'Hilalpur' is a village near Hajipur in Vaishali district, in Bihar, Zipcode- 844101.
This village is very big in area, occupying 2200 bigah of area. You can find people of almost all castes in this village. People have divided this village in different tolas for their identity. Land of this village is very fertile, people grow wheat, rice and seasonal fruits, and bananas in huge quantity.
The village is known for its green mango, banana, and lichi trees . Bank in this village- Canara bank of India(Hilalpur garh).
Few known people from this village are: Late Shri Chandrama Prasad Singh (Ex-Mukhiya) Late Shri Dinbandhu Prasad Singh (Social Worker and Railway union Leader) Mr. Samir Kumar (Ex-Mayor Muzaffarpur) Mr. Rahul Kumar (Pinku) Mr. Vinod Rai (Ex-Mukhiya)
For more details you can visit Hilalpur website-
hilalpur.webs.com Hilalpur Hajipur vaishali bihar.