Hinduism in Sweden

Out of a population of 8.9 million, persons of Indian origin and non-resident Indians together number 11,000 or 0.012%. A majority of them are Punjabis, Bengalis, Gujaratis & Tamilians.[1]

Timeline of Arrival of Indians in Sweden

Some Indian students who went to Sweden in the 1950s settled down there.

Another stream of Indians came from Uganda in the 1970s.

Some Indians sought and obtained political asylum after 1984.

The Indian community is culturally very active. Different associations hold cultural functions and observe national days.[2]

Hindus in Sweden

IRF 2005 reports that there are between 7,000 and 10,000 Hindus.

Of the 10,000 Hindus, 2,000 are of Tamil Origin [3] and 1,500 are of Bengali Origin.

Hindu Organisations in Sweden


  1. Indian diaspora
  2. ibid
  3. Tamilnation.org

External links