Houston Graduate School of Theology

Houston Graduate School of Theology or HGST is an independent, evangelical, multicultural, and ecumenical seminary, training students from more than 30 denominational traditions.

History and heritage

HGST was founded in 1983, and the school reflects its Quaker heritage in the diversity, openness, and inclusiveness of its student body, faculty, and staff. The school has enrolled students representing more than 17 nationalities, many of whom have returned to roles of leadership in overseas missions or other foreign Christian ministries. There are approximately 190 students currently enrolled in all degree programs.


HGST offers four degree programs:[1]

Certificate programs are available in the areas of Christian spirituality, spiritual direction, and missional leadership. Numerous other courses are available in summer and special “mini” terms. Since its founding, the school has awarded over 700 earned degrees, plus several honorary doctorates.


Collectively, HGST's resident, emeritus, and adjunct faculty members hold 17 Ph.D., 11 D.Min., 1 Th.D., 1 Ed.D., and 2 J.D. degrees.

HGST Resident Faculty 2011


Mission and identity

Though diverse in theological perspective, HGST consciously identifies with historic evangelical Christianity. HGST brings together people from a wide range of ethnic, cultural, economic, and language backgrounds. HGST encompasses a broad spectrum of faith experiences and doctrinal orientations, and encourages the passionate espousal of personal convictions within an atmosphere of mutual respect for difference.


HGST is fully accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) to grant Master of Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Counseling, Master of Divinity, and Doctor of Ministry degrees. HGST is listed in the Education Directory: Colleges and Universities, published by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement of the U.S. Department of Education Center of Statistics. HGST is approved by the State Approving Agency for veterans' benefits, and is a member of the Council of Southwestern Theological Schools (COSTS).


External links