Hymenocallis rotata

Hymenocallis rotata
Hymenocallis rotata [1]
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Subfamily: Amaryllidoideae
Genus: Hymenocallis
Species: H. rotata
Binomial name
Hymenocallis rotata
(Ker Gawler) Herb.
  • Pancratium rotatum Ker Gawler
  • Hymenocallis disciformis (DC.) M.Roem.
  • Hymenocallis floridana (Raf.) Morton
  • Hymenocallis floridana subsp. amplifolia Traub
  • Hymenocallis lacera var. minor Chapm.
  • Hymenocallis laciniata Small
  • Hymenocallis mexicana Herb.
  • Hymenocallis paludosa Salisb.
  • Hymenocallis rotata var. disciformis (DC.) Herb.
  • Hymenocallis rotata var. quadrifolia Herb.
  • Ismene knightii Knowles & Westc.
  • Pancratium carribaeum Mill.
  • Pancratium disciforme DC.
  • Pancratium rotatum var. biflorum Ker Gawl.
  • Pancratium rotatum var. pluriflorum Ker Gawl.
  • Tomodon floridanum Raf.
  • Tomodon rotatum (Ker Gawl.) Raf.

Hymenocallis rotata is a plant in the family Amaryllidaceae, endemic to the north-central portions of the US State of Florida.[5] It is found along the banks of spring-fed streams in the region.[2]

The species is a perennial herb with rhizomatous bulbs, with showy flowers that open in late Spring and early Summer. The shape of the staminal corona is distinctive within the genus, rotate rather than the more common funnel-shaped, white with a yellow-green eye near the center.[2][6]
