History of the Internet in Sweden

The history of Internet in Sweden can be considered to have begun in 1984, when the first Swedish network was connected to the Internet in Gothenburg. In the past, however, were data links between some colleges and universities with access via modem and UUCP to the European part of the Internet. Internet's predecessor ARPANET took its start around 1969 in California, USA.

It took until 1988 before any access to the Internet of importance came to Sweden, where the higher education network SUNET got a direct connection to the USA. Internet became available to the Swedish public in 1994 when Algonet as the first operator connected the Swedish Internet with the Swedish telephone network via modem pools. The usage cost were made up of a fixed monthly fee and per minute charges as with any other telephone call. In 1996 the Internet became available for a flat monthly fee in Ängelholm where the local cable TV company began to offer connectivity via Cable TV modems with an Ethernet interface. A big change started in 1999 when Bredbandsbolaget concluded a Framework Agreement with housing movement HSB and a large number of condominium apartments were given access to the Internet. This led Telia to come up with a similar offer, and soon a market was created where Bredbandsbolaget and Telia were just two of several players. In 2001, ADSL were made available, in beginning only from Telia who decided over the existing copper cables.


Timeline over History of the Internet in Sweden:

1962 The first modem for the telephone lines was made commercially available, with a transmission speed of 300 bit/s.

1971 Televerket (later Telia) abolished the monopoly on mobile (radio) terminals.[1]

1978 The first electronic discussion forum (BBS) were started in Sweden by Stockholms Datamaskincentral (QZ).

1984 The very first Swedish network[2] was connected to the Internet by Ulf Bilting at Chalmers University of Technology.[3]

See also


  1. mobilen50ar.se - Fakta om mobilen. En resa genom tiderna. 2007
  2. RFC900 juni 1984
  3. metro.se - Ulf Bilting kopplade in Sverige på internet, 2009-06-16