ICD-10 Chapter XIV: Diseases of the genitourinary system
Chapter | Blocks | Title |
I | A00–B99 | Certain infectious and parasitic diseases |
II | C00–D48 | Neoplasms |
III | D50–D89 | Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism |
IV | E00–E90 | Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases |
V | F00–F99 | Mental and behavioural disorders |
VI | G00–G99 | Diseases of the nervous system |
VII | H00–H59 | Diseases of the eye and adnexa |
VIII | H60–H95 | Diseases of the ear and mastoid process |
IX | I00–I99 | Diseases of the circulatory system |
X | J00–J99 | Diseases of the respiratory system |
XI | K00–K93 | Diseases of the digestive system |
XII | L00–L99 | Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue |
XIII | M00–M99 | Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue |
XIV | N00–N99 | Diseases of the genitourinary system |
XV | O00–O99 | Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium |
XVI | P00–P96 | Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period |
XVII | Q00–Q99 | Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities |
XVIII | R00–R99 | Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified |
XIX | S00–T98 | Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes |
XX | V01–Y98 | External causes of morbidity and mortality |
XXI | Z00–Z99 | Factors influencing health status and contact with health services |
XXII | U00–U99 | Codes for special purposes |
The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10) is a coding of diseases and signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances and external causes of injury or diseases, as classified by the World Health Organization (WHO).[1] This page contains ICD-10 Chapter XIV: Diseases of the genitourinary system.
N00–N39 – Diseases of the genitourinary system: urinary system
(N00–N08) Glomerular diseases
- Prefixes:
- .0 Minor glomerular abnormality
- Minimal change lesion
- .1 Focal and segmental glomerular lesions
- .2 Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis
- .3 Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
- .4 Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis
- .5 Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
- Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, types 1 and 3, or NOS
- .6 Dense deposit disease
- .7 Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
- Extracapillary glomerulonephritis
- .8 Other
- Proliferative glomerulonephritis NOS
- .9 Unspecified
- .0 Minor glomerular abnormality
- (N00) Acute nephritic syndrome
- (N01) Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome
- (N02) Recurrent and persistent haematuria
- (N03) Chronic nephritic syndrome
- (N04) Nephrotic syndrome
- Lipoid nephrosis
- (N05) Unspecified nephritic syndrome
- (N06) Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion
- (N07) Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified
- (N08) Glomerular disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
(N10–N16) Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases
- (N10) Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis
- Acute pyelonephritis
- (N11) Chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis
- Chronic pyelonephritis
- (N12) Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic
- Interstitial nephritis NOS
- Pyelitis NOS
- Pyelonephritis NOS
- (N13) Obstructive and reflux uropathy
- (N13.0) Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction
- (N13.1) Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture, not elsewhere classified
- (N13.2) Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction
- (N13.3) Other and unspecified hydronephrosis
- (N13.4) Hydroureter
- (N13.5) Kinking and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis
- (N13.6) Pyonephrosis
- (N13.7) Vesicoureteral-reflux-associated uropathy
- (N13.8) Other obstructive and reflux uropathy
- (N13.9) Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified
- (N14) Drug- and heavy-metal-induced tubulo-interstitial and tubular conditions
- (N15) Other renal tubulo-interstitial diseases
- (N16) Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
(N17–N19) Renal failure
- (N17) Acute renal failure
- (N18) Chronic renal failure
- (N19) Unspecified renal failure
(N20–N23) Urolithiasis
- (N20) Calculus of kidney and ureter
- (N21) Calculus of lower urinary tract
- (N22) Calculus of urinary tract in diseases classified elsewhere
- (N23) Unspecified renal colic
(N25–N29) Other disorders of kidney and ureter
- (N25) Disorders resulting from impaired renal tubular function
- (N25.0) Renal osteodystrophy
- Azotaemic osteodystrophy
- Phosphate-losing tubular disorders
- (N25.1) Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
- (N25.8) Other disorders resulting from impaired renal tubular function
- Lightwood-Albright syndrome
- Renal tubular acidosis NOS
- Secondary hyperparathyroidism of renal origin
- (N25.9) Disorder resulting from impaired renal tubular function, unspecified
- (N25.0) Renal osteodystrophy
- (N26) Unspecified contracted kidney
- (N27) Small kidney of unknown cause
- (N28) Other disorders of kidney and ureter, not elsewhere classified
- (N28.0) Ischaemia and infarction of kidney
- (N28.1) Cyst of kidney, acquired
- (N28.8) Other specified disorders of kidney and ureter
- Hypertrophy of kidney
- Megaloureter
- Nephroptosis
- Pyelitis
- Pyeloureteritis
- Ureteritis
- Ureterocele
- (N28.9) Disorder of kidney and ureter, unspecified
- (N29) Other disorders of kidney and ureter in diseases classified elsewhere
(N30–N39) Other diseases of urinary system
- (N30) Cystitis
- (N30.0) Acute cystitis
- (N30.1) Interstitial cystitis (chronic)
- (N30.2) Other chronic cystitis
- (N30.3) Trigonitis
- (N30.4) Irradiation cystitis
- (N30.8) Other cystitis
- (N30.9) Cystitis, unspecified
- (N31) Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, not elsewhere classified
- (N31.0) Uninhibited neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified
- (N31.1) Reflex neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified
- (N31.2) Flaccid neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified
- (N31.8) Other neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
- (N31.9) Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified
- Neurogenic bladder dysfunction NOS
- (N34) Urethritis and urethral syndrome
- (N34.0) Urethral abscess
- (N34.1) Nonspecific urethritis
- Nongonococcal urethritis
- (N35) Urethral stricture
- (N37) Urethral disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
- (N39) Other disorders of urinary system
- (N39.0) Urinary tract infection, site not specified
- (N39.1) Persistent proteinuria, unspecified
- (N39.2) Orthostatic proteinuria, unspecified
- (N39.3) Stress incontinence
- (N39.4) Other specified urinary incontinence
- Overflow incontinence
- Reflex incontinence
- Urge incontinence
- (N39.8) Other specified disorders of urinary system
- (N39.9) Disorder of urinary system, unspecified
N40–N99 – Diseases of the genitourinary system: pelvis, genitals and breasts
(N40–N51) Diseases of male genital organs
- (N40) Hyperplasia of prostate
- (N41) Inflammatory diseases of prostate
- (N42) Other disorders of prostate
- (N43) Hydrocele and spermatocele
- (N44) Torsion of testis
- (N45) Orchitis and epididymitis
- (N46) Male infertility
- Azoospermia NOS
- Oligospermia NOS
- (N47) Redundant prepuce, phimosis and paraphimosis
- (N48) Other disorders of penis
- (N49) Inflammatory disorders of male genital organs, not elsewhere classified
- (N49.0) Inflammatory disorders of seminal vesicle
- Vesiculitis, NOS
- (N49.1) Inflammatory disorders of spermatic cord, tunica vaginalis and vas deferens
- Vasitis
- (N49.2) Inflammatory disorders of scrotum
- (N49.8) Inflammatory disorders of other specified male genital organs
- Inflammation of multiple sites in male genital organs
- (N49.9) Inflammatory disorder of unspecified male genital organ
- Abscess
- Boil
- Carbuncle
- Cellulitis
- (N49.0) Inflammatory disorders of seminal vesicle
- (N50) Other disorders of male genital organs
- (N51) Disorders of male genital organs in diseases classified elsewhere
(N60–N64) Disorders of breast
- (N60) Benign mammary dysplasia
- (N60.0) Solitary cyst of breast
- (N60.1) Diffuse cystic mastopathy
- (N60.2) Fibroadenosis of breast
- (N60.3) Fibrosclerosis of breast
- (N60.4) Mammary duct ectasia
- (N60.8) Other benign mammary dysplasias
- (N60.9) Benign mammary dysplasia, unspecified
- (N61) Inflammatory disorders of breast
- Mastitis, NOS
- (N62) Hypertrophy of breast
- (N63) Unspecified lump in breast
- (N64) Other disorders of breast
- (N64.0) Fissure and fistula of nipple
- (N64.1) Fat necrosis of breast
- (N64.2) Atrophy of breast
- (N64.3) Galactorrhoea not associated with childbirth
- (N64.4) Mastodynia
- (N64.5) Other signs and symptoms in breast
- Induration of breast
- Nipple discharge
- Retraction of nipple
- (N64.8) Other specified disorders of breast
- (N64.9) Disorder of breast, unspecified
(N70–N77) Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs
- (N70) Salpingitis and oophoritis
- (N70.0) Acute salpingitis and oophoritis
- (N70.1) Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis
- (N70.9) Salpingitis and oophoritis, unspecified
- (N71) Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix
- endometritis
- endomyometritis
- metritis
- myometritis
- pyometra
- uterine abscess
- (N72) Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri
- Cervicitis
- Endocervicitis
- Exocervicitis
- (N73) Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases
- (N73.0) Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
- (N73.1) Chronic parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
- (N73.2) Unspecified parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
- (N73.3) Female acute pelvic peritonitis
- (N73.4) Female chronic pelvic peritonitis
- (N73.5) Female pelvic peritonitis, unspecified
- (N73.6) Female pelvic peritoneal adhesions
- (N73.8) Other specified female pelvic inflammatory diseases
- (N73.9) Female pelvic inflammatory disease, unspecified
- (N74) Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
- (N75) Diseases of Bartholin's gland
- (N76) Other inflammation of vagina and vulva
- (N77) Vulvovaginal ulceration and inflammation in diseases classified elsewhere
(N80–N98) Noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract
- (N80) Endometriosis
- (N81) Female genital prolapse
- (N82) Fistulae involving female genital tract
- (N82.0) Vesicovaginal fistula
- (N82.1) Other female urinary-genital tract fistulae
- (N82.2) Fistula of vagina to small intestine
- (N82.3) Fistula of vagina to large intestine
- (N82.4) Other female intestinal-genital tract fistulae
- (N82.5) Female genital tract-skin fistulae
- (N83) Noninflammatory disorders of ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament
- (N83.0) Follicular cyst of ovary
- (N83.1) Corpus luteum cyst
- (N83.2) Other and unspecified ovarian cysts
- (N83.3) Acquired atrophy of ovary and fallopian tube
- (N83.4) Prolapse and hernia of ovary and fallopian tube
- (N83.5) Torsion of ovary, ovarian pedicle and fallopian tube
- (N83.6) Haematosalpinx
- (N83.7) Haematoma of broad ligament
- (N83.8) Other noninflammatory disorders of ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament
- (N83.9) Noninflammatory disorder of ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament, unspecified
- (N84) Polyp of female genital tract
- (N85) Other noninflammatory disorders of uterus, except cervix
- (N85.0) Endometrial glandular hyperplasia
- (N85.1) Endometrial adenomatous hyperplasia
- (N85.2) Hypertrophy of uterus
- (N85.3) Subinvolution of uterus
- (N85.4) Malposition of uterus
- (N85.5) Inversion of uterus
- (N85.6) Intrauterine synechiae
- (N85.7) Haematometra
- (N85.8) Other specified noninflammatory disorders of uterus
- (N85.9) Noninflammatory disorder of uterus, unspecified
- (N86) Erosion and ectropion of cervix uteri
- (N87) Dysplasia of cervix uteri
- (N88) Other noninflammatory disorders of cervix uteri
- (N88.0) Leukoplakia of cervix uteri
- (N88.1) Old laceration of cervix uteri
- (N88.2) Stricture and stenosis of cervix uteri
- (N88.3) Incompetence of cervix uteri
- (N88.4) Hypertrophic elongation of cervix uteri
- (N88.8) Other specified noninflammatory disorders of cervix uteri
- (N88.9) Noninflammatory disorder of cervix uteri, unspecified
- (N89) Other noninflammatory disorders of vagina
- (N89.0) Mild vaginal dysplasia
- (N89.1) Moderate vaginal dysplasia
- (N89.2) Severe vaginal dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
- (N89.3) Dysplasia of vagina, unspecified
- (N89.4) Leukoplakia of vagina
- (N89.5) Stricture and atresia of vagina
- (N89.6) Tight hymenal ring
- (N89.7) Haematocolpos
- (N89.8) Other specified noninflammatory disorders of vagina
- Leukorrhoea NOS
- (N89.9) Noninflammatory disorder of vagina, unspecified
- (N90) Other noninflammatory disorders of vulva and perineum
- (N90.0) Mild vulvar dysplasia
- (N90.1) Moderate vulvar dysplasia
- (N90.2) Severe vulvar dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
- (N90.3) Dysplasia of vulva, unspecified
- (N90.4) Leukoplakia of vulva
- (N90.5) Atrophy of vulva
- (N90.6) Hypertrophy of vulva
- (N90.7) Vulvar cyst
- (N90.8) Other specified noninflammatory disorders of vulva and perineum
- (N90.9) Noninflammatory disorder of vulva and perineum, unspecified
- (N91) Absent, scanty and rare menstruation
- (N91.2) Amenorrhoea, unspecified
- (N91.5) Oligomenorrhoea, unspecified
- (N92) Excessive, frequent and irregular menstruation
- (N93) Other abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding
- (N93.0) Postcoital and contact bleeding
- (N93.8) Other specified abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding
- Dysfunctional or functional uterine or vaginal bleeding NOS
- (N93.9) Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified
- (N94) Pain and other conditions associated with female genital organs and menstrual cycle
- (N94.0) Mittelschmerz
- (N94.1) Dyspareunia
- (N94.2) Vaginismus
- (N94.3) Premenstrual tension syndrome
- (N94.4) Primary dysmenorrhoea
- (N94.5) Secondary dysmenorrhoea
- (N94.6) Dysmenorrhoea, unspecified
- (N95) Menopausal and other perimenopausal disorders
- (N96) Habitual aborter
- (N97) Female infertility
- (N97.0) Female infertility associated with anovulation
- (N97.1) Female infertility of tubal origin
- (N97.2) Female infertility of uterine origin
- (N97.3) Female infertility of cervical origin
- (N97.4) Female infertility associated with male factors
- (N97.8) Female infertility of other origin
- (N97.9) Female infertility, unspecified
- (N98) Complications associated with artificial fertilization
- (N98.0) Infection associated with artificial insemination
- (N98.1) Hyperstimulation of ovaries
- (N98.2) Complications of attempted introduction of fertilized ovum following in vitro fertilization
- (N98.3) Complications of attempted introduction of embryo in embryo transfer
- (N98.8) Other complications associated with artificial fertilization
- (N98.9) Complication associated with artificial fertilization, unspecified
(N99) Other disorders of genitourinary tract
- (N99) Postprocedural disorders of genitourinary system, not elsewhere classified
- (N99.0) Postprocedural renal failure
- (N99.1) Postprocedural urethral stricture
- Postcatheterization urethral stricture
- (N99.2) Postoperative adhesions of vagina
- (N99.3) Prolapse of vaginal vault after hysterectomy
- (N99.4) Postprocedural pelvic peritoneal adhesions
- (N99.5) Malfunction of external stoma of urinary tract
- (N99.8) Other postprocedural disorders of genitourinary system
- (N99.9) Postprocedural disorder of genitourinary system, unspecified
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96) Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99) Complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O9A) Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99) Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases (E00-E88) Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T88) Neoplasms (C00-D49) Symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, NEC (R00-R94)
See also
- List of ICD-10 codes
- International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
- List of ICD-9 codes 580–629: diseases of the genitourinary system