Hotel amenity

A hotel amenity is something of a premium nature provided in addition to the room and its basics when renting a room at a hotel, motel, or other place of lodging. The amenities provided in each hotel vary. In some places of lodging, certain amenities may be standard with all rooms. In others, they may be optional for an additional cost.

In the room

Kitchen facilities

Some places of lodging offer kitchen facilities to enable guests to cook and/or store food. In some hotels, this may be in the form of a kitchenette. It may include a full-size or half-size refrigerator, an oven, a stove, and possibly some cabinets. This is common in extended stay hotels.

Other places may include just a refrigerator (often half-sized) and/or a microwave oven. When both are included, it is often marketed as a "MicroChill" or "microfridge."

Coffeemakers are also often found in rooms.

Hotels that offer no kitchen facilities in guest rooms sometimes provide them in the lobby for all guests to use.


A television set is a standard item in most hotel rooms. In the past, coin-operated pay TVs existed. Currently, standard TV channels are free to watch, but some lodging facilities charge extra for cable or satellite TV services that are offered.

With the advent of portable video through mobile and tablet devices, hotels have had a harder time generating revenue with their in room televisions. [1]

Internet access

Most places of lodging currently offer internet access in some form. Most common is wi-fi, which can be used by guests who bring their own computers in their rooms. In most hotels, this is free, though some charge a fee.

Some hotels offer hard-wired internet service requiring the use of a cable for the hook-up.

Some hotels also provide computers in the lobby for all guests to use, or more rarely, in each guest room. Recently, more hotels are offering in room tablet computers for guests to use.

Personal items

Many personal items are provided complimentary for use by guests. These may include irons and ironing boards, hair dryers, soap, shampoo, mouthwash, or shower caps. A current trend in personal items in the United States is to focus on American-made toiletries, such as those made by William Roam, given a perception by guests that foreign-made amenities are not as desirable. For example, in 2007 hotel amenity provider Gilchrist & Soames, conducted a voluntary worldwide recall, in cooperation with the FDA of its 18-milliliter or 0.65-ounce tubes of complementary toothpaste with the company name on it. Gilchrist & Soames immediately quarantined its toothpaste, made in China, after the FDA issued its warning that the toothpaste possibly contained diethylene glycol. [2] The FDA stated at the time that it was not aware of any U.S. reports of any harmful effects from the toothpaste containing diethylene glycol.[3] Not all items are provided by all hotels; for example, some hotels do not provide toothpaste.[4]

Hair dryer

In some hotels, a hair dryer is offered for guests use.


Towels on a rack in a hotel room

Hotels generally provide towels to guests for their use.

One concern with the provision of towels is theft. Towel theft has proven costly to hotels, though hotels have been reported to do little to combat the problem.[5] In 2003, Holiday Inn offered amnesty to those who returned stolen towels.[6]

Hotels have begun to outfit their towels with RFID technology to reduce the frequency of theft. [7]

Outside the room


Various forms of dining are offered in various places of lodging. Some hotels offer a continental breakfast that is often complimentary to guests. Items often served include cereal, pastries, waffles, sausage, fruits, and beverages.

Some hotels have on-site restaurants. In most cases, the meals must be paid for. In some hotels, room service is available to guests.

Some resorts are all inclusive, allowing guests access to food at little or no charge at all times of day throughout their visits.


Vending machines are provided at many hotels and motels. These machines usually sell soft drinks, snacks, and other items commonly sold in vending machines.

Ice dispensers are also standard. While in some hotels, the ice may be complimentary, there may be a fee to obtain ice in others.


Some hotels have fitness centers allowing guests to work out during their visits here. A recent trend at some upscale properties, has seen some of the exercise and fitness programs held outdoors. [8]


Many resorts offer various recreational activities, such as golf, tennis, and other popular sports.

Swimming pools

Some hotels offer swimming pools to their guests. Outdoor pools may be open seasonally in temperate climates. Indoor pools can be open year round in any climate.
