
Game background
Title(s) The Jester, The Keeper of Tales
Home plane Arborea
Power level Lesser Deity
Alignment Chaotic Good
Portfolio Humor, storytelling, inspiration
Domains Chaos, Dragon, Good, Trickery (Rune)
Superior Io
Design details

In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Hlal is the fictional dragon deity of humor and storytelling.

Publishing history

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition (1989-1999)

Hlal was first detailed for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting in the original Draconomicon (1990).[1]

Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 edition (2000-2007)

Hlal's priesthood and her role as a draconic deity are further detailed in the third edition Draconomicon (2003).[2]


Symbol: an open book

Favored Weapon:Short Sword (claw)

"Hlal is a sleek, copper colored dragon with a ready grin and a happy glint in her eye. Of the dragon gods, she is the most friendly to non-dragons.[3]

Hlal enjoys sharing stories and songs with those who appreciate such things, regardless of the listener's race or background.She has little use for tyrants, and even less patience for cruelty or bullying. She teaches that one must be free of restraint, whether real or psychological, in order to freely express one's opinions.


Hlal's priests are often multiclassed cleric/bards, using music and poetry to spread their faith. Places of worship are usually simple shrines, which can be packed up and moved to the next town at a moment's notice. The followers of Hlal share much in common with those of Olidammara, and many pay homage to both deities simultaneously. Both Hextor and Venca are among her chief enemies, because of their portfolios.


  1. Findley, Nigel, Christopher Kubasik, Carl Sargent, John Terra, and William Tracy. Draconomicon. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1990
  2. Colins, Andy, Skip Williams, and James Wyatt. Draconomicon (Wizards of the Coast, 2003)
  3. Quoted from the Draconomicon, page 34