Historia Normannis

Historia Normannis is a 12th-century reenactment society, primarily based in the UK. It currently has around 30 active 'cells' across the UK, and a cell group in Brittany, France. The society has an active membership of around 500, making it one of the largest societies in the UK. The group's primary focus is on the period 1135-1215. The society usually hosts a large event in the first weekend in May at Whittington Castle.[1]


The society, like most in the UK, provides a range of combat displays and living history craft displays, as well as engaging in film-work and other promotional activities- often featuring in local press in locations where the group is highly active.[2] They recently featured in Episode 4 of the UKTV series, Weekend Warriors,[3] which followed the group's build-up to their annual event at Whittington Castle.


The society accepts new members through any of the currently active cell groups in the UK and France. Details about joining can be found on the group's website.[4]


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