IEEE P1906.1

The IEEE P1906.1 - Recommended Practice for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework is a standards working group sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society Standards Development Board whose goal is to develop a common framework for nanoscale and molecular communication.[1] Because this is an emerging technology, the standard is meant to encourage innovation by determining a common definition, terminology, framework, goals, metrics, and use-cases designed to encourage more innovation and enable the technology to advance at a faster rate. The standard has entered the sponsor balloting phase and has a project completion date of 2015.


Working group membership includes members of industry and academia with backgrounds in mathematical modeling, engineering, physics, economics and biological sciences.[2]


Electronic components such as transistors, or electrical/electromagnetic message carriers whose operation is similar at the macroscale and nanoscale are excluded from the definition. A human-engineered, synthetic component must form part of the system because it is important to avoid standardizing nature or physical processes. The definition of communication, particularly in the area of cell-surface interactions as viewed by biologists versus non-biologists has been a topic of debate. The interface is viewed as a communication channel, whereas the 'receptor-signaling-gene expression' events are the network.

The draft currently comprises: definition, terminology, framework, metrics, use-cases, and reference code (ns-3).






Reference Model


Applications are numerous, however, there appears to be strong emphasis on medical and biological use-cases in nanomedicine.


  1. IEEE P1906.1 - Recommended Practice for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework
  2. IEEE COM/Nanoscale and Molecular Communications Working Group
  3. Bush, S.F.; Goel, S., "Persistence Length as a Metric for Modeling and Simulation of Nanoscale Communication Networks," Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on , vol.31, no.12, pp.815,824, December 2013 doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2013.SUP2.12130014.


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