ITU Fuat Kulunk High Voltage Laboratory

ITU Fuat Kulunk High Voltage Laboratory, located in Gumussuyu, Istanbul, is a high voltage laboratory that belongs to Istanbul Technical University. It is the first and largest high voltage laboratory in Turkey and is one of the largests of Europe. The Laboratory consists of three main blocks. It was founded by Prof. Dr. Franz Doppler in 1938 and reorganized by Prof. Dr. Fuat Kulunk, who is also the first dean of school of electrical and electronics engineering, in 1945.

Test set: Impulse voltage generator (1 MV, 10 kJ).

Test set: High voltage transformer (300 kV, 50 Hz, 50 kVA).

Test set: High voltage transformer (100 kV, 50 Hz, 20 kVA),

The impulse equipment consists of a 3600 kV, 180 kJ impulse generator

The 50 Hz equipment consists of a 1200 kV, 1000 kVA test transformer.

The ratings of dc high voltage generator set are 1 MV and 10 mA.

The ratings of a Tesla Transformer are 400-500 kV, 150–300 kHz.

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