Hind Mazdoor Sabha

Full name Hind Mazdoor Sabha
Founded December 29, 1948
Members 3.3 million
Affiliation ITUC
Key people Sharad Rao, president
Harbhajan Sing Siddhu, general secretary
Office location New Delhi, India
Country India
Website members.rediff.com/hms/

The Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS, a Hindi name with approximate meaning 'Workers Assembly of India') is a national trade union center in India.


The HMS was founded in Howrah on December 24, 1948, by socialists, Forward Bloc followers and independent unionists. Its founders included Basawon Singh (Sinha), Ashok Mehta, R.S. Ruikar, Maniben Kara, Shibnath Banerjee, R.A. Khedgikar, T.S. Ramanujam, V.S. Mathur, G.G. Mehta. R.S. Ruikar was elected president and Ashok Mehta general secretary. HMS absorbed the Royist Indian Federation of Labour and the socialist Hind Mazdoor Panchayat. In March 1949, HMS claimed to have 380 affiliated unions with a combined membership of 618 802.[1][2]


According to provisional statistics from the Ministry of Labour, HMS had a membership of 3,342,213 in 2002.(13% of the total trade union membership in the country).[3][4]

International affiliations

In 1949 HMS became a founding member of the ICFTU.[2] Currently, it is affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation.


  1. Park, Richard L.. Labor and Politics in India, in Far Eastern Survey, Vol. 18, No. 16. (August 10, 1949), pp. 181-187.
  2. 2.0 2.1 header3
  3. http://www.labourfile.org/superAdmin/Document/113/table%201.pdf
  4. indianexpress.com

External links