Hitachi ID Identity Manager

Hitachi ID Identity Manager, also known as HiIM, is an Identity Management System product from Hitachi ID Systems.

HiIM enables organizations to manage identities and security entitlements in a consolidated fashion across one or more systems and applications. It can create, manage, and delete user accounts, assign and revoke group memberships, enable/disable login rights and manage artifacts such as home directory folders, mail boxes and one time password devices. These actions are made as a result of automation (e.g., driven by a system of record such as HR), requests, approvals or access recertification.

Product History

Hitachi ID Identity Manager was first released under the brand name "ID-Synch" by M-Tech Information Technology, Inc. (M-Tech) in 2002. Hitachi, Ltd. acquired M-Tech in 2008 and the product was subsequently renamed.[1]

HiIM currently ships version 8.2.2 (released Q4/2013).


See also