Hosuk Lee-Makiyama

Hosuk Lee-Makiyama is a Brussels based economist, trade lawyer and foreign policy commentator. He has written on subjects primarily relating to international trade, digital economy, intellectual property, World Trade Organization and EU-Asia relations, especially with China, Japan and Korea.[1]

Lee-Makiyama has publicly supported EU's attempt to conclude bilateral free trade agreements with large trading blocs, and with economies in Asia .[2] He is also renowned as an authority on electronic commerce, and was the first author to question the legality of internet censorship under WTO rules,[3] and so far the only scholar to have argued the case in a Chinese academic journal.[4] Lee-Makiyama was nominated by the readers of The Guardian as 'one of the 20 most influential people in the open internet's history'.[5] He has also proposed a new trade agreement, International Digital Economy Agreement (IDEA), to replace the WTO IT Agreement (proposed by the European Commission to the WTO members in 2012).[6]

He is currently active as director of the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE). In the past, he also served as a diplomat in the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and represented the EU in the WTO and the UN.

He regularly comments in European, US and Chinese media.


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