IDF Orchestra

Izhak Muse At The Top of The IDF Orchestra

The IDF Orchestra (Hebrew: תזמורת צה'ל; Tizmoret Tzahal) is the main musical ensemble of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). It comprises musicians and singers in compulsory service who have successfully passed the professional exams before enlistment into the IDF. The greater part of the band appears at military ceremonies, official visits and honor guards, and the orchestra also performs at various non-official community events.


The Orchestra was established in 1948, With The Construction of The IDF and consists of several small orchestras operated until then: Alexandria Division band, orchestra Brigade, Artillery Corps Band and Orchestra Givati Brigade. The orchestra's first conductor was Izhak Muse, play wind instruments and a new immigrant from the Soviet Union. Muse was a graduate of a prestigious military orchestra conductor in Leningrad and immigrated to Israel in January 1949. On 4 May 1949, the band participated in the IDF parade on Independence Day in the first state, but the crowd that filled the streets blocked the parade route and had to stop. The event was later nicknamed " The march did not step "and led to the creation of the first Israeli commission of inquiry. Isaac Muse at the top of the IDF Orchestra March of that step " After several months, conducted by Isaac Muse, passed the baton to Shalom Ronli-Riklis, former conductor of the orchestra Brigade. Ronli-Riklis insisted on a wide range of repertoire (modern to classical music and light music), a position he held until 1960. In 1953–1955 he served Noam Sheriff, during his compulsory service, as assistant Ronli-Riklis. After the retirement of Ronli-Riklis replaced him was the very first days of the band and orchestral laboratory chief, Izhak Graziani. Graziani conducted the orchestra for many years (1962–2003) and was actually one of the symbols. Graziani was a trumpet player, and he himself served as a soldier in the IDF orchestra, between 1948 and 1952 and, provided services to the period from 1952 to 1962 as a reservist. About three months before he died, in 2003, retired Graziani long years of his service in the IDF. He was replaced by Lt. Col. Michael Ya'aran, conducting the orchestra then until his retirement in 2013. On 29 July 2013 was transferred baton to Major Noam Inbar conduct an orchestra these days.

List of IDF Orchestra Conductors

Number Name Start of term End of term
1 Izhak Muse 1948 1949
2 Shalom Ronli-Riklis 1949 1960
3 Izhak Graziani 1962 2003
4 Michael Ya'aran 2003 2013
5 Noam Inbar 2013 Incumbent

Band properties

Different from most of the world's military bands, orchestra musicians serve in the IDF soldiers in their duty, and soldiers in the regular army.

Single male and female soldiers serving with musical experience. The only base is located in Ramat Aviv in Tel Aviv. In addition to the orchestra, choir also exist IDF Military Rabbinate, and other military bands. The difference between the IDF orchestra musical by other agencies, is that these bodies are designed to keep up morale entertainment only, while the orchestra is also a ceremonial unit. Contrary to the fact that the military bands belong to the Education Corps, the IDF orchestra belongs to the industry and discipline personnel department, which is responsible for military ceremonies and state of Israel.

Among the many functions of the orchestra, performing main activity is expressed Graduation courses (basic-training across the country), official visits of heads of state and military personal and official ceremonies (such as torch-lighting ceremony held each year on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem).

Sergeant David's Harp Orchestra which is located between two olive branches. During the routine, the band does not appear, dressed in ordinary uniform orchestra (olive green) with a pin to wear on the player who left pocket gulls. Every ceremony include red belt, red string (worn over the right shoulder), ceremonial cap stamped symbol shows the band on a red background, as well as wearing the pin orchestra great player. IDF Orchestra is the only army that has two pins identical in design and vary in size.

Official state ceremonies, the musicians wear them every set and tie the red belt, wearing the string and pin and wear the hat.

IPO activity

There is a distinction between the various activities of the orchestra, participating in many events.


Parade, the band is, and in most cases walking along the square. Orders, non-governmental, military force orchestra is the first to enter the parade ground and immediately thereafter, other forces come into walking (cadets, students, excel etc.). Roll calls of this type, the characteristics most completions military courses, walks / A head band Ephedra / ephedra foremost in the / e is to direct the orchestra during the march, order the references, and addition to mark the beginning and ending music.

Orders, state, marching band but rarely act is at the feet of red carpet that gets the main personality with an honor guard composed of soldiers.

It is important to note that there are extremely large state orders that combine also walking (eg large receptions being held at the airport).

Automotive tools roll calls is: Piccolo, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone (alto and tenor), French horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone horn, Sousaphone (Marching Tuba), Snare drum, Bass drum and Cymbals.


The orchestra also appears to the public as part of the Community, in order to strengthen the relationship between the army and civilians, and to raise the morale. These performances include a rich and varied repertoire, comprising classical music brass band, light music, Israeli songs and marches from "military repertoire" of the orchestra. In addition, the band used to perform with first-class artists of Israeli music. The orchestra has performed with Yoram Gaon, tree frog, Harel Skat, David Broza, Kobi Aflalo, Rami Kleinstein and many more.

Performances Festival Orchestra Rishon Sukkot – have become a tradition in recent years.

See also

Orchestra Marching band Marsh Military band Israeli military bands
