and learned that he's driving a stolen vehicle and calls for backup. The team came to arrest him, extradited back to Texas and added 20 years to his sentence for escape.


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