IQ 151

IQ 151 - Front View
IQ 151 - Rear View

The IQ 151 was a personal computer produced by ZPA NovĂ˝ Bor in the former Czechoslovakia.

It had a Tesla MHB8080A (copy of Intel 8080) CPU / 2 MHz, 32 KB RAM (later on 64 KB), 4 KB ROM, with video output and the BASIC programming language as external modules. It was primarily used in Czech schools, while in Slovakia the PMD 85 series were used instead.

This computer was produced locally due to a lack of foreign currency with which to buy systems from the West. After the fall of Communism in 1989, production of the IQ 151 was stopped since it was not competitive in terms of price, quality or features compared to modern PCs.

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