Hurwitz's theorem (complex analysis)

In mathematics and in particular the field of complex analysis, Hurwitz's theorem is a theorem associating the zeroes of a sequence of holomorphic, compact locally uniformly convergent functions with that of their corresponding limit. The theorem is named after Adolf Hurwitz.

Theorem statement

Let {fk} be a sequence of holomorphic functions on a connected open set G that converge uniformly on compact subsets of G to a holomorphic function f. If f has a zero of order m at z0 then for every small enough ρ > 0 and for sufficiently large kN (depending on ρ), fk has precisely m zeroes in the disk defined by |zz0| < ρ, including multiplicity. Furthermore, these zeroes converge to z0 as k → ∞.


The theorem does not guarantee that the result will hold for arbitrary disks. Indeed, if one chooses a disk such that f has zeroes on its boundary, the theorem fails. An explicit example is to consider the unit disk D and the sequence defined by

f_n(z) = z-1+\frac{1}{n}, \qquad z \in \mathbb C

which converges uniformly to f(z) = z−1. The function f(z) contains no zeroes in D; however, each fn has exactly one zero in the disk corresponding to the real value 1−(1/n).


Hurwitz's theorem is used in the proof of the Riemann Mapping Theorem,[1] and also has the following two corollaries as an immediate consequence:


Let f be an analytic function on an open subset of the complex plane with a zero of order m at z0, and suppose that {fn} is a sequence of functions converging uniformly on compact subsets to f. Fix some ρ > 0 such that f(z) ≠ 0 in 0 < |zz0| ≤ ρ. Choose δ such that |f(z)| > δ for z on the circle |zz0| = ρ. Since fk(z) converges uniformly on the disc we have chosen, we can find N such that |fk(z)| ≥ δ/2 for every kN and every z on the circle, ensuring that the quotient fk′(z)/fk(z) is well defined for all z on the circle |zz0| = ρ. By Morera's theorem we have a uniform convergence:

\frac{f_{k}'(z)}{f_{k}(z)} \to \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)}.

Denoting the number of zeros of fk(z) in the disk by Nk, we may apply the argument principle to find

 m = \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{\vert z -z_{0}\vert = \rho} \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)} \,dz = \lim_{k\to\infty}\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{\vert z -z_{0}\vert = \rho} \frac{f'_{k}(z)}{f_{k}(z)} \,dz = \lim_{k\to\infty}N_{k}

In the above step, we were able to interchange the integral and the limit because of the uniform convergence of the integrand. We have shown that Nkm as k → ∞. Since Nk are integer valued, Nk must equal m for large enough k.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gamelin, Theodore (2001). Complex Analysis. Springer. ISBN 978-0387950693.

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