Honour Moderations

Honour Moderations (or Mods) are a first set of examinations at Oxford University in England during the first part of the degree course for some courses (e.g., Greats or Literae Humaniores[1]).

Honour Moderations have a class associated with them (hence the "honours") but this does not count towards the final degree. In other courses, Moderations and Prelims (preliminary examinations) are the equivalent first set of examinations, but have no class associated with them. All three examinations are termed "First Public Examinations". Successful performance in "First Public Examinations" leads to the "Second Public Examinations", more commonly known as Finals. Finals are held at the end of all first degree courses at Oxford for arts subjects and split into examinations after the second, third and, if applicable, fourth year for science subjects.

Honour Moderations in Classics have been called the hardest examination in the world.[2] In recent times, however, with an extension in the duration of Honour Moderations in Classics, they may be less difficult than previously.[3]


  1. Regulations for the Honour School of Literae Humaniores, University of Oxford, UK.
  2. Mount, Harry (4 October 1999). "A few things pointy-heads should know". New Statesman.
  3. Pyper, Lottie (21 February 2013). "Classics Mods become less intense". Cherwell.org.