Hugo Höllenreiner

Hugo Adolf Höllenreiner is a Sinti survivor of the Porajmos during the national socialist dictatorship.


Höllenreiner's parents chose the middle name of their son in order to protect him from the growing threat of the Nazis. Still he was deported to the concentration camp Auschwitz on 16 March 1943,[1] where Josef Mengele tortured him and his brother with cruel medicinical experiments. After being taken to the other concentration camps Ravensbrück and Mauthausen, he finally ended up in Bergen-Belsen. Him, his five siblings, and both parents survived the Porajmos. Since the late 1990s, Höllenreiner has given numerous lectures about his experiences. Höllenreiner lives in Ingolstadt.

Portrayal in literature, film and music

In numerous interviews with the author Anja Tuckermann, Höllenreiner has talked about his fate during the Nazi era. Tuckermann received the German Youth literature prize for her book "Denk nicht, wir bleiben hier!" The book also received numerous nominations for other literature prizes. In 2007 Angelus Mortis shot a documentary about Höllenreiner's fate. Adrian Coriolan Caspar did some interviews with Höllenreiner in 2008, which he implemented musically with his first orchestral work Symphonia Romani - Bari Duk, an oratorium for solo bass, mixed choir and orchestra.

External links


  1. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum with the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma Heidelberg: Gedenkbuch: Die Sinti und Roma im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz Birkenau. Saur, München/London/New York/Paris 1993, ISBN 3-598-11162-2. (Trilingual: Polish, English, German) S. 104