Hippasus (mythology)

In Greek mythology, Hippasus (Ἴππασος) is the name of fourteen characters.


  1. Quintus Smyrnaeus, The Fall of Troy, 11. 36
  2. Homer. The Iliad, 11.426.
  3. Quintus Smyrnaeus, The Fall of Troy, 1. 279
  4. Ovid, Metamorphoses, 13. 257
  5. Homer. The Iliad, 13.411.
  6. Quintus Smyrnaeus. The Fall of Troy, 10.126.
  7. Homer. The Iliad, 17.348.
  8. Quintus Smyrnaeus. The Fall of Troy, 6.562.
  9. Quintus Smyrnaeus. The Fall of Troy, 9. 150
  10. Ovid, Metamorphoses, 8. 313
  11. Hyginus, Fabulae, 173
  12. Theoi Project - Calydonian Boar.
  13. Bibliotheca 1. 9. 16
  14. Hyginus Fabulae, 14.
  15. Statius. Thebaid, 7.340.
  16. Ovid, Metamorphoses, 12. 352
  17. Theoi Project - Kentauroi Thessalioi
  18. Hyginus. Fabulae, 90.
  19. Quintus Smyrnaeus, The Fall of Troy, 11. 87
  20. Apollodorus. The Library, 2.7.7.
  21. Antoninus Liberalis, Metamorphoses, 10
  22. Pausanias. Description of Greece, 2.13.1; 2.13.2.