Hooker Jim

Hooker Jim (1851–1879) was a Modoc warrior who played a pivotal role in the Modoc War. Hooker Jim was the son-in-law of tribal medicine man Curley Headed Doctor. After white settlers massacred Modoc women and children contemporaneously with the Battle of Lost River, Hooker Jim led a group of Modocs overland to Captain Jack's Stronghold.[1]:2256 During their march, Hooker Jim and his warriors killed several white settlers in revenge.[1]:225

Captain Jack, the Modoc chief, repeatedly refused to hand Hooker Jim and the other Modocs who had killed the settlers over to white authorities.[1]:229 et seq. Hooker Jim then coerced Captain Jack into murdering General Edward Canby at a peace council.[1]:2345

Soon after, as the Army invaded the Lava Beds where Captain Jack had taken refuge, Hooker Jim abandoned Captain Jack and surrendered to the Army.[1]:2389 Hooker Jim was part of the "Modoc Bloodhounds" used by the Army to capture Jack. After Captain Jack was finally captured, Hooker Jim testified against his chief in exchange for amnesty.[1]:240

Hooker Jim followed the tribe in exile to Oklahoma and died there in 1879.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Dee Brown, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Picador 2007).