ICROSS (International Community for the Relief of Starvation) is an international non-governmental organisation that provides health and development services for pastoral communities in East Africa.

The organisation was created by Michael Elmore-Meegan (formally CROSS between 1979-1982), standing for Community for the Relief of Suffering and Starvation. ICROSS, a Kenya-based International non-governmental organization, INGO NGO, CHARITY, PVO, founded by Michael Elmore-Meegan (listed in Wikipedia and Wikiquotes as Thomas Michael Kevin Elmore-Meegan) and Joseph Barnes.

The organisation was formally established in Kenya, East Africa with the support of the Irish Holy Ghost Fathers, Paul Cunningham CSSp and Father John Hughes CSSp, which specialises in long term primary health, community healthcare and public health programmes. The organisation's headquarters are based in Ngong, Rift Valley, Kenya. ICROSS has a long established research programme with a number of different partners and research collaborators. According to the ICROSS Annual Report 2014, Elmore-Meegan is the International Director. ICROSS in Ireland was closed in 2010.

ICROSS areas of programming

ICROSS is as an International development NGO, registered under the Kenyan NGO act and regulated by the Kenyan Government, with a focus in the field of health,[1]with key international lectures including the Red Future shocks lecture. ICROSS has most recently lectured at International conferences in the Nordic countries, Cambodia and Nepal.
ICROSS is responsible for a large terminal care programme and a series of public health programmes. One of ICROSS's key research streams has been investigating means of solar disinfection (SODIS) of contaminated drinking water, and has helped conduct a number of control trials of SODIS.[2] Engaged in multi country collaborative programmes www.rcsi.ie/hwts09 ICROSS stresses traditional tribal values, building development programmes through the existing decision systems and creating locally driven agendas.

In 2015-2016 the key areas of ICROSS programming are

International profile

ICROSS campaigns since 1979 have included Africa awakes which tries to change the stereotypes and negative perceptions of Africa. These exhibitions have received wide media coverage in Italy and France. ICROSS public health work has been cited internationally, medical work has appeared in key scientific journals since 1981. The founder, Michael Elmore-Meegan, currently International Director, was featured in BBC's Hardtalk current affair's programme for his work for ICROSS[3] while in 2006 the organisation was the subject of an award winning documentary by Irish Television.[4] ICROSS and its Founders have received widespread recognition for their work, especially in long term public health and creating lasting community development programmes.

In 2013 ICROSS extended its programmes internationally building on over three decades of disease control experience. It established a new Overseas Internship programme extending its 25 year history of Internship support. In May 2013 it extended its localisation strategy and began a radical low cost innovation plan with local tribal communities. In Fall 2014 ICROSS launched its radical Strategic plan 2015-2020 that has seen dynamic changes in its Global direction.

ICROSS work is widely cited and the administration is entirely Africanied since August 2000.


Doubts were expressed about ICROSS Ireland financial accountability, resulting in an inquiry about how Irish Aid's money was being allocated. Key donors became unsatisfied with the organisation's financial probity. Finally, the Irish ICORSS (separate from the Kenyan ICROSS) was wound up in 2010 after returning E97,000 "omitted from its accounts" to Irish Aid.[5] Meegan personally instituted court proceedings in Ireland, winning the last one in November 2012.[6] ICROSS Kenya, the main Organisation remains fully compliant with the Kenyan Government NGO regulators ( including and upto March 2015 )
